Sandra Johnson Smiddy

September 2nd, 2007 - 8 dys/0 hrs/48 min/53 sec til GBS!!!

Sep 02, 2007

Well...only 8 days left.  Four working days.  I'm so excited.  I went to the grocery today and picked up a few more things for when I come home.  I bought Carnation Instant Breakfast, unsweetened fruits, tuna, chicken, canned carrots, propel, etc. etc.  I bought a pound of Oven Roasted Turkey Breast for the family, but they said they didn't like it so I took some fat free gravy and pureed it up with some chicken broth.  I made it really thin like the NUT told me to.  It is a little salty (yes I tasted it, but it is protein) , but I think it will be good with the mashed potatoes and carrots I puree.  My NP gave me my prescriptions for Loratab and Fenergan.  I got those today also.  Got to have my drugs.  Not much else to do.  

I've been a little depresed today.  Everyone was celebrating the holiday and because I am on this liquid diet I couldn't go.  I was afraid to go.  Something funny happened though today.  I had emailed my NUT asking her if there were any alternatives to the liquid diet and she never responded, but the Dr. did and the NP.  They both said I could have the strained chili...but the NUT emailed me back today and said I couldn't have it.  Well the Dr. said I could and I have had it for two days now.  Sure hope this doesn't mess me up.  I have 8 more days on liquids so I'll just go back to the broths.  Yuck.  It is only 8 more days though.  I am starting to get use to it.

Gotta Love This

Sep 01, 2007

September 1, 2007

Sep 01, 2007

Well today has been a lot easier than the last three days.  I shared that my doc said I could have strained broths.  Well this has been a life saver.  I made a big pot of chili (more juice than fixin's) and I strained it.  I divided it out into cup servings.  I can have it plain or I can add the Medifast tomato soup mix.  It tastes just like chili, but has all the proteins I'm needing for this liquid diet.  I am getting ready to do the same with some vegetable broth.  The puddings I added vanilla and splenda and they are much better.  I can do this...I really can do this.   

Not much left for me to do here at the house.  I have cleaned everything I can (well I'm sure there is something else I could do) but I'm tired of cleaning.  I have all the laundry done except for changing the beds.  I'll do that tomorrow.  I like to let my bed linens hang outside.  Nothing like the freshness from the sun.  I could do some work, but it is Labor Day Weekend.  I do have a lot to get finished before I am off work though.  I only have two weeks available for my sick time so I will have to go back to work on September 24th.  I'm not looking forward to the recovery, but I am looking forward to being off work for a few weeks.  It will be horrible going back though because when I am off work for one day I get 75-100 emails that require action.  I can dial in from home to my desktop, but I'm not sure if I want to.  Not sure how that works with FMLA also.  Wouldn't want to break any rules and work when I didn't have too LOL...that is a hoot statement.  I'm always working.  Every vacation I have always been called to do something or another.  Probably will be no different on sick leave.  I'm thanking God though because at least I have a GREAT job. 

August 31, 2007 - 11 days until surgery

Aug 31, 2007 is now 11 days from my RNY.  I am finally being able to tolerate the Medifast liquid diet I am on until day before surgery.  It was rough to get started.  Thank God I quit the diet coke a week or so ago or I would have had an even harder time.  

I have everything completed that I am aware of.  My NP said "I'll see you at the hospital".  So I assume I'm finished.  

My friend stopped by tonight and brought me some popsicles.  That helped a lot.  My ex-sister-in-law, her sister and mother came by for a while.  I explained to them all about my surgery and what I could and could not eat, when and for how long.  It is amazing how some people always think about failures.  Some say "so and so had it done and they are gaining back."  When I ask them how much the person lost and they say 200lbs...and they've only gained 20lbs....I think well OMG the person has the right to gain some back.  From what I hear we will hit a stabilizing point during our journey.  I just hope when I stabilize it hits after I am down a 164lbs.  

