Head Shrink Follow Up Call and Husband Update - January 18, 201

Feb 22, 2011

During my visit last week with the shrink, I was asked to give up all caffeine and alcohol for a week and report back with the results. So, I called in today and left a voicemail. I had a much harder time with the caffeine than I had expected. I really don't drink soda - even diet - and I have maybe a cup of coffee during the work week. And I usually don't drink the whole thing. But boy oh boy, by day 3 without caffeine, I had THE WORST headache imaginable. And it lasted all day. It was the head-in-a-vice-Tylenol-doesn’t-cut-it type of headache. Nasty business, that caffeine is. That same day I was exhausted – I literally got out of bed around 10 am (my norm is 6 or 7), tried to play with my kids, took a nap when they did except that they only slept for an hour while I was down for almost 4 hours, and then I went to bed at 8:30. So yeah, I think that I’m going to avoid caffeine from now on. I definitely don’t want to go through that again and I can’t imagine if I had actually been drinking a lot of coffee in the morning. Giving up alcohol was easy as I was already doing that for the diet from the NUT.

I also weighed myself today. I am down 10 pounds from when I was weighed at the surgeon’s office. Woohoo!!! Most of it is water weight (remember I had just started my period when I weighed in previously) and I was wearing heavier clothes the last time, but still 10 pounds in 2 weeks is nothing to laugh over, and I need all the good news that I can get.

On the husband front, things are going better. Not great, but better. Since the Big Fight (yes, it is now officially known in my house by that title) last week, we spent the better part of 3 days not speaking to each other, to slowly talking about household and kid stuff, to being able to have a nice conversation and sit in the same room together without our children. I say without our children because we have a habit of acting relatively normal toward each other in front of the kids, and then ignoring each other when we are alone and going into separate rooms. So, when I say that we progressed from not speaking to sitting in the same room talking to each other, on purpose without kids – it’s big, I tell you! Also, I noticed that my husband has been researching the surgery, the complications and the results. So, now that he’s gotten the initial knee-jerk “Hell NO!” off his chest, maybe now he’s willing to listen. I certainly hope that he will at least consider it, which is it does seem as though he’s doing – even if it is in secret. I still have 2.5 more months to go before I submit to insurance for approval, so I’m hoping that he will be onboard by then. Stay tuned….

