
Jul 24, 2007

I went to my primary today, she was so excited as was her nurse that I am getting this done - why do I stress so?  She said that everything looked great and that she couldn't wait to see me after the surgery!  I was feeling so down after talking with my surgeon's office and insurance office and not getting any answers, I guess seeing her and getting this part done, did help me to feel as though I'm moving forward.  She did not order any additional tests as my surgeon had wanted me to ask her, which is great!  She said to let her know if I need anything further and that was that.   It's All Good . . . until I freak out about insurance again - hehehe 


Jul 24, 2007

So today I did what I have been trying not to do, I called the insurance company and they have not received any information yet from my surgeon.  So I called Dr. Harris' office today and they told me that they are currently working on the prior authorizations and then will get them to the insurance companies.  The lady I spoke with also said that the Dr. will be on vacation this week and all of next week, so now I am sad, mad, frustrated, nervous, a wreck really!   I just want to know what is going to happen, whether my insurance is going to come through, when I can have the surgery, if I get to have the surgery.  I am so very terrible at waiting, I see people on this site that wait for months while dieting to have this surgery and I just don't know if I would have it in me!!  I have waited for three years since being denied the first time, but I had decided I could do it on my own at that time, and what do you know I lost and re-gained that weight, too bad it wasn't doctor supervised.  I do have an appointment today with my doctor since my surgeon recommended I see her and get clearance from her and find out if she would have any additional tests she would like done before surgery.  I am sick about going to the doctor because I have gained so much weight since I was there last (in March).  She has always been so very nice and encouraging, it's me that beats myself up before going I guess.  So, Anyways . . . I will take some deep breaths and try to relax and let things happen as they happen. 

good and bad meds

Jul 23, 2007

Thought this list might come in handy someday, I hope! Roll 
Drugs that are and are not safe
Darvon compounds
Vioxx (off market...not safe for anyone)
ALL "NSAIDS" (*see below for the Cox 2 Inhibitors)

Triaminics (All)
Tylenol (cold products)
Tylenol Ex Strength
Imodium Ad
Fleet Enema
Milk of Magnesia


Jul 18, 2007

I went to the consultation with my surgeon yesterday and also to the nutritionist.  I have everything done to this point and now comes the waiting . . . . which I'm not very good at!  The consultation went well, I need to see my primary, have a endoscopy, and will have an EKG and chest xray the day of surgery.  The nurse at my surgeons office said that once things are submitted to my insurance (should be this week), and once I am approved, I could schedule the surgery in as little as two weeks from that date - that would be AWESOME!  The nutritionist was great as well, she was very thorough and explained everything.  She said that she would also follow through the hospital stay and each time I go back to see the doctor.  The food plan seems a bit different than some that I have read from others on this forum.  I will only be on liquids/full liquids for 3 - 4 days and then will start on soft or ground foods.  So for now I wait and will try to abstain from calling the insurance company every 5 minutes  Nervous 2 


Jul 17, 2007

Tomorrow I go for my consultation and nutrionist appointment, I'm so excited!  I've read so many people's stories over the last few weeks, some make me think - wow! maybe getting approved isn't so hard, and others . . make you think it's not even worth starting the process!  I guess I just need to apply and wait and see, obviously I am not so good at the waiting part  Purple Smiles.  I was thinking today how anxious I am to start losing weight and even exercise sounds like fun when I know I'm losing and feeling good!  I wonder in fact why I ever quit exercising?  I was exercising last year at this time, walking up to 5 miles 4 times/week and now I am down to nothing and all the weight I had lost (70lbs) is back!  I guess I just need to quit feeling guilty about the weight returning and be thankful that I know in my heart without second guessing myself that WLS is the answer for me.  I know that someday I will have the surgery, whether my insurance comes through or not, I will find a way!  So I will post after my appointment, probably not until Thursday as I will get home late Wednesday night.   

