i've finally lost 100 lbs since surgery

Jul 28, 2009

                                                                         july 28, 09


                                                                            240 lbs

6 months out & 90 lbs down

Jun 15, 2009

          outwalkinginjune09_001.jpg image by MYDEAR52
i'm so much more able now, and i'm out walking everyday, taking between 3,000/4000 steps aday now

          Photo-0546.jpg 6 mos out image by MYDEAR52
my hair is starting to thin a little, so i keep it braided and that's helping it to grow longer.

          friday6-4-09gail002a.jpg 6 mos out image by MYDEAR52
it's still hard to eat very much, but, i really don't have much interest in food anyway.

          sundayjun1409.jpg 6 mos out picture by MYDEAR52
i love the way my clothes are looking on my now.

          targetsunday6-14-09_005.jpg 6 mos out image by MYDEAR52
out shopping and i don't need the mobile cart anymore.

the quality of my life has changed so much in the 6 mos since i had surgery.  i'm so thankful to God for all my blessings and i'm looking forward to so much more to change in my life.  i know that God has a wonderful plan for me. 

thanks for stopping by, stay blessed, mydear

1st week in may/ 10 days to 5 months outs/ 21 lbs to 1st goal

May 04, 2009

hi all
from the title you can see i'm a month and 10 days from 6 mos out, with 21 more lbs to loss, to reach my goal of 100 lbs in 6 mos.

                                         Picture258.jpg picture by MYDEAR52
so it's time to step up my game.  this week i added leslie sansone's, 1 mile walk away the pounds tape & i joined the 10,000 steps a day walking challenge on the VSG forum. 

everyone is welcome to join.

here's the link to register & how to get started

water on my knees /4 mos 2 weeks out

Apr 29, 2009

 this is a picture of my knee.  i had my elbow rested on it while watching tv and when i moved my arm the weight of my elbow had left this dent in my knee.        

i knew that my legs were killing me and that i was having a hard time walking. i had even put on 5 lbs in one week, but i didn't know that's it was so much water in my legs.  most of the time my ankles would swell not my knees.

well i'm happy to say i'm fine now, the weight came off as fast as it came on and my knees are feeling so much better this week. 

i joined the exercise trend and i've increased my steps to over 2,000 steps a day for a week now. 
my new goal is 2,500 a day........

great news and i'm feeling so much better 4/8/09

Apr 08, 2009

 hi all, 

since my last post I've lost a total of 10 lbs  
it's so amazing that i broke the stall after i started posting about it and that lead me to make the changes i needed to make to my plan. 

the wonderful thing that i learned is that it's not hard to get back on track, when you cut back on carbs and up your liquid intake,  the cravings stopped immediately and I'm not hungry at all anymore.  

this week i also started wearing a pedometer to count my steps. I'm going to start walking.    

  I'm still doing my stretching routine everyday to help relieve the joint pain in my legs  Bored.jpg image by MYDEAR52

my goal is to take 10,000 steps a day. one day soon .... 
but for now I'm working up to 1,000 steps a day, LOL  bad knees and all.


Apr 04, 2009

wow i didn't realize that i haven't posted an update on here last month. 

i guess i was avoiding it because i was stalled all month.  i tried to keep my head up but it was getting harder to feel thankful everyday.   

then i finally posted this week on the VSG board that i was stalled,  from all their help and sugguestions i was able to break my stall and start losing again. 

first i needed to stop eat cracker and chewy bars.  even if i was only having a little.  they were making me have cravings for more carbs.

then i needed to replace the ex carb cals that i had added with protein cals. meaning; now that i could eat more that i shouldn't have added  carbs     that i should have added more protein 

and then last i needed to up my liquid intake. 

when i made the changes i needed to make the weight started to come off again. and i'm down 6 lbs already this week. 

i tried to do some toning exercises last month , but it just made me hurt more. 

guess my next move needs to really keep that appointment with the physical therapist and i would really be on point.

1 comment

getting out the house 2/23/09

Feb 22, 2009

i've been trying to get out this house and back into life for a long time.  it's not as easy as you might think when you only go out to appts or food shopping or to church, or to your familys house's once in a while.  i've been in the house for about eight years now.  i've made some very large steps in keeping my doctor's appts and going to my diabetic group.  i've also started going to counseling and church in the last few years.  each time i really push myself to go and do the things i need to do for my health, i'm becoming more able to get out. but it's really harding getting to that point.  it took 2 years of counseling for me to make up my mind to go to the seminar for WLS.  i'm talking about major anxiety here.  

thats why i haven't gone to physical therapy yet.  

my plan was:  
until i got up the courage, i would do tone and sweat with richard simmons  in my house. 

when i told my  counselor my plan & that i hadn't sign up for physical therapy yet, she wasn't having it.  and told me that i really needed to go and see the therapist and discuss a workout routine designed just for me &  tell them my concerns.  put that way, it sounds like something  i can handle. 

my new plan:

to make an appt with the physical therapist for this week.    

almost 2 months out and stalled 2/12/09

Feb 11, 2009

since my last post i've been stalled.  even gained 2 lbs .  i think it's water, but you know........ i'm just about to lose my mind.

it's hard waking every morning to get on the scale and not see any change. 
yes i weigh and test everyday.  i need to do it that way, to keep myself focused and motivated.

from other post i've read, i'm learning that a stall is normal and that in the meantime i can try drinking more water, up my proteins, & doing same kind of exercise.

so that's my goal for this week. 

PS i forgot to add that i'm going to stay away from the muiltigrain saltine's for awhile, LOL


7 weeks post-op 2/05/09

Feb 04, 2009

hey all

i think i'm in a slump this week.  the weight is still coming off fine, so that's not it.  i guess i'm just going though the winter blues.  it's so cold out 12* in new york today and it's still snowing once a week, so i'm feeling stuck.  at one time these would be the days that i would be baking, but what the use of baking when you really can't eat anything.  last week i made a cheesy meat loaf  for first time since surgery and all i could eat was 1/2 of a small slice.  yesterday i had a slice of bologna with 8 crackers. now that was real good and it was nice having something salty and crunchy to eat, but i felt guilty eating all those crackers. 

sorry to sound so down, next week i'm hoping to start going to physical therapy 3 times a week, so i'm hoping that will lift my spirts

5 weeks post-op 1/20/09

Jan 20, 2009


hi everyone,

i'm 5 weeks out, the time has gone by so fast & i lost 40 pounds so far.  so i'm very pleased with how things have been going. 

okay that's the good news. 

now i have to mention that i'm really not eating very much. 

i have a protein shake early in the morning with my meds.
then i have a large cup of tea that i nurse for about an hour to an hour and a half. 
for lunch i have soup but mostly i eat the  small chucks of meat and a small amount of the veggies mashed. 
then i might have a cup of skim plus w/ fruit smoothie or yogurt w/ sl fruit.
more tea in the late afternoon.
for dinner it's more meat and veggie soup of some kind.
 and a couple of ice pops before bed or more tea.

really at this point i don't have much of an appetite. and i have to make myself eat something and drink during the day. 

with all that said, i'm fine and can't wait until it gets warm so i cant start going out this house..... 

