Sleeved and Home...

May 21, 2012

My first night home wasn't great.  The pain meds made me throw up and that was pretty painful and awful, but luckily that was the only night of the that. My first full day home was ok...It wasn't until the next day when the gas pains got REALLY bad that I ever felt really really uncomfortable.  The gas was rolling around to my back and there was nothing I could do, but wait for it to subside.  

My surgeon said to aim for 64 oz of fluid and 50+ gms of protein.  Sipping water made the gas move around so it was like torture, but I had to do what I had to do!  After those first couple of days I started to feel better and better.  My surgeon uses an On Q pain catheter and I think that helped a lot.  I didn't need that much pain medication.  My main issue was some muscular soreness on the right side of my largest incision.  It made getting up from the couch and bed extremely painful, but not unbearable.  My boyfriend did the majority of the work...pulling me up and supporting me when I laid down.  I still couldn't lay on my side so I just couldn't get comfortable.  My bowels finally woke up and I'm surprised that I haven't had any major problems in that least not yet.

It's frustrating sipping 64 oz of water...I just want to grab the bottle and gulp and it down, but that's just not possible.  I have no hunger AT ALL!!!  I haven't even taken advantage of the SF jello or popsicles that the Nut allows.  By the time I finish my water and protein I'm done for the day!  I've only had 8 oz of broth since I've been home.   It's completely crazy to have no appetite, no hunger and no food.  I definitely have been having head hunger..I've been craving tomatoes for some reason, but I can't imagine eating anything right now. surgeon told me he was keeping me on liquids for 3 weeks.  I'm already one week down and it doesn't seem like 3 is going to be all that difficult...but check back with me next week!  

I feel AMAZING one week out.  It's hard for me to believe that I had surgery a week ago.  The pain catheter is out...I'm pretty much off the pain meds.  Walking is no problem...nothing really is.  I do get tired really really easily!  And by the end of the day I just want to go to bed.  But during the day my energy is good, my body feels good and I can tell I've lost weight.  I'm trying not to get on the scale officially until my follow up appointment on Thursday, but it's hard because I can tell that I've definitely lost something and I just really want to know!  But I'll update that info soon enough!  I don't want to become obsessed with the number on the scale.  

So far I have no regrets.  I have yet to have buyer's remorse and I'm hoping this continues to feel as good as it does now!  Stay tuned...


About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2012
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