I've been inside my head....

Jun 29, 2008

It has been some time since I updated. I have had a lot going on and have been trying to work things out. Some things are beyond my control so having to live with that when I want to be a control freak is hard. Since I no longer can turn to food-but have tried at times-I tend to withdraw into myself a bit. I need to identify who I am. Who I have around me. What am I willing to put up with.
Things are starting to turn around. I have had to really work and put thought and actions into place on those I value. Those I do not-pftttttt. I do not have time for that anymore. I am seeing a response to the work I have put in. Some things are MUCH improved.
One of my biggest stresses has been from my son's deployment in Afghanistan. He has already been in a firefight. It has been ugly with no end in sight. This outside problem caused me to stress eat. Granted, I cannot eat as much but I was RAVENOUS...
I finally forced myself to conciously eat-meaning no mindless putting food in my mouth. I also needed to make sure I ate protein first. It was amazing how much eating refined carbs makes you have cravings and hunger. As soon as I made the change to protein first-BAM.. my hunger was gone. Seems simple but it takes thinking on it-hence being inside your head.
I can actually see that I am thin now. I did not have a big problem with my self body image as some but still felt a little large. Well, when you are skinny in photos and video-you know you REALLY are thin.
I had a big ego stroking trip this past weekend. I went to a big barrel racing finals and saw a bunch of people who had not seen me in awhile. Many people did not recognize me-they heard some say my name or heard my voice and that was the only way they knew it was me. So many came up to me to tell me how great I looked. Who can be depressed with all that positive reinforcement??
Funniest moment was when one lady did not recognize me and I was talking to a group and we were complaining about our belly fat and rolls. She looked at me and said" I  cannot beleive it when women who look like you have the nerve to complain about your belly when you never had one" I replied" Well a year ago I weighed 122 lbs more so I think I can safely say I am the expert among this group on belly fat" She looked dumbfounded and did not beleive me until someone else confirmed my story. How cool-she thought I was one of the 'skinny bitches".
Biggest lesson-when you start to have struggles and you will-REACH OUT for help. Find your support wherever it is for you. If you hide away or withdraw, you are only repeating the actions that ended in consoling yourself with food, booze, drugs, whatever. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT...
Continue to examine the person you want to be. Reinventing yourself is about more than just weight loss. Value yourself or no one else will......

Struggles and success

May 29, 2008

I have been struggling lately. My son was deployed to Afghanistan. He is in a very nasty area and it really left me shook up. I started to stress eat. However, I was able to get it stopped after a few hours rather than weeks! I also could not eat very much at a time so the damage was minimal.
I have also been dealing with personal issues. It can be hard for family members when you undergo WLS. The adjustment and insecurities can be very close to the surface. I am trying to make an effort to be more attentive, engage in conversation, etc. I hope the exra effort will go a long way towards showing that things are all right.
I also struggle with setting new goals. I loved having weight loss goals but now that I am at goal I need to look for new things to keep me on track. I finally broke down and set a new goal of 160. It was not a huge amount of weight but it just seems to keep me in line.
What to do next? I guess the possibilities are endless. 
PS. I also got into some size 6 capri's the other day. Size 6! I didn't have that as a goal but it sure felt marvelous. Funny story- I was trying the capri's on and I felt like the size 8's were too big but the size 6's were a bit snug. I was going back and forth and finally the fitting room monitor said"Whether it is a 6 or 8 it is small so what are you worrying about?" I told her a year ago I was a size 22-24 so it all mattered and always will. I was having my WOW moment and the lady thought I was bitching. Funny!

One Year Out and my First Style Show

May 01, 2008

I can't believe my one year Surgiversary has passed and I am just now commenting on it. I think I am in a state of transition. Learning to live at my new goal weight. Getting on with life and just plain busy with so many activities. Seems weird, I spent so much time these last years FAT and in a short time-1 Year-I am already at goal. Hard to wrap my mind around it sometimes. I am wondering how long my weight loss is going to be an issue and source of comments. The comments are all good, I do not mind the attention like some but pretty soon, this will be the new normal and it will no longer trigger any response.
I have been practicing and getting ready for the annual style show that our weight loss program produces. It is for all the medical personnel as well as current and future patients. Actually anyone could attend.
There was a nice table set up with nibbles for the bariatric crowd. Some really interesting spreads as well as the usual fruits and veggies. How cool to go to something that had WLS friendly food that looked and tasted amazing.
The Dr's had time to give an overview of the program and then there were about 12 who gave testimonies. Half way thru- there was a salsa dancing demonstration for all who attended the free classes. I tried it one night. It is fantastic exercise!
Then the second half went thru. I was 3rd from the last. I wore my cowboy hat, low cut jeans, black bling belt, black gator boots, black v neck tee and a black jacket. After my testimony, I walked out on the stage to a song-in my case "These boots are made for walking" and strutted my stuff. Behind us on a big screen is our before picture taken at the clinic as well as how much we have lost.
It was a really big moment for me and it was nice to have my hubby, step-daughter, and Mom & Dad there to see how far I have come.
It really felt like I had completed my journey. Sometimes I now struggle with what to do next. I have devoted myself to weight loss for this past year. I really need goals and a program. What do I do now?? I have a program for eating-I just do not have a program for life.
Hmmmmm, more to think about........


