dwaunalee 15 years, 11 months ago

My prayers are with you and I must congratulate you on all of your success. I am getting "sleeved" on 09-08-08 and pray that I am just as successful as you. When I read stories like yours, I am encouraged as well as convinced that there is a better way. I pray that your road to a healthy life is successful. You give me someone to look up to. So thank you.

CourtC88 16 years, 11 months ago

I know I'm a bit late in commenting, but good luck! I hope everything goes well, I'm sure it will he's a great surgeon. Hope to see you at support group some time. :)

treiser 16 years, 11 months ago

Your big day is almost here - congratulations! You will be in my thoughts and prayers - Tanya

Michelle D. 16 years, 11 months ago

What an incredible adventure of weight loss you are about to begin...and you are not the only one who is more excited than nervous about your surgery, I was the same way. I will pray that your VSG and recovery are as easy as mine was! I will be thinking of you on Monday!!

Mona 16 years, 11 months ago

You are truly blessed to have such a supportive church family! Monday is the beginning of the new, healthier life that God intends for you. I will pray for your surgeon that his hands are steady and for you that your recovery is quick and easy. GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU IN HIS HANDS!

.: Rana :. 16 years, 11 months ago

What a ride you've had! And what a clear blessing from God above!!! Remember though, just because our Lord is at the center of this, it doesn't mean everything will be easy (although it might be). It's a huge adjustment for some of us. Just remember to post and let us know how you are doing so we know how to support you best. Challenges are normal-- let us help! May the peace of Christ wash over you! Rana

blessmysunnysoul 16 years, 11 months ago

I will be thinking healing loving thoughts for you on your day Jamie. When i was lying on the gurney in the surgery room I was scared. I closed my eyes and asked Jesus to guide my surgeon and help me and keep me safe through my surgery Amen. Tadaaaaaaaaaa I am here!!!!! Ask him. Love NOel
About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2007
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My dad
God sends me signs....He calls....NO REALLY!!
One year Dr. appt today...bummer
Confession time
Almost a year ago....
Almost a year????
Exercise, exercise, exercise....
I did it!!
