Climbing that ladder to a smaller me..hehehehe

Jul 27, 2008

Im climbing that ladder to lose 50 more lbs befor October. In 10wks Im accomplished so much weight loss its not eve funny...Oh wait yes it is..Im tickled that I've done so well and stuck to it. Now if I could only quit smoking I would have accomplished all my goals before and after surgery. Its so hard to let go I dont even know why I need them..but in some cases I do..Im stressed with work now. My first week Im back to work there was a lay off..and I knew I would be on that list. Well that Friday they pulled me in the office and told me they were goin to lay me off but, decided to keep me on as part time. So guess what that means. Yep you guessed it, I lost my insurance benefits..ughhh and I have a doc visit comin up next month too. Guess that will be comin out of my pocket.  So, I just look at it this way..least I still have a job and have time to look for another one that pays the same. 

So, on a happy note..Im just thankful I had the surgery when I did..otherwise I'd been pissed if they told me that before my surgery was done. But hey, Im still happy and thankful for life and what it has brought me. This just makes me a stronger person. A person that bounces back 3 time better then before. Being thankful my boss was fighting for me as she told me by pulling me aside and telling me with her own words "I fought for you"...That made me feel awesome that she fought to keep me on at least part time. She's an awesome person. 

Anyhoo..October is just around the corner and IM looking to lose another 50lbs for what reason I have no clue..but just sounds good. Every day it seems Im losing weight 3lbs here 4lbs there. IMMMMM HAPPY!!!. 

Another thing is my boyfriend..he's been awesome though all the highs and lows when it comes to our work. He's been talking to me about cute is that..So we'll see what happens down the line. 

Well here's to another month and this up coming week I'll see how much inches I've lost. Im excited to see. Stay smiling and be thankful for what you have.  

Happy to report

Jul 16, 2008

Well, its another few weeks have gone by and IM happy to report I've lost morreeeeeeee weight woohoo. Its been awesome now that Im back to work..Im not as bored as I was before. All the walking I do to just do a lil arron here and there helps me I think to keep me on track with some physical activity along with the working out I do as well. I went shopping for the first time for pants..and IM happy to report Im in a size 22...holyyyyyyyy shit!!! I cant remember when I was a 22..LOL I skipped 24 and went right into 22s..shirt size is 18/20 for some clothes others if I can find it is 22 not to many shirts just a 22/24 if its button go figure huh..I was dreading buying pants..and to tell you the truth its goin to be one hell of an expencive year with all the different clothes I'll have to buy again..Im dropping weight quickly sweing machine time..gunna have to try and see if I can do that with all the pants I have in size 26..LOL

Its been a crazy month last month with the loss of my father and now this month Im officially a grammie..woohooo I was able to see her enter the world..OMG I cried like a baby. July 13 lil Alissa Marie 8lbs 7oz 19 1/2 inches long...OMGGGGGG so much hair too...beautiful baby. Anyhoo..Live is goin great 


Jul 03, 2008



Another 5lbs down..woohoo In just a few days...cwazyyyyyyyyyy
IM now down to 270lbs...Im getting so freakin excited because I get to fully work out on Monday!!!!!!!!!!

Let see what next week brings me. 

Another was it a mistake staying home the full 6wks..LOL IM groin bonkers..LOL...but, O'well least I get to get myself ready for the big day when I do return back which is in 2wks..woohoo I gotta start sewing my pants to a smaller size..this should be fun!...Anyhoo Im happy as can be words cant even discribe it. I just hope this helps someone out with me putting all my personal info on this page..LOL..I've developed some good friends just a few..Hopefully who ever is reading this will want to add me or I add you..the support is awesome knowing someone else has gone through or thinking about going throught it. 


Maintaining weight but, loosin inches

Jul 01, 2008

June 20th...............275lbs           July 1st ....275lbs
Arms........................18 inches.        18in -0 inches lost
Bust......................... 46 1/2inches.  46in -1/2 in whew
Calfs........................ 19 inches....     19in -0 inches lost
Hips.......................... 59 inches...     58in -1 inches lost
Inner thigh.............. 32 inches...     32in -0 inches grr
Waist........................ 47 inches....    45in -2 inches lost

Total loss 3inches for June.
Total inches lost from Hips.....7inches
Total inches lost from Waist....6 inches
Total inches lost from Bust.......1/2 inches
Total inches lost for the month of June "drum roll" 13 1/2inches. "BAM!!!!"

Hey Im very pleased Im at least losing inches even if it is 3inches it sure does show in my clothes. My waist is shrinking big time and it shows in my clothes..but, my hips..grrrr I still have the double the booty..but its still firming up..Hell its only bee a month tomorrow for post-op..

Im so ready for this week to be over. I'll be able to work out full blown next week..and them I'll be rocken.

Anyhoo..Thats my update. Happy 4th Of July for you all who are reading this.

First Doctor Visit Since Surgery

Jun 20, 2008

I had my first visit since the surgery and everything is going great according to the doctor. 

