Seun Sowemimo

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.99680511182 out of 5 with 298 ratings

Seun Sowemimo Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS

11 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

85% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

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Diana Wozny
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298 Reviews for Seun Sowemimo
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I have been a patient of Dr. Soweimo for 2 years now....I have been extremely pleased with his care and that of the office staff....
I have reached my personal weight loss goal in app. 12 months...with many of my health related issues completley under control, and some totally reversed and non exisitant....
Aside from Diabetes and other ailments, I also have a Cardiac Cardiologist could not be more pleased with the turn around in my overall health and fitness, again thanks to Dr. Sowemimo and his staff....
My only regret is that I did not do this sooner...(I'm 61 years old)


On June 27, 2012 I had my gastric sleeve surgery. I am so happy and I feel amazing. I can not thank you enough Doctor Sowemimo for changing my life for the better. I can do so much more than I could do before and feel terrific. I know longer have pain in my knees, back and my feet feel so much better. I can exercise and walk so much better. Thank you so much again Doctor Sowemimo for everything.

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My first impression of Doctor Sowemimo was that he knew what he was doing and he informed me of everything I needed to know as well as answered all of my questions and concerns. His staff is outragous, kind and very helpful. I feel future patients should know that he is a very nice, well educated doctor. His surgical competence and bedside manner are both great. I would rate Doctor Sowemimo as terrific, wonderful, brilliant, a life saver and well educated doctor. I will continue to recommend anyone to his office. He explained all the risks involved in the surgery. He enphasizes continued aftercare is a very strong part of the process. I think I can honestly say there is not one thing I did not like about him or his office.


I had surgery in October of 2012 and I would like to thank Dr. Seun and his staff for changing my life. Everyone there is very caring and accomodating. From the first appointment I felt very comfortable with what was going to happen. I really like that they thoroughly explain everything from start to finish in a way that anyone can understand. Post surgery they give you a list of everything that is expected and it was easy to follow. I was surprised that your intitial follow up post surgery was followed by the next appointment 3 months later but that it probably just me. Everything has gone well so far so I think more visit were not necessary. Since surgery I have lost almost 70 lbs. and can do more than I ever thought possible. No more meds, and sleep aids for me. Thank you Dr. Seun for changing my life in ways I never thought possible! :o)


Sowemimo is the best suregeon ever, he left the tinest scars! He was upfront and straight forward about the whole surgery. The recovery was so smooth and easy. Beast experience I could have asked for.


Sowemimo is the best suregeon ever, he left the tinest scars! He was upfront and straight forward about the whole surgery. The recovery was so smooth and easy. Beast experience I could have asked for.


First of all I would like to thank Doctor Sowemimo for everything he has done for me. I feel amazing. I am so glad that I had the gastric sleeve done and now can live a healthier and happier life. Doctor Sowemimo and his staff are terrific and so very helpful and kind. Thank you again.


For as long as I can remember I have always been over-weight, so after trying all the diets my primary doctor suggested weight lose surgery with Dr. Sowemimo and it was the best decision I could have made. He is a great doctor with a great staff.


I've had a really good experience with Dr Sowemimo, his manner is a no BS way which i really appreciate (get to the point and quickly, but taking time to answer questions as and when i had them). The office staff are wonderful, friendly, helpful and take time to care. I went into my surgery (sleeve) really well informed and knowing what to expect, i had no surprises and after 6 months i'm exactly on my weight loss target as Dr S projected, overall i couldn't be happier with his before care, during care and after care.


1 previous review. « hide

I've had a really good experience with Dr Sowemimo, his manner is a no BS way which i really appreciate (get to the point and quickly, but taking time to answer questions as and when i had them). The office staff are wonderful, friendly, helpful and take time to care. I went into my surgery (sleeve) really well informed and knowing what to expect, i had no surprises and after 6 months i'm exactly on my weight loss target as Dr S projected, overall i couldn't be happier with his before care, during care and after care.


Both the doctor and his staff are very friendly and knowledgable. I was nervous and was quickly feeling relaxed in my choice of practices. The before and after care as well as the continuing dietary education has been very helpful. I would recommend Dr. Sowemimo to anyone interested in bariatric surgery.


1 previous review. « hide

I had the best experience with my surgeon & his team, he reassured me when I was feeling a little nervous,great bedside manner. My surgery was awesome, I had little discomfort and was up and on my feet in no time. He did a great job! I would recommend him and I am very happy that I chose him.


I was nervous and doing research and thankfully a friend referred me to Dr. Sowemimo. I had tons of questions and he let me ask all of them and let me decide what surgery was best for me while giving me sound advice. He didn't look at me like I was crazy because at 5'10 I was heavy but didn't appear like other patients. We talked about my goals and what I wanted to accomplish in my weight loss journey. On the day of surgery, I had butterflies in my stomach and he made me feel comfortable and relaxed. He assured me that I would be up and walking in the first 24hrs after the surgery and I thought he was joking, but sure enough, after speaking to my family and then seeing me in my room, within hours, I was up and walking in the hallway. I was discharged early that morning and he said that I could go home when I was ready...and that's how my journey started. He assured my family that I did great and he repaired a hernia...he checked my incisions and asked about my pain. 3mo later I am 51lbs down. I have always enjoyed working out so that was the easy part, but the food/eating was hard. Dr. Sowemimo was the catalyst to help me feel like I finally have this food/weight issue under control and it's not controlling me. The ladies at the desk answered all my questions and are always helpful and even when I had some odd feelings, Dr. Sowemimo called me at home at 7pm to answer my questions. I have told everyone about my experience with Dr. Sowemimo and would do it all again.

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