
Nov 04, 2006

Just went for my 2 month post op visit. I have lost a total of 44 pounds. I weigh 231 now. My starting weight was 275. Surgeon says I have lost almost 50% of the excess weight that they expect me to lose and they think I should be at their goal within 6 months. If anyone reads my profile and is considering surgery, please feel free to email me about Dr. K. and her staff. They have just started this new points program where you can earn free PS by losing weight, referring people and doing testimonies for them. Great deal, maybe by the time I reach goal I can have enough points to have my Batwings removed from the arms. LOL Anyway, I am still very happy that I decided to do this for ME.....

6/09/06--Almost one month post-op-Down 32 pounds

Nov 04, 2006

Had my one month post-op visit with my surgeon. Was cleared to eat whatever I can handle. I am down a total of 32 pounds. She told me that my surgery lasted longer than others because my insides were down a little lower than they should be and they had to make an extra port to move the camera to so that they could get everything done. My lower back pain is just about completely gone. I can walk around for an hour or more with no pain at all. That is wonderful because pre-op I couldn't stand for more than 20 minutes without feeling some pain. Thank you God for allowing me to have this surgery. It is definitely the best thing I have done for myself in a loooonng time.

7/03/06 Down 40 pounds

Nov 04, 2006

Just thought I should update again. It has been a while. I haven't lost a lot of weight in the last month. I am now down 40 pounds. I am exercising some but not as much as I should be. I can get in most of my required water each day but the protein is not so easy. I found that beef jerky is the easiest thing for me to eat but I know the sodium in it isn't the best for me. Hoping to have some good weight loss to report within the next few weeks. :)

6/05/06 Down 32 pounds

Nov 04, 2006

Has been a while since I have updated. I am down a total of 32 pounds. I am very happy about that. I go back for my one month post-op visit on June 9th. I am able to keep down everything that I have tried but sugar free ice cream makes me sick to my stomach. So won't be doing that anymore. I can take the no sugar added fudgsicles OK. It is still hard to get in all my water and protein. Need to find something else that I can drink, kinda tired of the Crystal Light and sugar free Kool-Aid already.


Nov 04, 2006

Don't have much to update. I am feeling great now and happy that I decided to do this. I go back for my one month follow up on June 9, 2006.


Nov 04, 2006

OK, I have made it home and I am recovering from this surgery. It really wiped me out more than I thought it would. I want to do nothing but sleep. I have been a little emotional. My surgery took about 5 1/2 hours, they had to repair a hernia and I am going to ask more questions about it when I go back on Thursday to get the drain removed. I'm not really hungry but dealing with head hunger.

5/22/06 Down 23 pounds

Nov 04, 2006

Having the drain removed made a big difference. I am down 23 pounds since I first went to my surgeon for the consultation. I lost 15 pounds during the pre-op diet and have only lost 8 since surgery. I have been told by several people that have had this done, that I will see a big change around the third week though. I am happy to be down 23 pounds... :)

5/09/06--Two Days Before Surgery

Nov 04, 2006

OK, I am starting to get nervous about the surgery. I know that I will be OK, I guess it's just the what if's getting to me now. I just can't wait to get it over with and start losing weight and become healthy again. I can't wait to go for a walk without losing my breath. I will post again once I have reached the losing side. :)


Nov 04, 2006

Well, today was the easiest day on the liquid diet. I know I will make it and I know that I will be so happy that I stuck with it when the surgery is over. Remember to pray for me and my surgeon. Pray that God will guide her hands and keep me safe to come home to be with my family.


Nov 04, 2006

Starting my liquid diet tomorrow. Gotta go back to the dr office for one more office visit. Hoping my primary doctor has faxed the pre-ops already, called them on Friday and left a message for the nurse but haven't heard back from them. Please pray that all the tests come back ok and I will be cleared to have the surgery. Only 12 days to go. I cannot wait. This liquid diet scares me more than anything...........

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 14, 2005
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 73
8/04/07--1 pound below my goal
7/07/07 BIG GOAL Reached
7/05/07 -- WOW Moment
