Food dreams

Aug 23, 2013

I had a really disturbing dream the other night.  I walked into this olde-time looking candy store, fully expecting to find chocolates in there.  But what did I find instead?  Donuts, more donuts and cookies!  Donuts are like crack for me.  In the dream I was aware I'd had surgery and I was rationalizing why it would be "okay" to have part of a cookie or a donut.  But then, still in dream mode, I was telling myself how it would be a slippery slope. 

I can't honestly remember if I ate something or not in the dream - I think I woke up before that happened.  But it bothered me that I had the dream at all!  I started thinking about if I'd had more carbs lately than normal or if maybe my new chewable vitamin from Celebrate (which looks and taste like a Starburst) triggered me. 

My reaction was to make sure that for the next couple days my carbs were well below 30.  The new vitamins have 7 g of carb (wowza!) so I have to make sure and account for those each day.  I don't know if I'll be ordering more of them if I get any more of these crazy food dreams! 


About Me
Papillion, NE
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2013
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