Pre-Op: Month 1 Diet Results – Feb 11, 2011

Feb 22, 2011

I CAN’T believe it!!!! I lost 18 flippin’ pounds this month on the pre-op diet. Can you say Holy $h!t???!!!!! I knew I lost a lot – over 10 pounds, but I didn’t think that I’d lost almost 20 pounds. Now my BMI is 39 and not the 42 it was at this time last month. My goal for the next month is to lose another 10 pounds. Woohoo!!!

I’m still worried about approval for the surgery itself with respect to timing. It occurred to me today that I will have only completed 2 months of actual “dieting” (but 3 different weigh ins and meetings with the NUT) before submitting to insurance. I’m wondering if they count that as 2 months or 3 months worth of visits? The NUT thinks it’s the number of visits, each 1 month apart, that is the defining factor not the actual time spent dieting. Well, I guess I’ll find out next month.

I also found out that the psychologist STILL hasn’t sent over the approval paperwork to my surgeon. Ugh! WHY do people lag like that? It’s been 3 weeks! So I called him and left a very nice message asking him to SEND THE D@MN PAPERWORK!!! Hopefully that will work, since I’m on such an inflexible time schedule. I guess if worst comes to worst, I’ll have to do a 6 month diet and the surgery will wait until summer.

I’m meeting with another doctor next week to do the lab work and the other various tests needed for approval. I certainly hope that it won’t take 3 weeks to send that type of result. But we’ll see. Again, worst case I’ll get surgery in June/July instead of March or April.

On a side note, I had a mammogram today (totally unrelated to VSG surgery). I’m only 32, but my mom died of breast cancer when she was 33 (and I turn 33 in 3 months) so the doctors want to be extra careful. I’m mentioning this because every time I get a cancer-type test done (PAP, mammogram, etc.) I tend to freak out for a few weeks until I get the results back. And the technician told me that since my hospital had moved the mammograms from film to digital, that there have been a lot more false positives. So, now I’m going to be stress-eating until I get the call back. Lovely…

