Oh my poor stomach! 14 1/2 more hours until my new life begins!

Aug 14, 2007

What a great way to spend the afternoon/evening before WLS - in the bathroom!!  My tummy is gurgling, I feel shaky, and I can't get too far from the bathroom or I'm in big trouble.  I am still so excited for tomorrow and want it to BE HERE ALREADY!!!!

1 more day and only 5 hours of "normal" eating left!

Aug 13, 2007

In a couple of hours I will be off to Sioux Falls and the beginning of my new life!  I can eat normally until noon and then start clear liquids and take milk of mag - ugh!  I'm so very excited - tomorrow is my day, it's finally here!  Yesterday I received a call from the hospital for my pre-admission and then a call from the doctors office to tell me that my polyps are benign - what a relief!  So I am packed and ready to go, just need to get my shower taken and take care of a few last minute things and I'm on my way!
 Convertible Female 

2 days to go!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 13, 2007

Yes that's right - only two more days, I just cannot believe it!!!  I am surprisingly calm, thought I would be a nervous wreck, but I feel pretty good!  I need to get packed for the trip to Sioux Falls tomorrow, not sure what to bring - I'm staying at a friends house over the weekend after my surgery, guess I should bring some comfortable pants/shorts.  Also I think I will just have my DH go to the store there and get what sounds good at the time since I'm not sure what my tastes will be.  I have my supplements, some baby food, will pack my clothes, personal items, maybe a book and I am trying to think of anything else to bring?  I'm trying to get this house clean before hand, but I'm afraid it's a losing battle, just gets dirty again - ha ha. 

I'm on the upcoming surgeries list!!!

Aug 12, 2007

This is so exciting, I am now on the list for upcoming surgeries!  I try to go to this list every morning to wish people good luck with their surgeries - and there I was! 
I feel like I want to eat some "last meals" and yet I don't have much of an appetite - I'm just too excited to eat - like that has every happened - ha ha.  Well I'm off to the grocery store need to buy some groceries for my teens while I'm in the hospital - will try to post later. 


Aug 11, 2007

I can hardly contain myself, I am so excited - thank God I was forced to resign from work because I don't think I could concentrate on anything - ha ha, a little sarcasm never hurt anyone.  I have yet to be scared, just can't wait to get to that hospital and have then wheel me in! 
  Bouncy 5  Bouncy 5  Bouncy 5  Bouncy 5 
I hope this feeling remains, because it rocks!  But . . . I do realize that there will be tough times ahead, when I talked with the nurse on Thursday she did explain that during the first few days or weeks I will probably think "why in the world did I do this", but it will get better.  I am concerned about "head hunger" because I do use food (duh) to mask my emotions, it will be a learning experience that is for sure!  I have stocked up on some baby food and am wondering what else I should buy, I actually only have to be on liquid for a day or two and then full liquids for a couple of days then pureed for 6 weeks, so not bad, I feel for those that I have read about that are on a liquid diet before and then for so long after, that would be hard!  Well I am totally procrastinating on the million things I should be doing today, so I guess I should sign off this computer and get going.  
 Bouncy 5  Bouncy 5  Bouncy 5  Bouncy 5 


Aug 10, 2007

Only 5 more days - yeah!!!!  I'm so excited!!!!!
 Way Too Happy  I can't wait to be on the other side!!

I feel so much better today, I have been going through a terrible time at work and was even written up for something totally ridiculous.  The doctors that I work with are very upset that I am being treated this way and one has even suggested that I contact a lawyer.  The last few days have been the worse and I have finally just had enough, so today . . . I resigned!  I already have a job after I am done recovering from surgery - my old position at the hospital - I am so happy to have it back and they said they are thrilled to have me - AWESOME!  I can't believe the weight that has been lifted from me, I feel so relieved.  I am hoping that I will even be able to sleep tonight, I have slept only 2 or 3 hours every night this week so I pray that I can because I'm exhausted.  I think this will be a positive move for me and look forward to enjoying my work and life again! 

8/9/07 - one step closer!

Aug 09, 2007

Today I went to the doctor for my physical and endoscope.  They told me I was wide awake for the whole procedure, but I don't remember being awake - freaky!  I did know what they were doing, but didn't exactly feel it, I was in no discomfort what so ever. I got an IV and then they told me they were putting the medicine in and I thought I was sleeping? The doctor said that he removed two polyps and sent them to the lab - he said they looked good though and shouldn't be anything to worry about.  So all is set for next Wednesday, I check in at the hospital @ 8am, they will get my IV started, do labs, chest xray, and EKG and surgery will be @10am!  I am still so very excited, not scared yet - we'll see how the weekend goes!   Purple Smiles 


Aug 08, 2007

Tomorrow is endoscope/physical day - yeah!!  I never dreamt that I would be happy to have a scope down my throat and to go to the doctor in the same day - but that just puts me that much closer to surgery, which is a week from today!  Work was terrible again, I guess people just enjoy making life hell for others, I can't believe how heartless some people can be, and I work in the psychiatry field - unbelievable! 


Aug 07, 2007

Well today was hell at work, I was written up for something so unbelievably stupid and that happened 6 months ago.  I have decided I will be looking for a new job during my down time after surgery.  I know this will not be difficult since I am a nurse and there is a shortage.  I am just so angry and sick to my stomach, I just want to SCREAM!  There are so many politics at my current job, I just want to go to work and come home and have family time, but here lately I go to work, come home and worry about work, and then go back to work and continue the cycle.  I would like to have given my notice today which is totally not like me, I am a very loyal employee, but I was so angry.  If not for the surgery, I would have given my notice, I don't think it would effect my insurance at all, but I'm not sure?? I would think it's paid for a month in advance, and I don't think they can just drop your insurance automatically if you leave - but what do I know?  Anyways . . . I didn't have much time to even think about the surgery, which would be a good thing except that I have been worrying about other things instead!    So I think I will try to sleep, although I think this is going to be difficult, and hopefully I will make it through the next several days with out losing my cool and quiting my job. 


Aug 06, 2007

Today I returned to work, what a busy day after being on vacation!  My coworker told me that my supervisor had told her last Friday that maybe I would have to reschedule my surgery due to short staff.  She has never said this to me, but she is like that - she talks to other staff and then it gets to you through channels - very irritating!  So I said to my coworker - "I will not change my date, even if she tell me I have to", my coworker looked at me like she was terrified/shocked, but I was serious - I will not change my date.  I have been very open and up front with my supervisor and have told her that once approved the doctors office said it could be the next week that I would have surgery and she was fine with that.  The way it happened it was two weeks notice, so she got an extra week!  I guess until she says it to my face I will not worry about it.  At least if worse came to worse I can always find another job in my field - very easily.  I just feel so strongly that this is what I need to have done and I am not going to let people stand in my way or make me feel guilty for taking time that is rightly mine.  So I've told a few people at work about my date, they have been very supportive and happy for me.  I find myself thinking more and more about the diet, what I will be able to eat, what I will not.  I'm just worried that I will mess up - I want to do so well!  I guess I will just have to follow the plan that my surgeon and nutritionist give me and go from there.  I am such a planner and want to know what is going to happen before it does that it drives me crazy when I'm unsure.  I have the plan, it's just waiting for it all to fall into place I guess?

About Me
Pierre, SD
Surgery Date
Jun 29, 2004
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 135
posted on main board 5/30/08 . . . I need a Century Card
A better day 5/26/08
Feeling down
Home from the hospital
hernia surgery scheduled for Wednesday 5/21
I'm going to have surgery
8 months post-op
