Times flying, but not fast enough

May 16, 2008


Lost 8lbs on my own..woohoo!!!!

May 14, 2008

My pre-op went well May 12th man did that take a long time to get done with. Its so funny how they have you go to OC Medical, first floor, then when your done registering they send you up stairs, then when your done there they send you back down stairs to finish up the testing. I tell you that Upper GI wowwwwwwwww I warn you that stuff they gave me called Beirium..Ughhhh sooooo nasty tasting I would suggest a water chaser to help the thickness..LOL. You know its funny they have you fast for this, now I can see why. I requested if I could take the lid off of the thickkkkk drink I couldnt see myself sucking alll 8oz of this stuff thru a straw thats for sure. Im just glad it wasnt a tube goin down my throat like I thought it was..man was I stressing on that..LOL. Anyhoo 2wks to go and IMMMM so ready for this. Not only to lose the weight, but I get a month off...ahhhh what a life and get paid for it. Vacation first the disability next. Not to shabby I say. I met with Dr Ali He's cool people. I was told they can do laperscopily which makes me tickled pink. Last thing I want is another scar on my belly to make me look like frankinstein...LOL 
His nurse Hmm she's another story. This whole time I've come to OBH I thought I would have to do a liquid diet before surgery, to my surpize I dont. I was sooo happy. But, Dr Ali said if I wanted to I could and they had the perfect drink to sub my meals with. I spoke with his nurse and mann she was telling me I HAD TO USE THE LIQUID DIET. I turned to her and said I dont have to do shit. I've already started losing weight on my own yeah only 8bls but hell thats a start and I still have a few weeks left to lose more weight. She prosseded to tell me its better for me..which Im sure it is.. but damn the carb and sugar count was higher then what I do on my own.  And I told her no.. even more so 125 a week noooo thats ok Im mean I could do it, its not a money issue but, being told I have to with all those carbs and sugar uh uh noo way. LOL stubburb B*&%# huh..LOL

8 weeks and counting

Apr 14, 2008

Ughh Im goin nuts, but at the same time it seems the weeks are goin fast. Even more so cause Im working out every day for 1hr 1/2 and feeling great. I've already lost 4lbs and 1inch off my clothes..wowo and I havent even had the sugery yet!. I've been trying to get a head start on it so I dont have to be cut open. And also too so I get into the habbit of taking time out for myself. 

I really wonder what it takes to get people on here to talk more? Im looking to contact anyone in my area to maybe become a work aut partner. We all know its no fun working out alone. Anyhoo I guess I'll stop talking to myself..lmao j/k. 

I also bought 10 books on the whole gastric bypass life the likes and dislikes. Im sure by the time Im done Ii'll have all the books on this subject. Im almost done with my first book. its called " Its not over till the thin lady sings" by Michelle Ritchie. The book is completely funny, Sad, and also has you do a few asignments to get to know your own way of thinking on paper. I would recommend this book for those who are thinking of doing the sugery. Anyhoo enough for now I'll be returning next week.

That Call everyone waits on once Approved

Mar 19, 2008

Finally got a date for my sugery...JUNE 2ND 2008 Holyyyyyy chit man its comin true. All I keep thinking about is no longer have to worry where to sit  wondering if Im goin to fit. Not waking up in complete pain  having skinny sex..lmao sorry thats been goin thru my mind. LOL its goin to be crazy. I've seen so many awesome before and after pics..but the whole loos skin is really scaring me. I'd rather not go though another major surgery to get it done. My second job will be working out for a few hours. That just scares me to death. I've seen some of them pics where the before was better then the after Im a big girl with that kind of belly that flaps over the pelvic area. Im hoping a chit load of sit up and walking and what ever it takes to make it not be haning to my knees LOL. I just wished it was sooner. When I got that call and she said well you ready for your date. I was ohhh hell yea give it to me. When she said June..my heart went down to my tummy. My reply to her was isnt there anaything else sooner..LOL. She laugh said no. Damn. O'well 2months will go by in a flash. I have one on one talk with my doctor in May. So we'll see what happens there. In the mean time I've been working out already. Just got bycicle over the weekend OMG that was sooo awesome to ride again..LOL and I even got a special seat for my bike so my bigg butt wouldnt hurt as much. It was soo rejuvinating it wasnt even funny. Anyhoo Thats all for now. I must go and do more read on this whole after life of the bypass.


