April 30th

Apr 30, 2007

YEah another day!! I think it over did it yesterday, we did lots of yard work, me a litle slow but still trying to do my best. I think I did too much. I am a little sore today and just not feeling up to doing to much today. My left side is still tender, I Can not wait fr it to feel 100% again!! 

I am not really osing as fast as I thought I would but I am going to try to swtich it up a little, eating tuna today with a couple crackers, not too bad!!

Hopefully I will lose again soon!! I have a pair of white capris I bought at old navy last year wore them once . I bought them a little small thining it would help me want to lose weigh. never happened.... So I look forward to the da I can put them on and they are baggy!!!!

April 29th

Apr 29, 2007

Today I have been so freaking busy! I am not sure how I am keeping my engery up, I feel like I am harly eating- not losing as much asI would have liked and just feeling tired rightn ow. I was looking at myself in the mirror today and I see my left side really turns inward where the drain tube was-- It was no like that before surgery- almost looks like somethingis missingon the inside- i am a little worrried what t hat is gooing to look like and why it is like that. I am going to ask others... hummm

April 28th

Apr 28, 2007

Today was a pretty good day. I ate an egg, a shake and a few small bits of grilled chicken and fish. The chicken was a little harder to get down I think I need to chew a little better, When I was in the Dr office the Dr told me I could start to chew my meats instead of pureed but I needed to chew really well.

Bad habits are hard to break... It is weird when I am at a table with others how are piling thier plates full nad I am lucky to have a few scattered pieces. But I tried to chew well, but it felt a pressure in my chest, I think I need to chew better with smaller bits.  Time and things will get better!

April 27th

Apr 27, 2007

Today I had a Dr appointment, dows 14.5 pounds since surgery 30 all together. That is pretty good I guess.

I got the drain REMOVED!!!!!! YESSSS!!! Man I hated that thing. It hurt like heck for a few minutes but it is over now. I am just healing now from the tube and my other wounds. I hope to be back to the same old me in a few days... 

I was able to eat 2 eggs one for brealfest and one for lunch with cheese. Things are gett ing better!!

I can see the light!

245 today!


april 26 2007

Apr 26, 2007

I am feeling better, lot less pain that earlier. Things are getting better everyday!
Tomorrow I get out the drain tube- I can't wait! This is just annoying and decreases my mobility. I get sharp pains in my underarms fromthe tube - they say blocked gasses. I hear after the tube comes out it should get better. I hope so!! I still can not bend to the floor and move around all that well but I hope after tomorrow it will change! 

Yesterday I learned how bad eating the wrong foods can hurt you!
I thought if i just chewed food well enough it would be like ground--wrong! 
My food got stuck and it hurt like hell!!
I will never do that again!!!


Apr 24, 2007


248 lbs today 

40.0 - 50 Extremely Obese

I am feeling so much better these days! I am up and able to move about much easier, took a shower slowly but surley. I think I am going to venture out for a walk with the little dog today.  I am getting PAINS!!! in my arms, the nurse at thehospital says it is trapped air pockets in my arms, feels like a sharp hot poker under my arm for about 4 seconds,i hope that goes away real soon! she said about 10 days, does anyone else have to deal with this???

Well, on my way for success!!

I believe thereis light on the other end of the tunnel! I can see the light!

so I am 1 week out and here is how it has been going

Apr 23, 2007


First of all let me say I never thought I would be posting me as 1 week out!!

I never though tI would get there!! not just thru the week but at all!! I just can not believe hot fast it has all gone. It was last june this past year Istarted my journey. and now the surgery is over. I am forever changed, mind body and soal. 

The Ride home was not pleasent at all. I had a pillow and still did not help much. I got home thinking in a few days this will all feel better, it really is not as easy as I thought. I am still tender on the left side where my drain is. I get that out on Friday morning-- can't come soon enough!! I just know that is why I am so sore.
I have had a BIG support circle. My boyfriend stays at night with me, my daughter doesn't go to school until noon now, and I have friends who can stay wih me during the day too. In a week I think I have been alone twice. My sister worries about me so much, so she came down to stay for the weekend this past weekend. I really liked that, we were able to just hang out. Very nice. 
My friend Ann took time off work to help me, that to was very nice. 
Overall, the help was much needed and I am grateful for it!!
I would tell anyone to have as much as they can gather!!

My pain level has been up and down. I switched pain meds cause th ones the Dr gave me were making me sick. I am having a hard time drinking all my liquids. Eating - whats that??I eat as much as I can, not very much really, I try my best to get in my protien, drinking the shakes are helping. I want to look into a powder that can boost my intake, the more the better!!

I fell yesterday. NOT GOOD> WAS IN PAIN PAIN PAIN!  just me trying to do more than I can. I just want to have more mobility but i think until this drain comes out I don't think it will happen. I try to move as much as I can but just so sore fromt hat darn drain.

I have lost about 10 pounds in a week. Thats pretty good right?!??!

