5 weeks Post Op

Jun 19, 2012

Ok...it's been a while!  I've had a lot going on in my life so I haven't been as diligent with updating as I should and until things settle down I can't promise I'll be any better...but I will try! 

Good news first!  5 weeks post op 48 pounds down...(21 pre-op 27 pounds in 5 weeks since surgery including a 2+ week stall)  My clothes fit differently, my face looks differently and I'm loving the changes so far!

I'm finally "eating"!  And when I first started my 2 week pre-op diet I thought that when I finally had a chance to type those words I would be so thrilled and it would be such a relief, but it's not.  The surgery has thoroughly and completely taken all of the enjoyment out of eating!  I'm NEVER hungry and I haven't mastered the art of the small bite/chewing things beyond an inch of its existence/slow eating and all of that combined makes eating more of an uncomfortable headache than the enjoyable experience it used to be!  I'm finally eating to live...eating simply because I have to...and I have to say that it kinda sucks! 

It would probably suck a lot less if I wasn't trapped in a stall!  The scale has barely moved so it hardly makes all of the "not eating" seem worth it!  But I know that I've had incredible success so far, but based on how strongly I came out of the gate I really thought that I would be down 50 lbs already...but I'm trying to slow myself down and be patient!  I have so much to lose it's unrealistic for me to be rushing this process along.

Because I have yet to master the proper eating technique eating is EXTREMELY uncomfortable...all the things that you read on here about what can happen if you don't eat properly are TRUE!!!!  I'm still learning all of the intricacies of my new tummy and can't wait until I master it!  My surgeon's PA told me I have about one more month until things will feel a lot better...I can't wait! I'm still a couple weeks from yoga and real strength training, but I'm going back to my trainer today (gulp!) and trying to burst through the stall wall!  Until next time...

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About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2012
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