
Jun 23, 2011

I finally received my approval for surgery.  Thank GOD!  I did end up having to complete the remaining 3 months of dieting, which sucks, but was necessary.  And honestly, it wasn't a big deal.  I did end up gaining back about 6 pounds that I had lost in the first 3 months, but I'm back on the wagon now.

So the plan now is to start the 2 week pre-op diet on July 25th, attend a mandatory all day pre-surgery class on July 27th and I'm scheduled for surgery on August 8th.  I could have scheduled surgery for earlier - mid July - but I have a business trip at the end of July.  So during my 2 week diet I will also be on a business trip that historically is one big booze/beer and food fest.  Yeah... that's going to SUCK.  But it will be worth it and I'm DETERMINED not to cheat.

Wish me luck!!!

