
Aug 04, 2007

11 more days and I'm having surgery - unbelievable!  I am so excited - as I've said a million times before, but I just can't quit saying it - - it's just so hard to believe that this is actually coming true!  I keep thinking about the weight loss, the clothes I can wear, feeling better, having more energy, what will I look like?  I have been overweight my entire life, the lowest I have been as an adult was 197 for a very, very short time on Phen-fen.  Will I be able to eat slow enough, when can I start taking supplements, how will I make sure to get all the protein and fluids in? What if I eat the wrong food and dump, will I be hungry, will this escalate my depression? What will my pre-surgery physical find, will my endoscopy come back okay, can I take my meds after surgery?  I am taking Wellbutrin XL which can't be crushed, and does not come in liquid form, how will I take this or can I? I know that I will need to ask my surgeon these questions on Thursday during my appointment (the last few questions anyways!) I guess all I know for sure is that it will be an intersting journey!  I find myself not hungry, since I found out I was approved and got my date, food is just not appealing - I feel rather nauseated after I eat, probably nerves?  I'm still not scared of the surgery but I am excited (as I've mentioned early).  I feel kind of like my life is on hold right now, I don't want to go anywhere, do anything, just stay home and wait for the magical day - I know that isn't the best for me, but it's what I've been doing - thank God I will go back to work on Monday! 


Aug 03, 2007

So last night I lay in bed and thought - 13 days, less than two weeks - WOW, I just cannot wait, but guess I will have to!  I think the time will fly by, but I have been trying to keep myself busy with the message boards and doing things around the house, since I'm on vacation and don't have work to keep my distracted, I'm actually looking forward to returning to work next week!!Crazy 

I found out from a co-worker yesterday that my surgery has "leaked" at work.  My supervisor told my co-workers in a meeting a while back that I would be having surgery in the future(not really info that needs to be given). My co-worker knows, my supervisor, and those close to me at work, and also this annoying person that came right out and asked.  So this guy (who knows everything), was talking about my surgery during another meeting this week (like it was common knowledge) and telling everyone "well it will be a long time before she has surgery, she needs to have a psych eval, a nutritionist meeting, and then have insurance approval", from what I have heard he went on and on and on.  His father had lap band surgery and evidentally that is enough for him to know everything about all WLS and surgeons.  Oh well, I guess I better get used to the comments, this is the same guy who after finding out I was having surgery asked "what are you having surgery for"?  When I told him gastric bypass he said "gastric bypass, why not have lap band?"and then went on to tell me what is bad about the bypass and good about the lap band, I finally told him that I had done my own research and this was the decision I had made, I then asked that he not tell everyone as I had not at that time been approved yet, guess that didn't happen!   

Custom Smiley 


Aug 02, 2007

I have my supplements and some baby food on hand - now bring on the surgery! Ha Ha  I'm not so sure that being on vacation after finding out that I'm approved is a good deal or not?  I have way too much time on my hands to think, think, think!  I have gone for a walk, gone to the mall, scrapbooked, done dishes, cooked our meals, cleaned, I just have way to much energy - probably will crash on Monday when I have to go back to work!  I got a call from the hospital today and pre-registered and made my deposit.  I have to report the hospital @ 8am the day of surgery, surgery is scheduled for 10am.  I have an appointment to have and endoscopy and EKG/chest xray/Physical on Thurday August 9th, I have to be NPO after midnoc, the scope isn't until noon - should be interesting!  Hungry But all in all I am so very excited and thankful for this process to have gone so smoothly for me to this point - I can't wait to be on the loser's bench!


Aug 01, 2007

I can't sleep - I'm not worried, I'm not scared, I'm not even particularly thinking about the surgery . . . I think I just was so excited yesterday that it carried through to my sleep?  At any rate, I will need to calm down.  I called work yesterday and gave them the dates I will be out (I'm on vacation now), and then called family and one friend that I have told - everyone is very excited!  My kids (all teenagers), are very excited, which kind of surprised me - it's cool, I thought it wasn't that big of a thing to them, but obviously they have been pulling for me as well.  So . . . since I'm on vacation and it's 6:30 am, I think I will try, try, try to get some sleep!

 Counting Sheep 

8/1/07 - I'm approved and I have a date!!

Aug 01, 2007

I am so very excited!!! I received a call from the surgeons office today, they said that they submitted the last of the information this morning and they received a call this afternoon that I'm approved!  The nurse then asked when I would like to have the surgery, I said ASAP, and she said how about August 15th?  WOW - I just can't believe it!  I'm not sure when the reality of it will sink in but for now I'm floating on a cloud!   



