Support from my mother.

Aug 08, 2008

I was nervous to tell my mother of our decision to have WLS must less tell her we had to go to Mexico to have it.  Since we told her she has been nothing but supportive.  I am so blessed to have her.  This is an email reguarding a picture my husband took of me in 98.  (The picture is in my photos)

Subject: FW: remember this picture?


Andy just sent me this picture. He took it one time when we climbed Chimney Rock. This was either right before or right after we were married. Ten years makes a lot of difference.



Subject: FW: remember this picture?

I do remember this picture and I fully understand why you want to be back at that weight and I will be there for you and Andy even though when you talk about putting my kids to sleep I do worry but I do back both of you in your decision because after all you will feel more like doing things with Drew at a lesser weight but you both are going to be so beautiful skinny you are not going to be able to let people flirting with ya'll go to your head and always remember you are both beautiful to me BIG OR LITTLE. I LOVE YA'LL


I can wait!

Aug 05, 2008

So I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and was instantly depressed.  I'm fat.  I want to be thin.  I want to have a neck.  I started thinking I don't know if I can wait 113 days.  Thats a really long time.  Then I started long have I been fat?  9 years.  That's 3,285 days.  So if I can live that long fat I can wait another 113 days to start getting thin. 
So now it is not 113 days until surgery.  It's only 113 more fat days.

Ah, well at least it makes me feel better.

Oh great another Addiction

Aug 04, 2008

Now to the long list of addictions (chocolate, fried chicken, mcdonalds, burger king, pizza, ice cream, cake, cookies...) I can add shopping for skinny clothes. 

We paid our deposit a short 5 days ago and since then I can not stop shopping online for skinny clothes.  All day everyday I am picking out which pretty panties and bras I want to wear.  What new dresses I want to buy, heels, JEANS.  Do you know how long it has been since I looked good in jeans?  I have even spent time this morning going to line and requesting catalogs from stores I will finally be able to shop in.

Now clothes are something I have to wear so I am not naked.  I can't wait till I can wear clothes to actually look good in them. 

But if I don't get off this couch and get my mind off this flippin surgery it is going to seem like years before November gets here. 

Only 114 days!!!

When I am thin I will....

Aug 02, 2008

OK so all day I have been looking at everyone’s Before and After pics and reading profiles.  Now I have a huge list of things I can't wait to do.  They are all small but added up they'll be me. 

1.  I want to paint my toenails. 
2.  I want to put my socks and shoes on without breaking a sweat.
3.  I want to be able to tuck my shirt in without being self conscious. 
4.  I want to lie in the sun.  Now I have to stay in the water so no one sees my thunder thighs.
5.  I want to ride roller coasters.
6.  I want to ride on an air plane comfortably.
7.  I want to ride a bike.
8.  I want to be able to cross my legs.
9.  I want a family picture I can be proud of.
10.  I want to wear cute shoes again!!

See those are not major accomplishments to normal sized people but to me they mean the world. 

This time next year I may not be a size 2 but I will be a whole new person.  Or a half of a new person.  It feels unbelievable!

Get to know me

Aug 01, 2008

The post that was originally here has been moved to my story.

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 37

Latest Blog 15
It's been 18 days!
Liquid Diet
Talked to PCP today
