Sharon Neva 21 years, 8 months ago

LESLIE~~ 40 Pounds in 5 weeks! That's AWESOME!! Keep it up. You are an inspiration to us all. Keep us posted on your progress.

Anne G. 21 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for your encouraging message, Leslie! I read your "journal" just now and I got tears in my eyes when you finally had approval and a surgery date! Monday is so close -- I can't believe it. Please pray for me. My surgery is scheduled for 1:15 pm Pacific Standard Time. God bless you ~annie

Becca K. 21 years, 9 months ago

It might be proteinex. You can find it with, I think! Hugs, girlfriend..

gale C. 21 years, 9 months ago

leslie- thanks for the words of encourgement. i am getting a bit antsy. the days are coming up quick (13 days left) and so i thought i would go thru and read my "comments" it has been giving me a sense of being calm!!!! again thank you and good luck to you, please keep in contact and let me know how you are doing!!! hugs, gale

sage 21 years, 9 months ago

September 09, 2002 Dear Leslie: Greetings! We went through the surgery around the same time and it looks like we were probably around the same weight. I've been experiencing pretty much the same things as you---hunger. It's been hard. Last night I woke-up and immediately chowed down very fast three small peanutbutter crackers----Man, was I sorry I did that because it hurt----big time. I'm learning about what really bad eating habits I had prior to my surgery and how much I used food to comfort and fill my time. Typing this post right now, I'm hungry. I'm having a really hard time fulfilling my protein needs. Anyway, I've found that the pretend crab meat fills me up, keeps me full for a good two hours, and has never hurt my new little stomach. I'm using sugarfree popcisles too, plus, because the protein powder I bought tastes so much like chalk, I bought some sugarfree vanilla ice-cream and mixed it all in the blender, I was able to drink 3-4 ounces of it and was SO FULL I had to lay down for an hour; But I didn't get sick. Anyway, remember you're consuming so little calories compared to prior to surgery and it's such a big ajustment for our bodies to realize they need to start burning all that fat. I'm sorry your husband is being so insenstive; It sounds like he's not coping with the reality of the situation, and is much more comfortable with you being fat and will attempt everything to sabatage your success. Watch out for that stuff. Just some thoughts. Sincerely, Lori Ann

sammygirlwpc 21 years, 9 months ago

I am having a good day, today. The pain is getting better and better and I find myself not taking the Tylenol so often. I know that is a good sign. One week post-op today! I am starting to get hungry. I find myself craving food and drooling over my hubby's peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! I know, howeverm that I will remain true to my diet because I don't want to screw this up! I have gone through too much. I know it will only be a matter of time before I will be able to have the things I am craving. I am getting the feeling like I am closed in here. I can't walk in my house, so I go out in my yard. I want to walk around the block, but I want to really have someone there the first couple of times I do that. One, to make sure I make it and secondly because I don't live in the best neighborhood. Jeff is off on Thursday and Friday, so we will go then. Until then, the backyard will have to do. The Dirrhea has gotten better. Still existant, but not quite so watery. I am still not sleeping very long and it is annoying. And I was really excited this morning. I can actually wipe my own tooshie! (Hey that's a big accomplishment for me) I was really tired ot the tongs! :-) Still chugging away on my water and my "meals" if you will. I am having sugar-free popcicles, jell-o, apple and grape juice, Boost, and sugar-free pink lemonade. It is all worth it in my book, though! Looking forward to eating more solid foods.

sage 21 years, 9 months ago

Dear Leslie: Greetings. I'm ten days post-op. Lay off the Boost; It gives me the squirts real bad. Concerning the numbness goe see your doctor and get up off that reclinder and start walking! But, seriously, see the doc to make sure you don't have a bloodclot. Try sticking to some cream soups (chicken, mushroom etc.;) and try a small amount of scrambled eggs. Ensure has a light protein drink with 10 grams of protein---maybe it won't upset your little tummy as bad. Hope it gets better! Sincerely, Lori Ann

Tami D. 21 years, 9 months ago

Leslie, Welcome to the losing side! Remember, the first 2-3 weeks are the worst. I pray you are feeling better each day and your dreams will be fulfilled with this surgery. May God continue to hold you in his healing hands and help you get closer to your goals each day. Tami

Valerie B. 21 years, 9 months ago

Welcome to the losing side my friend. My surgery was on August 26 also! I am sure you are as relieved as I am to have this part behind you. This is our new beginning, the second chance that we have prayed for. Make the most of it! God Bless You.

sammygirlwpc 21 years, 9 months ago

<font face="pegasus" color="red"> Hello everyone. I am home now. Forgive my typing as I am not quite yet up to par. It has been a long week, but I am still kicking. I am not going to post much here, but know that I am doing well. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO POSTED TO MY PAGE. IT WOULD TAKE ME FOREVER TO THANK EVERYONE INDIVIDUALLY, SO I AM JUST GOING TO DO IT HERE. Thanks! Anyways, when I am more up to it, I will update on what happened. Good to know I am on "the other side" now. Ta ta for now from your lap and open friend. :-P
About Me
Hood River, OR
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This photo was taken of my husband and I in January of 2002; just learning about surgery.
This photo was taken in April of 2003. I am 7 months post-op and have lost 124 pounds.
