Steak, Click and sundry other things

Mar 26, 2010

SO! I can eat filet mignon without vomiting.  I can eat carrots as well!
Chicken is still a stretch but I managed 2 very small pieces Wed. afternoon before work.

I am losing, need to exercise more and feeling really good!!

My new Click is coming in the mail, WOO HOO!! I miss having that for breakfast.

Other than that, everything seems to be even-ing out and I am not throwing up all the time. 
THAT is a great feeling.  I still can hardly eat even an ounce, but that is OK! I will take it!

I am down to 268 the last time I weighed myself.  I only do it every 2 weeks.
SO! More walking, more cardio.  More fat burning.

Life is good!


I didn't vomit with a few little bites of steak!!

Mar 09, 2010

We had company for dinner tonight; my husband's son and his girlfriend and my hubby cooked rib eye steaks.  He set a small plate for me with a .5 ounce sliver of his steak and french cut green beans.

I had a few bites of steak, I cut it up to an eraser size bite and it went down and gave me NO ISSUES!! WOO HOOOO!! 

I ate some of the green beans and was totally full!! NO foamies, no vomiting!

My boss called earlier in the day and said that the guy who usually works tonight is sick, so I came in to work at 9 PM.  Gotta be a team member.  So far, so good!

I am happy the meat stayed down. I hate throwing up! 

AND I lost 10 more pounds!!! 10 pounds in 2 weeks! WOW!

I love my RNY, even with all the vomiting I do!


Going to Easter Brunch at The Inverness Resort 4 April

Mar 07, 2010

SO! This will be the first time I will be going out to eat since surgery.

I checked out their website and printed out the menu and there seem to be some good choices for me to eat.   Since I can't stomach shrimp or crab (at least not after last week!), I will stick with cheeses and maybe baked fish.  

It will be interesting, to say the least, because my husband's extended family will be there, too (along with the ex-wife and her sister! But we are all friends, so it's good!). Some of his extended family (my sisters in law) weren't told about my surgery.  SO!  I am looking forward to seeing everyone and looking forward to NOT filling my plate with delicacies.

And of course, my husband's sister will give us 2 one pound boxes of Godiva Chocolate.  Hm.
I love Godiva...but!! I had this surgery for a reason and I will remain strong and!! I do NOT want to DUMP!
Heck, I already throw up enough as it is!! I don't want to dump, no matter HOW good I remember Godiva Chocolate tasting!

I will report back next month on the soiree! 


Name my GROUCHY POUCH...I hate retching.

Mar 02, 2010

OK So my pouch hates just about anything I give her.  EXCEPT green beans and ham. JAYSIS!

I had a little banana, was in the bathroom vomiting.  I seem to vomit everyday.

WELL! At least I got to ride around in my Mustang Convertible with the top down earlier!

WHEN will I STOP Vomiting!?

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I am keeping down the Dense Protein

Feb 27, 2010

SO! Today has been a good day with NO VOMITING!! I even kept down some Safeway brand healthy light Honey Ham and green beans.  I was craving green beans!! SO I hiked over to the local Safeway and bought some supplies for work today, which will be used tomorrow as well!

I got some string cheese (-2- 1 ounce sticks), a one ounce stick of colby jack, a can of NO salt added Del Monte green beans, SF popsicles and some sugar free Altoids for my horrendous ketosis breath.

AND I ate some of the beans...felt full and DID NOT VOMIT!! YAY!

I have been really testing foods and some things really hate the pouch big time. 

So far, so good and I am still pushing the water, having a popsicle too! 

Today has been a good day at work!! It's 2.35 PM Mountain and I have 3 1/2 hours to go! WOO HOO! 

I hate vomiting in the women's restroom, the echo is UNGODLY and people can hear me retching! YUCK!



6 week follow up!!

Feb 24, 2010

Down 5 more pounds!  NOW I am cleared for exercise!! YAY! 

I was happy, but asked about the measly weight loss...was told NORMAL! You are doing great!

Also, was told to eat denser protein, now that I am on regular food.  SO! I got home, had some Turkey Chili and about 20 minutes later, hoarked it up.   My pouch DID NOT like it at all.   So I had a SF popsicle and felt better.

NOW I am at work for my overnight shift (going on very little sleep; I didn't get my nap today!) and I have Tuna, just had a ProtiDiet Protein Packed Chicken Noodle Soup and brought a protein bar, too.  

Some things just HATE the pouch!!!   I will keep trying.  At least the vomiting doesn't last long;) 

AND I can keep green beans down! I LOVE green BeANS!! 

Cheers!  I am SOO glad I had this surgery!! 


Stricture Fixed!

Feb 11, 2010

Went in this morning for my EGD and my stricture was very constricted!!! 
Doc said it was a wonder I could get anything down.
SOOO I am now stretched to 10 mm and I made some soup and it was sooo GOOD!!! AND NO VOMITING! 

I feel great.  

And I can start back to eating;) 

No scale, so I didn't get to weight myself.  NOT That I am worried about that at all!
Just wanted to see where I was at;) 

I feel so much better!! 


And Now, A Stricture

Feb 07, 2010

I am going in tomorrow to have this fixed; I have worked all weekend and feel OK.  Yesterday, not so much.

I had some albacore tuna and could not keep it down.  I finally called Dr. Snyder's office at 4.30 PM and Dr. Perlman called me back.  She was wonderful and said that yes, I am forming a stricture and to come in and get it fixed.

SOOO I have already, today, gotten in about 45 grams of protein (YAY Bariatric Choice website for awesome drinks with protein) and sucking down SF popsicles.  

The G Tube removal was a breeze but I have not been feeling well since Tuesday 2 Feb; I overdid it Tuesday afternoon.  AND the oral thrush is finally subsiding with the help of the nasty nystatin.  

SO! all is good....I am down to 287.   And tomorrow, getting my stoma stretched. WOO HOO!

BUT!! DO I regret anything!?! HECK NO!  I love it! Just a wee bit more bumpy than I thought!! AND, really, this too shall pass and I  will be wonderful!  Not 100% now, but I will be!


Doing Fairly Well!

Jan 30, 2010

I do not like the G Tube but that is coming out Tuesday 2 Feb!! WOO HOO!! THEN off to Nutrition Class 3 Feb.

I am doing well, really trying to push the protein and water; I ordered another case of Isopure. I tolerate that VERY WELL AND!! I am using an excellent protein powder I got way back in Sept. with Skim Milk that is also sitting nicely in said pouch.

Sometimes I dream of dancing steaks, but I don't really have head hunger or bodily hunger.

I am so glad I did this, even with the pain of the G Tube!  It's not too bad at times, I just deal!

HUGS to all!

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One Week Post Op Appt and Weight loss!!

Jan 21, 2010

I had my one week post op appt 20 Jan!  Also had my nutrition class and that was excellent.
I am now on the refried beans, sf/ff pudding, cottage cheese, yogurt phase.

I had some refried beans yesterday and those were very well tolerated.  I also whipped up some Vanilla SF/FF instant pudding, using the unflavoured Chike 20 G of Protein powder and it is excellent! Such a treat!

Since I do not own a scale (hate them!), my weigh in yesterday was the first since surgery on 11 Jan.

Here are the current stats:

Pre-Op appt 8 Jan - 320 lbs
Surgery weight 11 Jan - 312 lbs
9 Days post op weight - 301 lbs

WOO HOO!! 11 pounds! I am so happy and excited.

Now, I will be even more pleased to get the G - Tube out!

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