Roy Cobean

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 62 ratings

Roy Cobean Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

14 yr Experience

5 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

35% Practice is Bariatrics

62 Reviews for Roy Cobean
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Hi Everyone I hope alot of people see this because Their are ANGELS amoung us and Their names are DR.Roy Cobean,Barbara And Betty they were great as was the whole staff and i'm sorry for forgetting Their names but for me it was a Great thing to have done and I would do it again THANK YOU GUYS FOR A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE.....Your Friend Ed


First impression was very favorable (support meeting). Although he did not know me he answered my two questions. I had not yet decided to have WLS but now I have decided to have it. His office staff called me for more information after my family doctor sent him my records and she was very willing to answer my questions. Dr. Cobean seemed to be very direct and considers morbid obesity to be a disease just like heart disease or kidney disease. He explained how genetics are involved in how much you weigh. He has aftercare for two years plus support groups once a month and a newsletter once a month. I have yet to have my first office visit with him (which I understand is for one hour!). I have a friend who had WLS done by him and I feel that his surgical compentence and bedside manner were caring and careful about his surgery.


When I met Dr. Cobean at my initial evaluation, to be perfectly honest, I thought he seemed a little distracted.
The more I had the chance to speak with him though, it seemed that he really knows his business. He explained the surgery in detail.
The support staff at the MMC Bariatric Center has been super! Very concerned and helpful.
Their aftercare program is excellent. Follow-up visits at 4 wks, 3 mos, 6 mos, 12 mos and 24 mos.
I don't think I would do quite as well without their help. They have always been available to answer my questions.
I was very impressed when Dr. Cobean took the time to call me back, then call in a prescription for me from his camp on the weekend!
If I had to do it all again, I would definitely have the surgery done by Dr. Cobean.
On the negative side-I had a long period to wait before I could go in for my first appointment. My physician sent the referral over in October of 2000, my first appointment was May 16, 2001,and my surgery was August 27, 2001.


I have not yet talked to him about gastric bypass surgery, but I saw him last spring to talk about possible reflux surgery. I eventually decided not to have the surgery at that time but he is a most unusual doctor. He is very open, tells you about every possible complication that could happen and how many times it's happened in one of his patients. He even told me about a few patients who were very disatisfied with their results. He is friendly and down to earth with no doctor arrogance. It is a 10 month wait just to get your first consultation and another 2 months before surgery will be scheduled. I am so impressed with him that I wouldn't think of going anywhere else. I just talked to Diane who is a nurse I believe. She got back to me in less than 24 hrs, answered all my questions, told me I sounded like a perfect candidate and invited me to start attending the support group meeting right away even if my first consultation is 10 months away (more probably bcause I can't schedule it until I get my pcp to refer me.)


My first impression of Dr. Roy Cobean was that he was a very caring individual, who seemed to understand that obesity was an illness. He was very careful to explain the pros and cons of the surgery, and that i must see various specialists to be sure that I was a good candidate.He allowed me to email him with questions or comments and always answered. I felt then, and I feel now that he(the surgery) was a miracle in my life and I bless his talents, mind and hands, for enabling me to start a new life. Hi surgical competence and bedside manner go hand in hand, and he is the best in my opinion.I have had no problems with him or his Staff, and have absolutley NO negative comments to this day (5 1/2 months after). His aftercare has been great, 2 weeks, one month, three months and six months. His (MMC) bariatric center in Scarboro is only a telephone call away. His Staff also conducts a support group , with a monthly newsletter. Overall, my experience with the surgery and Dr. Cobean, on a scale of 1-10. 10 being the best, I would rate him an
11....over the top! I truly, honestly cannot say anything negative, except that he/they are very, very busy.


Dr Cobean is a great guy.. Very funny, knowledgeable, & best of all down to earth. Never cocky or rude, always listening and making sure you understand everything he talks about. Dr Cobean was very upfront about the risks or surgery and the benefits, he wants to be sure you fully understand what you are getting in to. His program is very structured, your 1st of 2 appts. is approx. 3 hrs long. (1hr w/Dr Cobean, 1hr w/Barbara Coriveau (dietician) 1hr w/Laura Olken LCSW. On your first appt everyone is basically trying to explain everything to you and make sure your fully understanding all that is happening. During your 1hr with Barbara, she gives you a homework assignment so to speak, basically it is a tool for them to be sure your commited. The Bariatric team wants to be sure your committed to your choice. This certainly isn't a fly by night decision. The team is great, from the intake secretary to the Dr. everyone is very nice, always happy and very interested in you. I feel like a person in their office not a #. What a great feeling... I would highly recommend Dr Cobean and his team to anyone..


