TheTurtleLady88 wrote Finally, my surgery date!!!! 8 years, 9 months ago

Got the call today! I am officially scheduled for November 12th, 2015. I cannot wait, I'm anxious and excited at I can feel the pressure of all the appointments and things that I need to get in ord...

TheTurtleLady88 wrote a blog post 8 years, 10 months ago
The Waiting Game. - I'm finished! I've officially finished everything on my bariatric checklist and now I'm just waiting for insurance approval! I can honestly say that I have probably never been this...

TheTurtleLady88 wrote a blog post 8 years, 11 months ago
Home Stretch! - I was cleared by my nutritionist this week! So I have one more appointment before I can submit for insurance approval. I have an endoscopy scheduled for September 9th and then it's...

TheTurtleLady88 wrote a blog post 9 years ago
God Dang It! - I have to come back and see the nutritionist again in 4 weeks. She says everything looks great so I'm not sure how long these appointments usually take as far as being released but...

TheTurtleLady88 wrote a blog post 9 years ago
Nutritionist Today - I have an appointment with the nutritionist today. Hopefully I'll be released(with any luck). I had my CardioCoach and EKG appointment yesterday and that went great! So the only th...

TheTurtleLady88 posted a comment 9 years ago
Thank you for your encouragement! I will definitely be posting...

TheTurtleLady88 wrote a blog post 9 years ago
Three to go! - I was released after psych eval today!!!! I am seriously started to get excited, all the anxiety(although I'm sure it will be back) is just disappearing. I have three more appointm...

TheTurtleLady88 posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

I have always been overweight and I have had trouble achieving climax with anyone. I've heard that being obese makes it harder but I was wondering if that changes after WLS? I mean it's not that things don't feel great, I just don't really ever get the

TheTurtleLady88 posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

I'm bipolar. I also suffer from anxiety/panic attacks and my psychiatrist has recently mentioned that she thinks I suffer from PTSD caused my sexual abuse. I'm concerned that this might affect my weight loss journey. Not because I'll struggle with food

TheTurtleLady88 wrote a blog post 9 years ago
First Steps - I have completed a couple things for my VSG medical clearance so far, now I need to be released from the nutritionist and the shrink. I also have an EKG, H. Pylori, Bone density an...

TheTurtleLady88 posted a discussion topic 9 years ago

I am in the process of getting medical clearance for my VSG, every time there is a setback it pushes me a month further from getting my date. My last appointment before approval is August 11th but I started this process in April. It's rather discouragi

TheTurtleLady88 added a goal 9 years ago
have a BMI less than 30

TheTurtleLady88 added a goal 9 years ago
loose 175 pounds

TheTurtleLady88 added a goal 9 years ago
Be able to be a physically active person, be able to participate in sports
About Me
Wilmington, NC,
Surgery Date
Jul 02, 2015
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 19