August 30th, 2007 - - - continued- - - -

Aug 30, 2007

I forgot to mention that my psych eval went well today.  That should be the last dr. appt. until my 1st week post op visit.  I will be so relieved to make it to that day.  
Have to say Thank You for everyone who has fired back to me and said to keep my chin up and that they are praying for me.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.  My mother always said that "Prayer Changes Things"  I trust her and she's in heaven watching over me to help me by sending "you" all my angels by.  THANKS AGAIN THANKS AGAIN. 

August 30, 2007 - It is me again...still whinning about the li

Aug 30, 2007

Good News for me...the NP at my Dr. office just emailed me and said that I could have Fricsh's veg broth minus the veggies and...and....and.... Wendy's Chili -- broth only of course.  I am soooo excited.  I did end up having a can of Vegetable Beef Soup pureed tonight.  I just wanted to test to make sure that I could do this after I have RNY.  I can...I just can't handle the Medifast.  BUT I still have to drink the Medifast.  I'll have to force it down, but at least I get some real food.  

Get me back on track here.  Need a dose of FAITH right now God.   I mosied over to the "memorial section"  probably not a good thing to do being I am less than two weeks away from surgery.  Just keeping it real though.  I know when it is my time to go it will be my time to go.  I pray that it isn't through this.  I have a lot of work to do here.  A family to provide for, a father to take care of, a wedding to attend, births of grandchildren, etc., etc.   I'll remember this comment from my Dr.  ..."You are at more of a risk by not having the surgery than you are having it".   Can you tell I am getting to that nervous stage.  Do we all think things like this when we have any surgery?  I think so.    When I had the tumor off of my thyroid I was nervous of passing away also.  I think any surgery does that to you.  Okay...I'm going to read some positive blogs now....

August 30th, 2007 - Day 2 0f 13 days of Pre-OP Liquids

Aug 29, 2007 this for real?  Do they really expect someone who has food issues to be able to just drink liquids?  OMG...this has to be one of the most challenging things I've ever done.  It isn't that I can't do it...the Medifast is just not doing a thing for my taste buds.  It reminds me of my Barium Swallow every time I take a sip.  I know ...I'm whining.  I never thought I would, but I am whining.  I am really doing a lot of praying to get myself through this.  I am sending an email to the nutrionist to clarify that I can have Frish's soup broth.  If I can have that I may be okay.  Thank God I stopped drinking diet coke last week.  I know if I couldn't pray I would be in big trouble.

God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
(1 Corinthians 1:9)


August 29th, 2007 - 13 DAYS OF LIQUID FAST--- YUCK!!!!

Aug 29, 2007 I hate to be a whiner, but this liquid diet is for the birds.  It may be better tomorrow but it was terrible today.  I had the oatmeal this morning, made the mistake of making it in the microwave.  I can't even explain what it tasted like.  I could only do two bites and I trashed it.  The brocoli soup wasn't much better, but I forgot to bring my chicken broth to mix in with it.  So I only ended up eating two servings of the liquid diet when I was suppose to have six.  I was starving...I could lie and say I didn't have anything to eat, but as I said, I'd be lying.  I ended up getting some food from Chipotle.  I didn't really get to have a "last meal" so I went ahead and did it today.  So I will start liquid diet tomorrow and be better prepared with the broths, etc.  I know I have to do this to get the liver down, but 13 days should do it. I am sending an email to the nutrionist because I have to find something I like to substitute the Medifast.  It is just gross.  

Well I made it through all the preadmission testing.  Wasn't sure if they were ever going to get my blood pressure reading because they were having trouble with all of their machines.  Hope nothing like that happens the day of surgery.  Finally they got my was 124/70 which is really good.  It was 155/95 at the Dr. office yesterday.  I have to be at the hospital on Sept. 11th at 6:30a.m.  which means I will have to leave here at 5:30a.m.  Uhg.  I'm not really nervous today.  I think I have settled a little bit.  Well...if I can just get through this liquid diet I'll be okay. 