My first impression of Dr Cobean was a pretty good one. I first met him at a support group meeting, and he was so clear explaining the surgery, answering questions, and generally relating with the people in the room in a very positive manner. Having had several appointments with him, my impression is only getting better. His credentials are top notch, and he really cares about his patients.

The staff at the new Bariatric Center in South Portland are fantastic! Always available for questions, and guidance. The whole program he has helped to build is fantastic. You are basically a patient for life, with regular appointments the first 2 years and then yearly check-ups to make sure you are not gaining weight.

Dr Cobean made sure you really understood all of the problems that could stem from the surgery. He wants his patients to be able to make an educated decision to have this surgery. He is fun, easy to talk to, clear and kind. You can check his website at .

Every experience I have had with the support group, the Bariatric Center and Dr Cobean have been very positive. If I had anything negative to say, it would be that it can be a little uncomfortable talking to a Social Worker about all your innermost 'stuff' during your initial appointment when you don't have a connection with this person yet, BUT I understand the need to meet and be evaluated by every member of Dr Cobean's team.


My first impression of Dr. Cobean was one of respect and admiration for his knowledge and caring attitude.
My impression of him has not changed one iota. I hope he always remains the same.
His office staff was/is always willing to answer my questions and be of any assistance.
I had scheduling problems in the beginning, but I think it was because the doctor was just starting a weight loss center in Scarborough, and getting everything going, along with the move, wasconfusing. There is nothing that I don't like about Roy or his staff. He even emailed me when I was in Florida to answer any questions I had regarding the surgery. While in the hospital, he came to see me twice a day, and after I got home, he called me to find out how I was. His aftercare program was 2 weeks after, 1 month after, and 3 months after surgery. He has a support group functioning with meetings once a month. In telling me and my husband about the surgery, he pointed out exactly how and where he would make incisions, and though the operation was laporoscopic, warned that he might have to make a long incision down the middle of my stomach. He reiterated the risks for ME, my age (66), hypertension, diabetes,breathing problems and made sure I consulted with the respective doctors for each malady BEFORE surgery. How would I rate him? God Bless his mind, heart and hands for giving me this miracle! Both surgical competence and bedside manner are crucially important because this is a major change in the patient's life. Not to say that everything went perfect, I had some cases of severe diarrhea, and of upchucking because I ate too fast, or ate too much, but I honestly can find no fault with Dr. Cobean. My only problem with the office was the constant changing of appointments, and each of the Staff not aware of what the other was doing or did do.


I very much respect Dr. Roy Cobean. He is very up front about all aspects of the surgery, giving you the good and the bad points. He likes to know all of his patients and spends time with them, so you are not just a number. He has a structured program for anyone thinking about having this surgery. You talk with him, a clinical social worker and a dietician each time you have an appointment. They are there for you. A support group was also started a couple of months ago. The only downside of the whole process is the length of time. I was lucky. I only had to wait five months for the initial appointment. Now, the wait is about 18 months, I believe. But even this you have to respect. He had other patients and does other surgeries. I still have one month to go before my surgery.


I'm an OR nurse. I met Dr. Cobean in the OR when he was doing a roux-
en-y on a patient.
I previously have had the gastric J-I bypass in 1975 then deu to liver failure the
JI bypass was taken down and the traditional gastric stapling was done in 1980.
Everything was wonderful...I went down from 475 to a small 148 size 10.

Today 20 years later I have a BMI of over 40
because the staple line didn't hold.

Dr. Cobean is "the man" when it comes to obesity surgery.
The only thing I can tell you, if his bedside manner is just as good as his technical skills that I've observed
then he's the best. I know he treats all the nurses in the OR with respect.

There is nothing I don't like about Dr. Cobean....I'm trusting him with my life and getting my
"life" back again.

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