I had a few questions I needed to have answered like, why my urine looked sooo orange and stunk to high heaven. He said that is the fat that is leaving your body...wooohoooo means Im doin good its every day and ever time I go its orange. In two weeks I get to do full blown exercise..woohooo right now I've just been doin the bike and treadmill and lifting weights. Soon I'll be on the full track of a full body work out which I cant wait to do. 

OK, got my Ideal wieght from when I first started this processes of living a  healthier life here it goes

Their Ideal weight for me is thats skinny!!!!!!!
January: ..............177.8lbs over weight
May: ......................175.1lbs over wieght
June: ....................146.3lbs over wieght

Ok measurment time
Waist:......................53 inches
Hips:........................63 inches

Measuring myself every month 3weeks out of surgery meeasurments are

June 20th...............275lbs
Arms........................18 inches
Bust......................... 46 1/2 inches
Calfs........................ 19 inches
Hips.......................... 59 inches
Inner thigh.............. 32 inches
Waist........................ 47 inches

Total inches lost from Waist.......6inches
Total inches lost from Hips.........4inches
Total inches lost.......................... -10 inches.....HOLY SHIT!!! excuse my french

I've decided to make a monthly record of how many inches I loose a month at the end of this month I'll redo my inches chart. 

I also found out today Im supposed to have B12 once a week, but I've been doin it every day. Doc said its ok so hell if it dont hurt me fantastic for me. 

Anyhooo.. todays a pretty good day..doc said Im above average on the weight loss  28.7lbs I've lost in 3weeks..woohooo!!!!
Ok Untill next week. Keep reading, keep smilin...and live life to the fullest

Weighin myself to much but happy with the results

Jun 15, 2008


Today is Fathers day and first time without my daddy around. It kinda hit me hard but, Im surviving. I got up yesterday morning to weigh myself and I was suprized I lost another 5lbs. I cant stress enough how this choice I've made for myself is the best thing I've done in years. It was a big test for me. My love and my son and I went to the movies. It was weird not eating the popcorn  but mannnnnnnnn did it smell good. Anddddd I fitted in the seat better this time...woohoooo I didnt feel so squished in the movie seat YEAH!!!!...My every day habbits have changed dramaticly in a good way of course. I totally enjoyed the moviE even though I wasnt stuffin my face with a large popcorn. After the movies we went to lunch. Even though Im not supposed to be eating solids yet, I went a head and tried it anyways. I got a scoop of tuna and a big romane lettuce leave. I didnt even eat half of it and I felt I did good by only getting that. The waiteress looked at me funny so I told her I had WLS surgery funny how you mention that and all this personal info came from her. It was funny she goes and replies ohh maybe I should do that (mind you she was a size 10) Im like honey you dont need it..what makes a woman a size 10 say something like that?..I just busted up and started laughing made no sence for her to make a comment like that even after she explained she drinks and eats lots of junk food.. I shook my head after she left and said what a dork..LOL. 

Smilin from ear to ear!

Jun 12, 2008


Well, another week has gone by and Im happy to say Im dropin the weight still. I found myself wondering if I was goin to lose anymore weight or if I was doin something wrong...I got all panicy on day I weighed in at 285 the next day I dropped 5 more lbs whew!. Im tellin a lil secret here but I went to the gym again hehehe just walked on the treadmill and this time I did a lil faster walk and walked for a half hour what put me at a mile in a I also did low weight lifting for my bye byes under my arms..LOL I cant wait till I see my doctor next week so I can get the go ahead and work out

I notice my face doesnt look so full anymore and IM down a size 22/24 OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG LOL I've been a 26/28 for like forever!!!! even the undies too...lmao maybe TMI but just showin what you get to look forward too. 19lbs in two weeks IM pretty freakin jazzed..LOL IM tickled pink, im estatic..ughh I just cant wait till the ending results. Im sure my pocket can but hey. Im gunna have a Plus size garage sale here pretty soon so I'll just put that money aside..I still have some really nice clothes I'll need to get rid of next month..

Anyhooo Live is grand, and Im still feelin as happy as I was at my regular weight. Only thing is IM not in that much pain on my feet..I can get out of bed without having to wait till my feet can support it..even though its only 28lbs. Try picking up 2 10lb bags of potatoes and you'll see what my feet no longer have. Now just 130lbs to goooooooooooooooo!!!!..LOL

Peace out and keep your head up and smilin, for you should be proud of who you are!

IM Home and Doin great!!!!!

Jun 09, 2008

Im out and walking around feeling AWESOME!!!!!!! lil discufort but, that is just fine with me. 

Im so happy its finally over and I can stop stressing on a date when the surgery is goin to be.. Now I can relax and start doing what I set my mind to do and thats loooooosssssseeeeeeee sooo much weight it aint even funny. 