7/13 post on South Dakota board

Jul 12, 2007

Post Date: 7/13/07 4:52 am

Hi - any help would be greatly appreciated!! I was denied in 2004 for WLS, I now have different surgery and I am going through the process again.  The reason I was denied in 2004 was because I had no co-morbidities.  I still am relatively healthy, I do have depression and heart disease runs in my family, but other than that . . . obesity is it (it's enough).  I have my consultation on July 18th and I am worried sick that I will again be denied for the surgery and I WANT IT SO BAD!!  I have Dakotacare insurance, the policy says that you must have 12 months coverage (I do), BMI over 40 (I do), 3 years obese documented by physician (I think I have?), and 3 years of weight loss attempts documented by physician (I don't have).  I'm so worried that the last two will be what stops me from getting the surgery.  I have seen the doctor for weight loss, I have been on every diet in the book, I have been on prescribed medication for weight loss, but I don't have three years of documented dieting.  I am wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and been approved.  Also if you think that the doctor sending a letter that states I have been obese and dieted for way over three years would be enough to get approved?  I have checked the insurance board and people that have posted about Dakotacare generally  have positive statements, but most are quite old and not specific.  I just keep thinking and thinking about this surgery and what it would mean to me, and I'm sure I am driving everyone in my family crazy - it's just something I want badly and can't seem to get off my mind!! Sorry this is soooo very long and thanks for any suggestions!  Tanya


Jul 11, 2007

I work for a psychiatrist that knows about my plans for bypass surgery, today we were talking about the surgery.  He talked about a few patients that we have that are so obese that they can't take care of themselves and have to have a spouse or loved one help them clean themselves or wipe after going to the bathroom.  He is a very compassionate man and was talking about how degrading this can be to people and how he feels so sorry for people and that this surgery is the answer "until we find what causes obesity and can stop it".  So after having this talk and I think he really understands, he says "Have you ever tried Weight Watchers"?  I said yes, and he said "really, and you didn't lose the weight"?  I explained that it didn't matter what diet I was on, I could lose weight, but always gained it back. So since that conversation, I keep thinking about the health care profession and how little they really understand about obesity. No wonder it is so frustrating to go to a doctor to lose weight when they really don't understand how to help people like us?  I had a doctor say to my mother when I was 6 or 7 years old and had the stomach flu that "it wouldn't hurt if she didn't keep anything down for a couple of weeks", how hurtful this was, and these are supposed to be the ones we turn to and trust?  I know that things have changed alot since then, and I would never tolerate a doctor saying this to me now, but I wonder how many others have had similar experiences with doctors and weight issues? 


Jul 08, 2007

I am getting closer and closer to my appointment with the doc and nutritionist, and it can't come soon enough!  I just so badly want to get this surgery and get on with my life, I feel like it's kind of "on hold" right now and want to feel better and be able to do the things that my weight stops me from doing now.  It seems like I go to work, come home & sleep, go to work, come home & sleep, and the weekends are bad because I want to sleep then as well!  I don't know if it's depression or that I just feel worn out - I did start taking my anti-depressants again after being off of them for 3 months, hopefully they will kick in soon.  Today I will try to be positive and try to not overeat.


Jul 07, 2007

Yesterday I tried to get all of my medical records together to take to the doctor on th 18th.  I got the records from my current doctor but when I tried to get records from my previous doctor (which included numerous diet attempts, pills, exercise, dietician) I was told that they are only required to keep records for 10 years and they have been destroyed!  I really thought they would have to microfiche them or something!  I had a several year time period where I did not go to the doctor and then started two years ago with my current doctor, now I'm concerned that I won't have proof that I have been obese for all these years!  I will have to think positively that this will not be an issue and that the insurance will just take the word of my WLS surgeon.  I really hate this waiting game and can't wait until the 18th for my appointment so that I can wait some more . . . 

I feel so sorry for people that have to wait for months and years, I just don't know if I would be able to tolerate that - what determination!


Jul 05, 2007

Oh how rotten I feel this morning!  I spent last evening overeating more than usual and went to bed early and now I am paying the price!  I just wrote to one of my friends on OH about how thankful I am for my family/friends and I really feel that way, but I'm so disappointed and miserable with myself that I'm not very good at showing it!  I want to have this surgery so badly, to not let food and what it does to me affect my mood and what I'm able to do.  I want to be full of energy, to feel comfortable in my own body.  I want to wake up and not worry about what I'm going to wear, will it fit?  will I look terrible?  I long to wear clothes that show my personality and uniqueness, not what was available and fit.  I am going to think positive thoughts today!!!! 

About Me
Pierre, SD
Surgery Date
Jun 29, 2004
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 135
posted on main board 5/30/08 . . . I need a Century Card
A better day 5/26/08
Feeling down
Home from the hospital
hernia surgery scheduled for Wednesday 5/21
I'm going to have surgery
8 months post-op