Apr 13, 2008

I have been adjusting to eating after goal. It is weird. I am at goal, I do not need to lose anymore but when I do not lose, I get anxious and feel like I screwed up.Still need to get my mind wrapped around the fact that I am at a healthy weight. Not losing needs to be the new goal.
One way I can prevent losing is the eat refined carbs. Yikes, I must be the most carb sensitive person on the face of the planet. If I eat some SF cookies, or eat something with a crust-BOOM! I immediately go up 2 lbs overnight. I am not exaggerating.  Have a normal day of lean meat and carbs and I am back to my normal weight by the next day. I do not know why these types of carbs make me retain water but I have tried this a couple times with the same exact results.
So, learn from me-that is what this blog is for.
I have also been dealing with a lot of body soreness. My left arm will not lift. My leg muscles are very sore. I am tired. Is anything wrong-not really! I am just active. I am using my muscles. I am riding alot. I am not limited by my weight anymore. I am active person. I have NO LIMITATIONS!!!
Someone asked me why I keep pushing instead of letting my body rest. I tell them I push because I CAN. I spent too many years sitting in my chair watching life pass me by. NO MORE. I sat around enough. Now is MY time. I want to find out what my limitations and boundaries are-if I even have any. 
I find I can do anything. I may pay for it later but so what! That is a small price to pay for a life lived without limits. Go for it.....

Life after goal. Hmmmmmmm

Apr 01, 2008

Well, I am settling into life after goal. I am still enjoying how it feels. I am still getting looks and compliments. I am also still getting the "Don't lose another pound thing". Cracks me up-like I am anorexic or something.
I really need to update my avatar. That just doesn't look like me anymore. I have been crazy busy with two barrel racing shows in a row. Now, I can settle in and get caught up since I do not have anything planned until August-Yeahhhhhh.
I have lost a couple more pounds. Its kinda cool, kinda not worried about it thing. I need a little buffer. Dr wanted me originally to be another 15 lbs down from my goal. I told him I would work hard to get to my goal of 165 and then see what my body wanted to do. Well, I guess it wants to go a bit lower.  I know how to slow my loss if I get concerned. I'm just not concerned yet. My BMI is still 23. Nothing crazy.
I had sooooo much fun at the pinning ceremony for the 2007 surgery patients. We got announced and went up and received our pin from the surgeons. Nancy R was taking pictures, so when she told me to pose with Dr Ludwig, I gave him a big kiss on the cheek. It was soooo funny and he turned pink. How awesome!!
Then we shared where we are and anything else we had to say. Then it was opened up for questions. I was totally rockin' in my new skinny jeans and belt. I got lots more compliments.
People think I do not have excess skin. I do have alot but have also learned how to camoflauge it and wear clothes that hide it. I am like everyone else and cannot wait to stabilize and get this skin cut off.
I am also doing all I can to pay it forward and help others with their WLS journey. I have had many say I am source of inspiration to them. I find it very flattering they feel this way but I know it is each and every one of them who have inspired me. To be better. To make the right choices. To choose to be in control. To be better person.
2007 will always be the year of change for me. I got my life back, I began to value myself again and I have made so many changes that would not have seemed possible just a year ago.


Mar 24, 2008

Friday morning I stood on the scales. I knew I was close to goal. I looked down and saw my goal weight of 165 flashing on the display. Did I jump off and run thru the house naked?? No. Did I groove a little. No. I just stood there. Taking it in. I just could not believe I had made it to my goal. It had such a deep impact on me that I stood there for a very LOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time just staring at the display. WOW!
When I set my goal, I just hoped to make it. The reality seemed so far off that I could not wrap my brain around it. I have not weighed this little since I was a teenager. (let's be honest-that was 25 years ago.)
I thought I was all okay with it and then I got to work and got out of my pickup, the air I was walking on just lifted me up and I started to boogie. I felt light. I felt skinny, I felt-well all sorts of emotions. THIS WAS A HUGE MOMENT....
Now I am on to the next stage. I am sticking to my eating plan. I am not losing a lot so it is very healthy. If I need to I can always add some carbs-but I would rather not. My Dr wanted me to go to 150. I KNOW that 165 is healthy and I look great-everyone keeps telling me so.
Actually, some people are freaked out. They think I am too skinny and should not lose another pound. When asked they tell me I weigh 130-135 lbs. I laugh and tell them I weigh a healthy 165. That seem to reassure them. They are just so used to me being fat that they do not know what healthy looks like on me. Most thought I was skinny last fall when I was 200lbs. They are going to have to get used to it.
Biggest fun was trying on some expensive jeans this weekend. I bought a size 8. WOW! The funnest part was I had to find jeans with big pockets so I looked like I had an ass again. Never, ever, in a million years would I think I had to pad my ass. It was always so LARGE-before. The feeling I got when I tried on the jeans and they looked CUTE was fantastic. The feeling when I showed the jeans to my teenage daughter and she was insanely jealous-PRICELESS!!!!!!