Surgery was the 2nd and out of the hospital on the 4th, in the gym on the 6th walking veryy slowly. It was funny I kinda felt stupid for myself cause I was walking so slow but, I knew I shouldt of been there so I just took it easy and walked for 35mins that took me a mile, hey not to shabby for just getting out of the hospital huh..hehehe

In the mist of all this though, I've lost my daddy to cancer on the 5th. The day after I get out of the hospital. Strange how he was supposed to be here with me in CA but he decided not to. Now I can see why. He knew. Im soo happy he's finally out of pain and in heaven with his daddy and brother who both died of cancer.. Anyways. Life is goin on like planned just one great man isnt in that plan anymore. The good Lord has him now. And I thank him for finally taking him out of pain. 

So, heres to a new life a new beginning, new clothing, new
Till next time. 

Keepa loosin!!!

Holy Cow!!!

May 29, 2008

Wow only 4days my tummy has butterflies right now. I've been doing so much reading up on this and let me tell you..I've heard some pretty crazy stories..but yet, I still want to follow thru. A book I read was What the Doctors dont Tell you. This guy had me cracking up. He was mean, funny, and right out nasty. But, he got his point across. Poor guy I felt sorry for him cause he didnt know how to handle all the changes. I was talking with my boyfriend yesterday, poor guy. I was worried about the what if's the ending resultsI think that is the only thing Im really worried about is  whole thing. Im the kind of person that like to know before hand, before stepping foot into the puddle kinda thing. And because I wont know till I get to my goal, that is whats driving me kinda nutts right now. 

Last weekend we went to Santa Barbra kinda like the last hoo ha and I was looking in the windows of the clothing shops. Wondering if I was goin to be in one of those shops anytime soon. My biggest fear is not knowing what lies ahead. Im not used to planning head that much. Im just goin to have to take it one day at a time once the surgery is done. Right now I can worry..hehehehehe. 5:15am Monday morning is goin to be the biggest day of my life..well sort of. Having my beautiful babies was the biggest day..ok so this is the second biggest day of my life. Im very much looking forward to getting this weight off. My poor daddy who couldnt make it for the baby shower for my daughter nor my surgery..poor guy hes so upset (mind you he's dying of cancer) he couldnt make it. But him and my partner said at the same time I wouldnt be able to take care of my dad while Im trying to recover...duhhhh me..not even thinking of myself. But, it is true. If something went wrong with my daddy and I couldnt get there in time I would be devistated!!!!. now Im kinda done venting. I have more but you and I would get board..LOL. It just goes to show you have a lot of questions goin on in your mind. Even more so when your really not worried about how you look heavy, or have a addiction to food, which I dont have. Im very comfy with what I look like on the outside, I dont care what others think of me while Im fat due to I dont live for strangers, I live for myself and family. 
Im only doing the WLS to stop living in complete pain.
Its rare to find someone my size not insecure with themselves. I've lived heavey all my life this new life is gunny be veryyyyy different, but IM totally up for the challenges. 

Ok enough gosh. Hope you can understand my jibber its just comin out of my fingers and I cant make it stop. My mind is goin and goin..LOL
Peace out 

So much on my mind its kinda dragging me down

May 18, 2008

Ughh, my mind is racing all over the place. These final 16days are goin to drive me crazy. Yesterday I went shopping for my food/ liquid food..LOL for after surgery. I even went and got the Magic Bullet..OMG that is such a neat toy. You can blend your drink/food and take it to go after your done. Cute lil toy..I got it at Bed Bath and Beond if your wondering. It sure helps with the shakes. No need to bring out this huge blender and pour into cup when you have it already with the Magic Bullet..

Went and got my vitamins..UGhh pain in the but, Cause I know Im goin to have a hard time doing this on time so Im starting now two weeks before my surgery to try and make it part of my routine. I have to say everything tast good all but the liquid Iron. Leaves a funny tast in your mouth. I tried it with milk..and Uhh biggggg mistake. It really tasted funny so I chuggggged as fast as I could..LOL My better half said I should just squirt it in my mouth and have a water chaser. IM trying that tomorrow..LOL.

IM goin though this issue about the extra skin I have now and after I lose all the weight. My issues is..even working out for 2hrs 5days a week will I still have the extra skin which will lead me to skin removal surgery??????? I really dont want to have to do that. Its bad enough Im doin this to myself to live a healthier life..Im hoping if I work out really hard that I'll just have a lil bit of skin hangage..Drives me nuts in my mind because I dont know what Im goin to look like, but Im excited to get there to find out. Im just taking it one day at a time, but the more I think about it the more Im getting all bummed. Ive been reading many porfiles on this site and majority of the women that were heavy are now majorly skinny and reason being was they have skin removed. Ughh sometimes I wish I could see the future. Just so I could get a piece of mind. This I know will be something that cant be answered until my time arrives. Ok enough venting I guess. I need to find something constructive to do instead of reading all these old profiles of womens before and after pic. I need to see if there are any other sites I can check out that are more updated. Until next time Keep smilin.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 28
100lbs LOST!!!!!!!!!!
Almost out of the 200 weight
20lbs to go before I've lost 100lbssssssssss
Doctor said!
HOLY MOLY!!!! Shocked myself in Measurement time!!!
