
Apr 04, 2010

This seems to be the mother of all plateaus.  I've been in the same place since early January.  Up one, down two, up three, down three, repeat ad nauseum.  In my case, "ad nauseum" quite literally.  Had a day or two when I could keep nothing down--not even water--and i lost weight, but as soon as I could eat anything at all again, it jumped back on.

It is not possible, is it, that a relatively active person who weighs 200 pounds would be MAINTAINING at 600-800 calories a day? 

So I'm feeling a tad frustrated.  I mean, I know I've lost weight.  But I've really lost no weight since about January.  I didn't do this to weigh 200 pounds--I did it to weigh 160--which isn't thin anyway, and I can't figure out what to do differently.  More exercise?  I guess.  If I add 300 calories average exercise each day, I should lose at least another pound or two each month, right?  Eat less?  I don't eat much, and, frankly, i prefer tiny portions of things I like to large portions of things I don't care for.  Give up cheese--or monitor it extremely closely?  Yes, but i dont' really eat it in more than 1/4 ounce portions--I can't imagine that the ounce or two I eat each week would make a difference.   

Let's face it.  I'm dead.  My metabolism has, apparently, actually, stopped.  Call the funeral director.  And get me to the church on time. 


About Me
New York, NY
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2003
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