Jul 31, 2007

Yesterday I awoke with a clear head and renewed energy!  I called LA Weight Loss where I had dropped $1000 and 10 pounds in 2003, I asked if they kept records from past clients, the girl on the other line (I could tell she was a skinny blonde before even seeing her in person ), said "yes we keep all of our past records!"  I said great I would like to stop in later today and get copies of my weight and sessions with the "counselor", she was less enthusiastic but said that would be okay.  When I arrived they told me that the "toner is out in our printer", I asked if there was a kinkos near by or if I could just take the records as I was only in town for the day.  Miraculously the girl remembered that they had a copy machine in the back room and she copied the information I requested.  I also remembered that I had been weighed before being rejected by my insurance in 2004, so went to that office and requested those records, I then delivered both items to Dr. Harris' office, the nurse felt that this would be a huge help - thank God!  I am going to my PCP tomorrow to read the letter she has written and then will also have that faxed to Dr. Harris' and then all the information will be submitted once again to the insurance company - I pray, pray, pray that all works out!  Thank goodness for all the kind/encouraging people on OH that help through this nerve racking time!

The doctors office called 7/27

Jul 28, 2007

and . . . they received a call from the insurance, they need three years of records sent and a letter from my PCP.  Well. . . I don't have three years of records because I didn't go to the doctor for several years, until last year, so I just don't have them.  I did talk with my PCP who said that she would write a letter, I need to go see her on Wednesday to see what she has written up and then she will fax it in to Dr. Harris' office.  I was so bummed when I received the call, I felt like I was suffocating, felt like this would never happen!  I was at a university campus with my son, visiting to help him choose where he wanted to go to college when I received the call, I didn't say much about it at the time and then cried and cried later in the afternoon after we left the college.  Guess I just needed to let out some of this frustration, anxiety, stress, anyways it did help and I feel better and feel as though I'm ready to keep fighting and won't let the insurance company bully me!


Jul 26, 2007

So yesterday was the day before vacation for me, I have been very good about not calling/not thinking so hard about the surgery and insurance, mostly because I have been so busy getting ready for vacation.  I did however call home yesterday around 3pm and ask my daughter, did anyone call from the clinic or hospital or insurance?  She said no, so I left it at that.  Later as we are getting ready to leave I talked with my son (who had used my cell phone for the day), he said "some lady from the doctors office called for you, but she said she had already called the house".  So I asked my daughter, she said "yeah right after you called earlier, they called, but she said she would call you at work", I gave my cell number as work!!! grrrrrr  So it was already too late to call by this time and now I can't quit thinking about it, was she calling to say I'm approved, denied, that more information is needed?  I just can't wait to call and it's still over two hours away before they are even open for business!

50 things to do instead of snacking

Jul 24, 2007

My OH friend, Alex, sent this to me.  Hope it helps!


50 Things to do instead of snacking:

1. Imagine the new healthier you
2. Walk around the block
3. Call a friend
4. Make a list of your Top Ten Reasons to Lose Weight
5. Make a To Do list
6. Turn on music and dance
7. Jot a thank you note to someone
8. Go to bed early or take a nap
9. Read a book
10. Blog or journal
11. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure
12. Plan a healthy meal for your family
13. Surf the Internet
14. Finish an unfinished project
15. Walk your dog, pet your cat, feed your fish
16. Brush your teeth
17. Balance your checkbook
18. Say a prayer
19. Chop veggies to keep on hand
20. Give a massage
21. Clean out a junk drawer
22. Play a game with your kids
23. Try a new route on your walk
24. Drink a glass of water
25. Kiss someone
26. Try on some of your clothes
27. Look at old pictures
28. Rent a video
29. Wash your car
30. Take a hot, soothing bath
31. Update your calendar
32. Work in your yard
33. Start your holiday shopping list
34. Count your blessings
35. Write a letter
36. Fold some laundry
37. Check your e-mail
38. Give your dog a bath
39. Send a birthday card
40. Meditate
41. Hug someone
42. Rearrange some furniture
43. Light a fire or some candles
44. Put your pictures in an album
45. Plan a trip (real or imaginary)
46. Straighten a closet
47. Clean out a files
48. Visit a friend
49. Clean out your trunk
50. Do something nice for someone 

"So many dreams at first seem impossible. And then they seem improbable. And then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable." (Christopher Reeve)

Just in case I need this list someday - self pay loans

Jul 24, 2007

About Me
Pierre, SD
Surgery Date
Jun 29, 2004
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 135
posted on main board 5/30/08 . . . I need a Century Card
A better day 5/26/08
Feeling down
Home from the hospital
hernia surgery scheduled for Wednesday 5/21
I'm going to have surgery
8 months post-op
