Surgery, G-Tube, Home and Resting!!

Jan 17, 2010

Had my surgery 11 Jan, all went well!
My remnant stomach had a revolution and decided to swell, thus causing me much pain and discomfort on Wed 13 Jan.  Had a G-Tube placed and all is now better BUT that extended my hospital stay until Saturday JUST for precaution.  

I walked walked walked, taking in fluids, protein, jello, water, broth, peeing, farting, showering.  I actually feel pretty damn good! 

Took a lovely shower this morning, in my own shower, and it was wonderful!!! 

Changed all dressings, capped the G Tube, took some pain meds and settled in to my favourite chair with my feet up for a nice nap!

I am so happy I made this choice and cannot wait to post my awful 1 day pre-op pics versus my losing pics;)

I am on  my way and very excited!!


Surgery Tomorrow!!

Jan 09, 2010

The liquid diet hasn't been too bad.  I had a Protidiet fruit punch drink for breakfast this morning and it has 15 grams of protein so I feel pretty good!

I am so excited about tomorrow!!  I need to be at the hospital at 7.30 AM, surgery at 10.30!

I am not nervous at ALL!! I am welcoming this surgery without hesitation.

I had my husband take pics of me last night and I look like a FRUMP!!! Of course, I was wearing my green hoodie and my slippers, but DAMN.  I looked at the pics and was thinking, these are my before pics.

My stonehenge pic is 11 years old.  I have other pics on my profile that show how fat I really am!!
BUT that will be changing.

I can't say enough how much I am welcoming this change! 

I am at work until 6 PM and then I will pack my knapsack, get into the shower for skin prep, pull my hair into a nice ponytail, with many bands to keep it all together, like when I ride my motorcycle.  

THEN tomorrow, shower again for skin prep, NO water, no nothin'! OFF to the hospital and SURGERY! 

It is so very exciting.  I cannot believe it's happening!!

I can't wait to NO LONGER be Fatty McButterpants.

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Pre-Op testing 8 Jan, Other Sundry things. . . .

Jan 07, 2010

I go in tomorrow to meet with Dr. Snyder at 8 AM and I have my list of questions and medications! 
I also have my advanced directive and power of attorney and a copy of my Science Care card.

My husband and I have donated our bodies to science in the event of our deaths.

It's morbid, I will be fine, but I would rather be covered than not! 

SO !! On to working the weekend without food! GAH!

SURGERY MONDAY 11 JAN at 10.30 AM! yes, the time has been changed again.
I DO NOT MIND!! I cannot WAIT for the surgery!! 

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I GOT IT!! THE DATE IS. . .. .

Jan 05, 2010

11 Jan at 9 AM!! 


I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I called my boss, left a message and sent an email for the days off.

I am so excited!! 



Dec 30, 2009


I got the approval; it was that letter!! I got verification today that I AM APPROVED!! 

Bad part is I have to wait UNTIL NEXT WEEK FOR MY SURGERY DATE!! 

Well, I may be able to get scheduled on Monday.  I will be calling, no doubt about it! 




Approval Imminent!!!

Dec 26, 2009


I received the letter from my insurance company that I have the PRE-AUTH, that I have met all the requirements for the RNY and ...APPROVAL IS IMMINENT!! 

I am waiting for MondayY or Tuesday to get the FINAL word from the insurance and surgeon's office! 

The best Christmas gift is right around the corner...having the surgery!! 

I am so happy I could cry!


Holding Pattern during the Holidays!!

Dec 23, 2009

Still waiting for approval!! 

The holidays haven't helped, but I know it will come!! 

It will be a great new year's giftie to me! 

Happy Christmas!! 


CONFIRMED receipt of Clinicals, all 47 pages

Dec 11, 2009

WELL.  The supervisor I spoke with at my insurance co. received all 47 pages of clinicals.  I think it's 47 pages! I wrote it down for my records.  

Also got my denial letter, because of NOT having the clinicals.  I still think the whole file was misplaced.

At least we now have that the file was received and the supervisor took it down to medical review.

I doubt I will have surgery this month.  BUT I am waiting...yet again.

Trying to be patient!


Are They Kidding Me!!? Insurance Co. says, NOT RECEIVED!!!

Dec 08, 2009

My insurance company told the insurance guru that the didn't receive my "clinicals".

I don't buy it.  I was so upset yesterday, so I have sent over the docs I had, that I gave to my surgeon's office, to a supervisor.  

We shall see.

I have jumped through all the hoops, I have done everything.  NOW they say they didn't receive any info, except a letter.


Insurance guru refaxed everything.  Now, we wait again.

GAH!  Keeping a positive outlook regarding this. . . .




Still in Review; Waiting for Approval!

Dec 05, 2009

SO I keep calling my insurance company and I am told that the file is under review.
I am hoping to hear something this coming week as I called again on Friday afternoon, 12/4.

The file was last looked at 12/3 so that's seemed positive.  I know I will get approved, I just hate waiting!! 

Let's see what the new week holds. . . . .

I am anxious to get my surgery date!! 

Update forthcoming. . . .

