You Got This - A Powerful Weight Loss Surgery Tool

“You Got This” As My Powerful Weight Loss Surgery Tool

July 5, 2017

For many years, I asked myself the same question, “How did I get here?”

It was as though I turned around one day and did not recognize the person in the photo. That is me? How? Why? We are all different and each of us has our own stories. For some of us, the weight gain was gradual over time. For others, it has always been a part of who we are. Still, there are others who have medical or genetic conditions that played a role.

I cannot count the number of “diets” I went on during 30 years of my life and each ended with the same results. I could easily lose 20 pounds, and sometimes even 30. At the end of the diet, I would gain 25-35 pounds back, and I gained it back very quickly and too easily! Yo-yo dieting is real and not fun at all. Exercising was always challenging for me, too.

Then, I had a chance encounter with an “angel”! I made an appointment at a salon for a mani-pedi. I never do this! Only on rare, special occasions, of which this was one. Somehow, during the small talk, she felt the need to share with me her experience with Gastric Sleeve weight loss surgery. She was 8-months post surgery and shared her story with before and after photos that were on her phone. By the end, she made me promise that I would go and have a free consultation with her amazing doctor, Dr. Joshua Long. I made my appointment that week.

Change Your Mindset For The Results You Want

Fortunately for me, I had several medical issues that were directly attributed to the excess weight I carried, so my insurance company agreed that I needed surgery. However, they wanted me to take classes for six months first. What? I already knew everything there was to know about diet and exercise. I wanted to move forward with having the surgery. I couldn’t wait to have the surgery. What could I possibly learn in six months?

As it turns out, I learned a lot! I am very glad I was forced into the classes and waiting period. Since I needed to wait and take the classes, I decided to focus on learning at least one new thing at each class. I want to share some of the things I learned with you that helped me.

First of all, the surgery is not the answer, it is only a helpful tool. This is very important to understand. It is a huge commitment, which brings about other life challenges, which for me, are acid reflux and occasional vomiting if I do not follow doctor recommended instructions. Follow what your doctor recommends and you won’t go wrong! I am still learning this! You do need to change the way in which you eat. For me, not having a glass of water with my meal was strange at first. Now, it is a habit.

If you continue to eat the same and live the same as you always have, you will not achieve the desired results. Period. Surgery is not a magic pill.

You absolutely MUST change your mindset. If you always do the same things, you will always get the same results. If you want to change, you must change the patterns in your life. It is less about deprivation and more about control. Do not think of this as a “diet” (a horrible 4-letter word!), but more about changing your life!

Yes, you can eventually enjoy almost everything you have always enjoyed, but differently. I do not deprive myself, and I am not on a diet. I have changed my patterns and the way I live my life, and I love the results! I started my journey at 275 pounds, and now 2 1/2 years post-op, I am at 180. I am not at my goal, but very proud of my accomplishments. I wish I had done this years ago, but happy that my angel found me when she did.

My Powerful Weight Loss Surgery Tool

For me, the most powerful tool that helped me was realizing that “I Got This!”

Changing my life is entirely up to me. I am the only one that has the power over what I put into my mouth and how I move my body. Nobody else has that control. This has become my life mantra. I got this. YOU got this!

It feels challenging at first, but armed with knowledge and power, there is nothing you cannot do. Listen to the advice of your doctor and read and re-read the suggestions. There are many helpful resources out there, both online and in-person support groups. Use the support and realize you are the one in control. Nobody else holds the power.

I made small changes in my life with huge results. I had to accept that everything I was doing, I was doing for me. For me, it was my future and my health. I spent my life doing everything for everyone else. I tried hard to accept and love the body I was in, but the fact of the matter was that I didn’t. I was miserable.

Yes, I wanted to be an inspiration to my spouse and my son. I wanted to show them that they could also change their habits. They could tweak their choices and behaviors, but I needed to do this for myself. As time went on, they were inspired, as were other friends and family, but I needed to love myself enough to take care of myself first. Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others!

The beginning was a challenge, but the change in mindset helped. Do not think of what you cannot do or cannot have in the beginning. Think of the good that you are doing for your body.

My choice, my control. I told myself, and you can too, "You got this!"

Sugar is one of the main enemies and it is everywhere! Do not think that it is forever off limits. Just realize that it is not good for your body. The classes reinforced the reading of nutritional labels. If it has more than five grams of sugar, try to avoid it! I was taught that carbonation actually stretches your stomach, making it easier to eat more and consume more calories. This is really the only thing I no longer wish to consume. I had the surgery to decrease my stomach size, I do not wish to increase it.

What You Eat And How You Move

It really is about “diet and exercise.” What you eat and how you move. When you give your body what it needs, you will feel better. Since I cannot eat large quantities, I focus on what my body needs. I focus on veggies, fruits, and proteins. I try to avoid bread and sugars. This is part of my “life change”. If I want something different, I may have a bite and I will savor and enjoy that bite.

I do not label foods as “good” and “bad”. My body just feels better eating foods that are better for me. Again, I got this!

I know different doctors have different opinions about caffeine and alcohol. Mine made me sign a contract that I would give them up for a year. I didn’t think I could, but I actually felt better. I had more energy than I ever did! I popped out of bed every day and never missed that cup (or two) of coffee! I learned to really listen to my body and to give it what it needs.

Then, there is exercise. There are so many ways to get your move on. Find something that you enjoy. Just move! It is important to add both cardio and weight training to your schedule. Building muscle tone also helps burn more calories. What worked for me was to schedule my exercise.

On the days that I went to work, I would also fit in some exercise. This was usually after work because I wanted to sleep in the morning. My days off from work were my rest days from exercise. I would not allow myself the normal excuses, as there are way too many.

You are doing this for you, and you will feel better afterward. It really helps the pounds disappear and it will become something you crave rather than something you dread. Try not to sit for too long. My boss was inspired by the changes he saw in me. We decided to have our daily meetings on a walk, rather than sitting across a desk! Bonus!

Continually tell yourself "You got this" because you do.

Very simply… remember that YOU are in control of all of it.


Jeannie O'Brien became a member of ObesityHelp in February of 2017. She spent years trying to lose weight with yo-yo dieting before she came to the conclusion she needed to reach out for help in her struggle. She had Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) on November 4th 2014 with Dr. Joshua Long at The Bariatric and Metabolic Center of Colorado. She has since lost more than 85 pounds and has dedicated herself to keeping the weight off.