I will keep posted, I have more pics for my album I wil be adding too. 

Love ya all!


Hello, I am back!

Apr 20, 2007

Hello! I am back to tell my story!! 
I arrived at the hospital Monday April 16th, at 5am I didnt sleep but 2 hours the night before so I was very tired!! My brother and my mother and dad was there with my boyfriend. They took me into the prep room, where i had to give a urine sample, gave me a shot in my tummy and started the IV's. Then i had to wait for the Dr to arrive and start surgery. So my family came in the prep room to wait with me, the support was very nice!! about 1 hour later the anisteligist came in and start to sedate me. I don't remember this but everyone was tellingme I starting to laugh and tell them this was the best stuff I have ever had!! I guess I was being silly after the stuff started to take effect. That is all I remember, then when I got out my sister wasn there and my boyfriend walked with me as they wheeled me out of the surgery room ( I dont remember this) into recovery. I remember the pain! I remember them telling me I have to move onto another bed right after surgery. That was the worst pain I have ever felt. After sometime I was put into my room, I am not sure how much time i was out before I woke back up but my sister was there, Rich was there, my parents and brother was there. I remember bits and pieces but not all the first day and 1/2.I remeber the nurses comeing in and talling me they put me in the wrong bed! they put me in a Larger bed than I needed and my ins did not pay for that bed!! So I had to move again!! Well my sister went and talked to the nurses and said I was just in to much pain to move again, so I ended getting more pain meds and  I did get out of bed the day of surgery  was walking, a little bit, so they changed the bed then. The nights were hard, although my mother staying in the hospital with me the first night and my sister the second, then my friend Ann stayed with me during the day, seemed I always had someone there to help. THAT WAS AWESOME!! I thought I had a pretty high tolotence to pain, I have a bad back and deal with that all the time, but HONESTLY!! this was HARD! I hope I had made the right decision doing this. 
I am on ground foods, and liquids, hard to get them down but I am trying my best. They removed 1 drain in the hospital and I get theother removed next friday.
Seems since I have been home the phone doesnt stop ringing and people are always here to help. I am not sure how I would have done this alone!!
I am going to take a nap!!

My last day!

Apr 15, 2007

Hi!! so here it is! that last day before surgery! I can  not believe it. I am going to be going in the hospital tomorrow-- tonight is the last night I will be sleeping my bed! I just can not believe I am actually going to be doing this- I just want to be able to skip through the next few weeks and have it be may today! I knowI cannot do that but it sure would be nice. How am I feeling? Good - been cleaning- laundry- doing things just so when I get back home I dont have to worry about them. I think of things like BUYING NICE CLOTHES... I have been tossing out old ones I have been holdingon to-- planing for the new me!! I am goingto go the store and buy a bullet- everyone just raves about them... 

Please let me make it though this for my daughters-- they would be crushed if anything happened to me! I know in my heart it is now or never- why put off today to have to wait again tomorrow- I have thought of not doing this - caus eI am scared- but I see all my OH friends all do very well, I can do this-- I think i can I think I can I think i can.... 

Please keep on your good wishes list thanks!

Saturday-- less than 48 hours to go

Apr 14, 2007

I couldn't sleep last night. I tossed and turned all night. Knowing I am going to be in surgery in just a couple days, wondering how it will be , how much pain I am going to be in, will I like the results, am I going to be one of those who are sick alot?, will I regret this?? Just alot of not knowing....

I have been spending more time with my youngest daughter, she told me she is worried about me so I wanted to keep her mind at ease. I figure when I am in thehospital I would give her the numbers so she can call up there anytime. I am not even sure if I can bring my cell , I am going to anyways. Then they can contact me easier I guess... 

I am very much wondering what my life is going to be like after 100 pounds is gone...  what will I look like? how will i feel? how will others feel about it? what will it be like to shop in any stores? will I have lots of hanging skin? just so much to think about right now. 

For some this may be silly to think about-- I have a little 4 pound dog that is SOOOO attached to me every where I go she is there, In my arms right now. She misses me terriably when I am gone, whines when i get home , I do hope she doesn't think I have abondanon her when I go Monday. I  was thinking to breed her but she isn't a good mother cause she will leave the babies so she could be with me, all day! That is how attached she is!

I am cleaning the house like no other!!! I want everything to be in spot free condition before I go in .... My sister thinks this is silly cause she wanted something to do when she gets here, but I just hate having things not in it's place when I know people are coming over. She wanted me to relax- I am going to get my feet done today!!Yippie!!Guess what I am going to be doing today???!?!?!?!

WOW!!! One more full day left!!!
Wish me luck!!!

About Me
morris, IL
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2003
Member Since

Friends 55

Latest Blog 71
10/14/2008 154lbs
June 24 th 160ish
Feb.11,2007 weight 154
Jan.13th 158
106 pounds lost! 11/23/07 in about 7 months!
