Final Weigh In, Insurance Submission and Breast Cancer 3/9/11

Mar 09, 2011

Today I finish my (hopefully) final weigh in and the doctors will submit for insurance this week. I am down another 10 pounds from last month, for a grand total of 28 pounds since beginning my journey in January. I am SO excited, nervous and scared all at once. I have never simultaneously both looked forward to and dreaded an event more. Even giving birth to my children didn’t have quite this level of mixed feelings. But I’m ready. I need to call the insurance coordinator this afternoon to ensure that they have everything that they need to submit to insurance, but hopefully this is the home stretch.

On a side note, I had an abnormal mammogram a few weeks ago. I was sent for additional testing, including an MRI. It was terrifying – not so much because of the test (although the test was not pleasant) but because of the waiting and the possibility of something being wrong. I just remember lying on my stomach in the MRI machine crying, trying not to move while the tests were being run. I was picturing leaving my 2 little girls without a mom and my husband without a wife. I remember what it was like for me losing my mom at 9 years old – I couldn’t imagine what it might be like for my 4 year old and 2 year old daughters. It was probably one of the single worst moments of my life. But, every dark cloud has a silver lining – everything was clear. And I can now move forward knowing that I have had the most sensitive test for breast cancer currently known to man and it came back clear. So no more dread in the back of my mind that I will die of the same disease, at the exact same age, that took my own mother from me. Only blue skies from here….

