So much to read!

Aug 26, 2009

Well it's been only two days since I went to the siminar that the Maj at our hospital gave here and I've learned SOO much in just a couple of days! It's AMAZING!

I'm certain now that I will have the sleeve procedure done. It seems to have the best benefits and a pretty short recovery as well.

I'm soo eager to get going and to move forward. The process here will take some weeks, so I'll have to learn patience at last! Hehe

I'm already looking into foods to eat, exercises and planning on that belly dancing class I've ALWAYS wanted to take!! WOOT!

The risks of course scare the hell out of me! I think that is of course normal, and to NOT be scared would worry me somewhat. But I'm excited!

I'm also being as realistic as I can. It's going to be HARD work! I'm going to have to give up a LOT of comfort food! 

Fortunately with my kids going back to school, it has helped to put me back on a regular schedual as well as quiting my job that kept me up at night and eating junk food and skipping meals.

I'm really looking for some GOOD healthy cooking recipes that will benefit my family and myself. I already have some VERY good vitamins. It's going to take some time for my taste buds to appreciate healthy food! 

Over the last year we have changed much of our daily diets due to my youngest being autistic and with research suggesting that autistic children that don't eat wheat (specifically wheat glutten) and dairy products their autistic traits/behaviors can decrease and even disappear, so we have cut dairy and all wheat to nearly nothing (not fair to eat them in front of him). So we have been making changes in our diets.

Giving up fast food is going to be a SUPER hard one!! While my husband was deployed we did VERY good on not getting fast food more then once a week (on our family movie night), but since he's been home and I started working, it was SOO much easier to just grab something and head to work then cooking.

It's the cravings that are going to be hardest for me. Late night snacking was an issue for me as well when I was working (I was a cashier late at night so I snacked nearly ALL my shift), but now that I'm not working and in bed before 11:30pm it really isn't a problem. So that alone will help remove excess calories.

Portion size is another thing that is currently hard. It's at times just eating from habit (that sounds crazy I know, but it's TRUE). Much like smoking or drinking I suppose. If you are in a certain situation then you do those things. If I'm watching t.v. or a movie, there is snacking going on. Even if it's just air popped pop corn (we bought one to be healthier), that habit is going to be the HARDEST one to break.

I choose the sleeve surgery because of some of the research pointing to it also might be contributing to blocking the Ghrelin (sp) hormone. I keep eating even at times when I'm full. That worries me.

I'm glad I have the couple of months leading up to the surgery. I'm SOO glad that I get to speak to a nutrionist and hopefully get some healthy recipes and some good info.

I have several work out videos, but being over weight just stretching makes me huff and puff and I feel like I'm not doing anything construtive other then sweating! But if just walking up one ONE flight of stairs raises my heart rate, then damnit I need to do something!!

I can't blame all of this on the role model of my childhood (my mom), because my teenage years we had my materinal grandmother living with us and she was completely healthy and natural! She at correct portions and was active with walking, gardening and reading.

At some point every person must take and be accountable for their actions, no matter what their past. I know that my eating and non-exercising life style is not healthy. I know that I've made poor choices and let the issue build to this point that it's now going to be a factor of my health, besides just breathing heavy after ONE flight of stairs, and my feet hurting after standing only 6 hours at work.

Having tried dieting and exercising alone, I hope to stop the health issues that are starting to become apperant and stop them before they even get started in my kids.

That's what worries me most is being a bad role model for my kids. I don't want to burden them with this. I don't want them to face a life long battle with weight. I want them to see their parents healthy, happy and active. Running, swimming and playing with them. I want them to see me proud of the way I look and with high self esteem so that they will have it as well.

I refuse to let this vicious cycle continue with my children. It STOPS WITH ME!

