1/2 Ironman down and a full to go in August

May 22, 2009

Last week in Florida I had the privelege of competing in the Ford Ironman Orlando 70.3 event with my brother Dan. It was amazing standing on the beach with him watching the pro's go out and the physically challenged waves begin. I thought of my journey to this point and where I want to be.

As I swam the 1.2 miles I completely enjoyed the fact that I was amongst some of the best athletes in the world and starting something that very few people even dream of doing. The 56 mile bike ride was a challenge (8 chain drops) but totally enjoyable to see everyone on the course working towards the finish line. The run was brutal! I sprained my ankle three days before the race and was working through that.

Overall I finished about an hour slower than I set out for but I am so happy that I finished. It gave me the confidence I needed to work on my training and preparations for the full Ironman in Louisville, KY at the end of August. Again, I will be racing with my brother Dan and will enjoy completing something that I never dreamed I would be doing.

My journey from obesity is still ongoing as I have about 50 lbs to lose. The journey is much more enjoyable and I look forward to not only reaching the finish line but doing so a few pounds lighter.


Florida 70.3 Ironman next week

May 08, 2009

It has been November since I posted and a lot has happened. I am about a week away from my first Ironman race (70.3) and am enjoying all of the anxiety, nervousness and the unknowns that come with that. I have struggled with weight loss through this process and I am convinced that there is something metabolic at this point, so I can't beat myself up over the last 40lbs to go. I'll figure it out along the way.

What I can do is enjoy the fact that I could not even consider doing a race like this at 420lbs, but at 250 it is achievable. I am greatful for the inspiration of my brother dan (www.trimywill.com) and others who have helped me along the way. While I have been struggling with this last 40lbs I have realized that I should be happy with where I have come and enjoy the journey on getting to my goals. There is truly no quick fix for becoming healthy and no amount of stress or self-inflicted pressure will get you there either. Steady and consistent movement towards my goals are what is going to help me get there.

I think it is easy to fall into the trap of remembering what the honeymoon period of weight loss surgery can produce and you wonder why that can't be the case a year and 1/2 or two from surgery. The surgery really is the tool to help you get control of your physical habits and the struggle then becomes mental. It is a beautiful thing for me to realize this and it has taken me six months to feel the peace that I feel this morning over my situation. So I am looking forward to the next six months with enjoyment, two ironman races, a marathon and several smaller triathlons. No stress, no conditions or setbacks will take away from the fact that I am an athlete that is embarking on something that very few even consider. Go me! 


TRIATHLETE-it's official

Nov 01, 2008

Today was such a rad day... I completed my first sprint triathlon. It was a bit emotional crossing the finish line for a few reasons. (1) I thought of how far I had come from being over 400lbs and what a great path I am on. (2) I thought of my motivation to lose the last 50lbs I'm carrying on my gut and how liberating it will be to actually be competitive. Based upon my personal time, I would have placed second last year in Cliedsdale (200-lbs and over) but this year they did away with weight classes, so I was lumped with the rest of the pack.

It was great to know that I had the ability to do this and I can't believe how addicting traithlons can be. As I was cycling, I passed over 20 people and only was passed by two. The atmosphere was not so competitive as it was encouraging. I think everyone understands that most folks were out there to finish and not actually place. Everyone I passed during cycling I encouraged and I am glad I did. As they passed me on the run, they did the same. All in all, I think I came in around 1:13 seconds and first place overall was probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 56 minutes. As heavy as I am, I am so happy to be in this circle of fitness and I can't wait to pursue my goals of taking the remaineder of 08' and 09' to drop my weight and race in an ironman. I think I'll have more tears than sweat coming off of me as I cross the finish line.


Four Days and Counting

Oct 28, 2008

Four days and counting to my first triathlon. My brother Danny (dandcbjammin) got me motivated to do something and I'm hooked! My work-up to the triathlon has been swimming at least 1600 meters and riding my bike between 20-30 miles a day. I've really struggled with running but being that I am still in the 250's, I am trying to take that easy so I don't stress my knees and joints too much.

I did a run through on Saturday (400 meter swim, 10.5 mile bike and 3 mile run) and finished in 1:11:35; which is better than most of the friends I am training with that are 175-210 lbs. I can't wait to see how I do and working towards my ultimate goal of an Iron-man (2.7 mile swim, 119 mile bike and 26.7 mile run) by next year. My goal is to not win but to finish and prove to myself I am on track to overcome obesity.

It is so funny how my shirt in the picture one week before my surgery is the "I beat annorexia" and during my Iron-man I will wear a jersey with "I beat obesity." What a great victory that is going to be.

My inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6cCfsMVqXw



Oct 13, 2008

Had a full day of work and trying to prepare for my Triathlon on Nov 1st. currently weighing in at 258 and my workout today was pretty light. Swam 2000 meters and missed my bike ride (usually pull in about 25 miles a day).


2 x 32 gram protein shakes
1 x beef jerkey
1/2 hamburger
yogurt w/ 1/4 cup granola
1 piece of combo pizza (couldn't finish all the crust)
handful of pistachios
2 Fuze drinks
2 bottles of 32 oz water

Golf Clubs are on the shelf; Road Bikes, Goggles and Running Sh

Sep 30, 2008

So my hobby of golfing, drinking soda and being lazy is now shelved. I have fallen in love over the past six weeks with swimming, biking and running. I have been training for a traithlon in April of 09 which is an Olympic triathlon (1 mile swim, 25 mile bike and 6.2 mile run).

I have signed up for a sprint triathlon for November 1st in Casa Grande, AZ which is a 400 meter swim, 10.2 mile bike and 3 mile run. I am swimming anywhere from 1600 meters to 2500 meters on a given day now and biking over 15 miles a day, so those two aren't the problem. I am only running two miles and I have only done swimming and biking back-to-back. So there is a lot of work to do to prepare.

I by no means intend to win this race but the goal to prepare and finish and create an environment focused on fitness is terrific. I may still be one of the biggest guys out there, but I guarantee I can dust most of these guys in the pool and on the bike and of course lag in the run. We'll see how it goes but it's all good stuff.


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Gilbert, AZ
Jan 29, 2008
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