Checking into Plastics

Mar 10, 2008

Our local bariatric support group had a seminar with a local plastic surgeon. He talked about a variety of surgeries that WLS patients usually desire. Main thing I got out of it is that he seems experienced,competant and up to date.
The cost is something else. Last time I checked, I did not have a money tree growing in my yard-DARN! I called and got the costs so I can have a "wish list". My priority is a tummy tuck. Jack's priority-A boob lift(yeah that's surprise!!)
Cost seem somewhat reasonable, if ya got the cash. He does everything on an outpatient basis so he will only do one procedure at a time.
Boob lift-$4000. If ya need implants $6400-saline, $7500 for gel. Tummy tuck-$5600. Thigh lift-$3800. Rocking a new bod-PRICELESS!!
I have had many questions why I think I need plastics. I had less to lose than some (117lbs) but I have worked so hard to get my body back into shape. I do not want to do it halfway. I want to take this all the way and have the body I had-before all the weight gain. It is about ME and how I feel about my body. I would like to erase the signs of obesity as much as possible.
If this is vain-so be it!

Importance of goals

Feb 22, 2008

Went to the first evening post op class. It was great to see how everyone is doing. The subject was goal setting.
Turned out I was one of a handful that actually sets goals. I was very surprised-I thought we all did it.
They asked if I set goals before surgery in my life and I said 'No'. So, why did I start after surgery? Hmmmm.....
I guess I just started doing it since it was one of the features on this website. Then, I got such a rush from marking a goal as 'accomplished' that I just kept on.
I think we all have goal-we just might not articulate them. We all started with a 'goal weight'. Didn't we??? I remember that 165lbs seemed so unreachable and in the future that it was not something I thought I would ever reach. Setting goals to be down 50 lbs by July-now that was possible. Setting a goal to weigh less than my husband-yep- I could do that! Later on, getting to onderland, joining the century club, getting a healthy BMI and wearing single digit size clothes added to my accomplishments.
My advice, break down goals into short term achieveable periods. I still have my long term goal of 'goal weight' but each smaller goal has helped me along this journey to stay on track. Actually, my goal weight is now only 4 lbs away-not very far and something I should make in the next 30 days. Hmmmmm, I better set that up right now.

Exercise=Scale Moving

Feb 12, 2008

Novel concept! If you get out and moving you will lose. I knew this was supposed to be true but did not really want to believe it in my heart. (I am very sarcastic with myself!).
Weather has been bad so I have not been exercising. Scale stopped moving downward-even wanted to jump up of few times-it likes to torture me.
Weather has gotten better, so I re-dedicated myself to moving each and every day. Now the scale started going downward-Yippee!
After a stall with some rebound weight-I have lost about 1.5 pounds in the last 3 days.
I am so close to goal-only 5 lbs away.

Patience is a Virtue

Jan 29, 2008

I was not born with the patience gene. So, when I demonstrate a complete lack of patience, it is just my genetic shortcomings.
At 9 months out I have settled into my routine. I wish to exercise more but the weather outside has not cooperated. I am not the type that will exercise inside. I am happy out walking or riding my horses. So a lack of exercise means little to no weight loss.
Hmmmmm. Sounds like an easy solution. Get moving and more weight will come off. This is where my lack of patience starts eating away at me. I look at exercise machines and then decide against it-I never stuck with them before and I do not want to waste money on them now. I check out exercise videos-especially of dancing. I LOVE to dance so that would not feel like exercise-RIGHT??? Blahhhhh.
I am so close to goal-only 7 lbs to go. I know some people would say that 9 months is a long time. For me the time has flown by. I can not believe that I am already here at this stage. I would like to get more off my frame before my honeymoon is over. Is my weight loss done?
Hmmmm. I really like what I feel and look like now, so the extra 7 lbs is more about goal than life. However, this is no time to nickel and dime things-I need to reach that goal and stick with the plan.
I will do this. I can do this. Life is GOOOOOD!

About Me
Orland, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2007
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Before & After
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Halfway photo

Friends 44

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WTF??? A size 4???????
Learning to Deal with Extreme Stress
Slowly Returning to Normal
Home Recovering
Where in the Heck have I been(or what are you doing??).