August 28th, 2007 - 14 days till surgery

Aug 28, 2007

I had a busy day today.  I went in and worked until 12:30.  I had my diet coke on ice as planned.  It was good, but not that good since I have stopped soda last week.  At around 12:45 I went over to Dr. Curry's office.  His office is only 3 miles from my work.  How convenient is that.  I met with the nutrionist and went over what I can and cannot have.  What could and could not happen.  It lasted for about 2 hours.  (I met a young gal who is having the RNY the same day as me.  I didn't catch her name, but I told her my profile name.  I hope she finds me so we can support each other).  After the nutrionist I met with the nurse practioner to go over my consent.  (A list of the coulds and could nots)  It was explained to me that I will be on a ventalator for the surgery.  That really scared me, but I know I must be on it so they can paralize me so none of my muscles move during surgery.  She said that it is a normal process and it is only for surgery and I shouldn't even know I've had it other than blowing in that little thing that you have to blow in after surgery.  I got my prescriptions for Fenergan and Loratab.  I am allergic to the percacet family so I'm glad they gave me Loratab.  I hear it is from the vicodan family.  I like takes care of my pains so I should be okay pain wise.  I picked up all of my medifast food today and tomorrow is go liquid day.  I had an appointment with my PCP, Dr. Khanna at 4:15.  I was a little nervous that I wouldn't make my appointment but I did with 5 min. to spare.  My PCP is going to fax over my clearance letter and all of my medical records related to my "comorbidities".  I got my scripts for my blood pressure meds and a script for a sleeping pill.  I am still trying to get use to this face mask for sleep apnea.  I almost almost slept through the night with it on last night.  If I hadn't woke up so parched I might have made it.  I'm turning up the moisture tonight.  I know if I keep trying I will eventually make it through the night with it on.  I am doing this because I am afraid not to so I can use it at night while I am at the hospital.  This isn't a quick fix so I still have to do what I've always done until I can be taken off of things.  That includes all meds.  I went to Walmart tonight and got a pill crusher.  I also picked up my "Magic Bullet" as well as all of the meds I will need for post op.  I.e. Imodium, GasX, Liquid Tylenol.  Picked up some crystal light and propel for the liquid diet.  I can have that afterwards also.  I picked up some soups and broths also.  While with the nutrionist I learned that they have changed the diet post op.  Dr. Curry's program (please check with your doctor on any of this) allows you to start eating pureed foods on day 3.  We went to the Roadhouse for dinner tonight and I brought my steak home and  pureed it in some beef broth.  I got some ice trays and froze 12 cubes of pureed steak.  Who says I can't have a steak dinner.  I took the leftover beef broth and froze that into cubes also.  I'll put those into freezer bags and freeze whatever else I can before surgery.  I really liked that idea so my husband doesn't have to try to cook anything for me and it is a sure way to not waste since I will only be eating a bite or two at first anyway.  I'm going out to get me some baby spoons and some small plates just for me.  Well...tomorrow is hosital day.  I go meet with anestia dept., bariatric nurse and do pre-admission testing.  Then on Thursday I meet with the Psych doc for my eval.  I heard you should always tell the psych doc that you are doing this for your health.  They sometimes do not approve your surgery if you say that you are doing it to look better or for your husband etc,.  I'm going to just be honest...I'm doing it for my health.  It is just going to be a bonus to look better.  (If I do...maybe I am ugly thin...I don't know...I've never been thin to know. Guess we will soon find out.)

August 27th, 2007 15 days until surgery

Aug 27, 2007

Well I am 15 days from surgery and only have one day until I go liquid.  I'm going to have a diet coke tomorrow...I had stopped the soda, but I'll drink one for the last time until I can tolerate again.  I meet with the nutritionist tomorrow at noon and then my pcp at 4:15.  On Wednesday I go to the hospital for preadmit testing and to meet with the anestiaologist and bariatric nurse.  I will only need to see the Physciatrist to get my eval which is scheduled for Thursday.  That all should go smoothly.  Then all I will have to do is wait for the day to arrive.  I have a peace in my heart about this.  Everything has just fell into place for me.  I prayed back some time ago if it was god's will to let it all happen.  I haven't ran into any snags as of yet.  I keep having thoughts like is this really going to happen to me.  Am I really going to be one of the Big Losers on here.  I'm praying this is really happening and that all will be well.  Please keep me in your prayers on September 11th.  

About Me
Fairfield, OH
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2007
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