The Countdown begins!

Jan 21, 2009

Well last week I got my approval from Tricare.  It only took 2 days. I can't believe it!!!  Then I got a big break today. My Dr.'s office is actually scheduling in April so I thought I would be waiting alot longer but someone had to change their surgery date today right before I called them so I was able to take their date.  So now I am scheduled for February 26th. Holy Cow!!!

This has been crazy so far.  I only decided to
consider the operation on October 20th and now only 4 months later I am scheduled for it.  I am lucky because I have 4 ladies in my office who have had the surgery and one of my best friends as well, so they have provided me a wealth of information to help move me along in the process.

I am also so fortunate to have you people here at OH because you too have given me answers to many of my questions.  I hope I will be able to do the same for some others. 

So now I start the countdown.  My preop is scheduled for February 10th and that is an all-day event. 

Nervous Wreck

Jan 13, 2009

Well, all is done but the shouting.   My info is to Tricare and it is now in their hands.  It is a strange feeling right now.  Anxious, excited and scared all at the same time.   And all of my friends & family keep asking me if I've heard.  I know they are all excited for me and they want this for me almost as much as I do.  So there is nothing left for me to do but wait.  I've come this far so I know I will be o.k. but geez it is hard to be patient.

My Tricare Question/Dilemma

Jan 07, 2009

Well, let's see. Where to begin. 

When I went to my Dr. the insurance person gave me all the info on Tricare Prime's requirements along with a website to go to for the Metlife tables they use for ideal weight.  I was told that without comorbidities I would need to be 200% of my ideal weight.

My logic then is to go to this chart, look up my height (5ft 5in) and frame size (medium) and obtain my range (127-141lbs.).  Then take the lowest number (127) and multiply it time 200% (X 2) and this weight (254) would be how much I would need to weigh to be approved.  

Well somehow my math is flawed because I weigh 254 and the people at my Dr.'s office called and said I need to be 22-36 lbs. heavier for tricare to approve me.  Say what?????

I am going in tomorrow because I have one final behavior mod. class before they submit my info to Tricare Prime for approval and I will be weighed again.  They told me they will submit everything then if I want them too even though I will be under the weight.   

Can anyone out there shed some light on how at 5 ft 5 in. tall and 254 lbs. I am NOT 200% over the 127 Met life table ideal weight for medium frame?  Any ideas???




Trying to be patient

Dec 19, 2008

Well, all of my tests are done  and I have one more appointement until all is submitted to insurance .  I have to go in on January 2nd for my one on one with the nutritionist and then one on one with the Shrink .   They are saying I should have my answer within about 6

In the mean time I am going crazy.  Not so much because of waiting for the surgery but because I am carrying around about 25 extra lbs.  than I normally walk around at.  It's that lovely catch 22 that I was in.  "Morbidly Obese"   yet not morbidly abese enough....say what?  I knew before I started this that I would need to put on the extra weight to be approved but it is one thing to know that and another to walk around with it on you and deal with that.  None of my clothes fit, my knees & back are killing me and I am just tired all the time.  

My friends and family keep reminding me the end is near and I am trying to be patient but....  Well at least the holidays will keep me somewhat occupied.

About Me
Destin, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2008
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