Reaceived that call that made me Cry.

Feb 28, 2008

OMG!!! OMG!!!! Crying with excitement, shaking like a leaf, smile from ear to ear after hearing the message I got on my phone today. I, I, I, WAS APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG I thought for sure I'd have to wait longer. I just cant get over it..Im sooo happy now Im just waiting to see when the date will be. Starting tomorrow I have 5-10 days for the schedueler to contact me to scheduel my surgery date. It has been a short trip so far..hope I dont have to wait much longer. The ants in my pants are goin nuts. My partner was excited for me. He stated he was goin to cry for me..I told him no need to I did it already sheer happieness of course. Standing by my phone waiting for it to vibe. Hopefully tomorrow I hear something..ughhhhh my tummy is in knots..LOL 

Excitement, Worried, Happy

Jan 09, 2008

Today is a very good day. Im still sore from working out..lol trying to get a head start and get in the habbit on working out. Its been fun working out cause my son has been with me. Next week, I'll be doing it alone and thats not goin to be as fun,, but gotta do it. Tomorrow is my first class. Im really excited to see what is goin to happen. What I have to do and so on. Im heading out today to get my first scale in 10yrs..lmao how sad huh. Not sure what kind of scale I should get. anyone have any idea on whats the best kind? WEll time for me to bounce. I will fill you in more once the class is over tomorrow. Peace out

Here we go!!!

Dec 11, 2007

WEll, today I got the call from my PCP, she said I was approved for my first consultation. I have an appointment Jan 10 2008 for class. How exciting is that. I thought for sure it was going to take longer. Im sure the worst it still to come once they get all the paper work together. I feel like Im goin in this blindly. I read a few things on here which tells me to do something different. I guess I shouldnt rush to much..I've been heavy all my life..whats a few more weeks huh...heheh. I've been stressing thought what I have to see a head doctor for. I guess I'll know more once my feet are in the door more. My boyfriend has been so supportive. He even looked up the bariatric surgeon before I could even get to work and check him out. Dr Peter Leport is who Im authorized with. Im getting antsy thought. I asked Aiesha what makes the processes go quicker..she said its all up to me. I was dumbfounded really. So, I guess I'll see what she has to say when my appointment comes up.

Anyhoo, enough venting for now. Im goin back in the site and look at all the beautiful people before and after pics. Just a little note.. they were beautiful before and now after!

*keeps Smilin*


Oct 25, 2007

After talkin to my girlfriend I've decided I would figure out what would be the best choice for me to a surgical weight loss program.

When I think about it, I get this butterfly feeling in my stomach.
I feel Im scared to lose weight. I've been heavy so long I've grown to love myself for my size. How do I over come this feeling my weight is a security blanket?

But, then again after seeing some of the results OMG it totally excites me and to think hopin my knees wont hurt anymore. And to think I dont have to try and find another Plus size store cause the old stores are always the same it seem. I get excited thinking I can go anywhere and not worry someone is goin to have the same shirt as I do..although it would be funny knowing someone my size has the same taste or is stuck wearing that same design. I dunno I have all these mixed feelings about it and looking for guidence from someone that had the same feeling or close to it as I do now. 

Im hoping posting this will get someones attention

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2007
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 28
100lbs LOST!!!!!!!!!!
Almost out of the 200 weight
20lbs to go before I've lost 100lbssssssssss
Doctor said!
HOLY MOLY!!!! Shocked myself in Measurement time!!!
