VSG Maintenance Group


Ms. Poker Face
on 6/14/12 12:55 am
Ugh, one of my major reasons for eating is stress and boy am I stressed right now!  Between work travel (international too yet!) and office drama and work issues and an old friend leaving me a voicemail (we didn't part on good terms)...... I'm stressed out to the max!  Yesterday was not a good day: three flights including international travel, too much airport grazing, work stuff that directly affected me but was out of my control.  I ate and ate and ate.  Not large portions, obviously, but pretty much a steady stream of food all day.  Yikes.

To make matters worse, I had to switch counselors and haven't been to an appt in a month!  This afternoon is my first appt with the new counselor.  I can't wait to get started and keep delving into my head about why I think food will solve all my problems around stress (it doesn't!  my rational mind knows that but food sure has a grip on me when I'm stressed).

Anyway, knew some of you would understand and just needed to vent.  I feel a little better just having typed this all out.  *deep breath*


5'5"    Goal reached, but fighting regain.  Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246    Goal Weight 160    Current Weight 183

Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L


Lina P.
on 6/14/12 6:20 am - Bolton, Canada
Many many deep breaths!
Hope your week turns into a wonderful stressless weekend.
Height: 5 ft - Age: 42
Bougie size: 36 oversewn to 34  
 CW: 135 lbs
Happy in the 130's but... On to my second goal!

(deactivated member)
on 6/14/12 8:07 am, edited 6/14/12 8:36 am
First of all  (((((((((HUGs)))))))))))

So sorry you are having a stressful week.  It sure sounds like you have to much going on.

Just remember "this too shall pass"

I know what you mean about food. I am a stress eater too.

I hope your new counselor is helpful...........You definitely deserve a deeeeep breath and a break....
Pura Vida
on 6/14/12 8:32 am - Costa Rica
Sounds like you need a valium....just kidding. I can totally relate as a stress eater myself, and still haven't found the magic bullet.....

I wish you calmness!
diane S.
on 6/14/12 12:08 pm
Stress just sucks doesn't it. It can really throw a monkey wrench in weight control and all sorts of health things. The only thing to do is be prepared for it with appropirate foods and a personal mantra of something like " this will pass and eating won't have any impact so skip the snack" or some such thing.  International travel must be so stressful. Keep little packs of beef jerky with you.

And take comfort in knowing that zillions of us have been or still are stress eaters so you are not alone and you are not weak for having this issue. There should be a "Stress Eaters Anonymous!".


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