Life Choices

Phyllis C.
on 1/9/12 1:42 pm
I really think she was pissed because most of her tormentors left her all awone.  She didn't have anything to ***** about anymore.  Can you imagine the disappointment?

She is downright pathological.

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

on 1/9/12 2:18 pm
On January 9, 2012 at 9:39 PM Pacific Time, AnneGG wrote:
"Moderate" is a different word than "censor". My house has rules; I honor the rules of the houses I visit.

The freedom to speak is very much here- in a civilized manner. The welcome mat is also extended, and they let you advertize for your competing site here, as well as poach their members. What more could you ask for?
It is OH's house and they are throwing a party with many individuals.

One person can set their drink down on the kitchen counter.
The person beside them is warned to not do that.
One person can sit on the couch.
Another one is sent outside for a week for sitting on the couch.
Some people wear t-shirts advertising their business and are embraced.
Other people wear one and OH spray paints over the logo.
One hour later the logo is ok for some people, but only on the pocket.
The original group never has to change anything.

Minute by minute, person by person the rules CHANGE.

They are neither fair nor transparent.

That is NO welcome mat. It is biased censorship.

No members were poached. They ran screaming away from the burning house.

Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 1/9/12 1:42 pm
  Amen.......I too have been wanting to use this message board to open up about my true feelings about Wls..Most here that know me by now , know that i have regretted my Wls.but can I talk about it openly..?!!NO !!!!!!!!! then it wouldnt be considered supporting  pre ops.& others.

7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
~~~Best Vitamin For Making Friends  B1~~~

on 1/9/12 1:42 pm
On January 8, 2012 at 12:00 PM Pacific Time, huskergalWsD wrote:
  Amen.......I too have been wanting to use this message board to open up about my true feelings about Wls..Most here that know me by now , know that i have regretted my Wls.but can I talk about it openly..?!!NO !!!!!!!!! then it wouldnt be considered supporting  pre ops.& others.
Given all the negative things about your WLS you HAVE shared with us, this post really leaves me wondering how bad your life really is.

on 1/9/12 6:20 pm
There is a regrets board as well as a complications board.  Why aren't you able to talk openly about your feelings?  What is stopping you?  I don't even know you and I know more about your medical history then I do my own.  It doesn't seem like you have had to hold anything back.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

MyLady Heidi
on 1/9/12 1:42 pm
Why are you still on my screen, why haven't I blocked you yet???  LOL LOL  I need some token DSers in my life I guess, you and Val are serving that purpose.  

(Notice I started a new paragraph just for you)  And for the record I have never once ever knocked the DS surgery or the knowledge of some of the DSers, what has disturbed me and why I have blocked so many is the way the message is presented and the tone that is used to deliver it.

I don't really notice any difference in the board because those who are gone were already gone from my world long ago, and any I missed I will eventually weed out and find.  Ahhh the block button, a girls best friend.

on 1/9/12 1:42 pm
On January 8, 2012 at 1:53 PM Pacific Time, MyLady Heidi wrote:
Why are you still on my screen, why haven't I blocked you yet???  LOL LOL  I need some token DSers in my life I guess, you and Val are serving that purpose.  

(Notice I started a new paragraph just for you)  And for the record I have never once ever knocked the DS surgery or the knowledge of some of the DSers, what has disturbed me and why I have blocked so many is the way the message is presented and the tone that is used to deliver it.

I don't really notice any difference in the board because those who are gone were already gone from my world long ago, and any I missed I will eventually weed out and find.  Ahhh the block button, a girls best friend.

Heidi, you haven't blocked me because you know I'm always right. (*grin*)

MyLady Heidi
on 1/9/12 1:41 pm
Oh Yeah, thats right, or maybe its because I respect you and get when you are joking around or being tough but supportive and not just mean for mean sake.  There is a difference. 

We all get tired of hearing people post things that we think they should know, should already know, should have known to begin with, should be too ashamed to admit they didn't know, but not everyone is created the same, I know I investigated everything before I had wls and took forever making my decision which surgery would work for me.  But not everyone is a computer geek who likes to spend their life in front of a glowing screen and not everyone has the saavy or resources to know absolutely everything they need too, thats where we come in when they ask us questions.  We can either be nice and helpful and supportive and explain whats going on or we act like know-it-alls and turn the person off and make them afraid to ask anything.  Thats not supportive or helpful to anyone.
on 1/9/12 1:41 pm
On January 8, 2012 at 2:44 PM Pacific Time, MyLady Heidi wrote:
Oh Yeah, thats right, or maybe its because I respect you and get when you are joking around or being tough but supportive and not just mean for mean sake.  There is a difference. 

We all get tired of hearing people post things that we think they should know, should already know, should have known to begin with, should be too ashamed to admit they didn't know, but not everyone is created the same, I know I investigated everything before I had wls and took forever making my decision which surgery would work for me.  But not everyone is a computer geek who likes to spend their life in front of a glowing screen and not everyone has the saavy or resources to know absolutely everything they need too, thats where we come in when they ask us questions.  We can either be nice and helpful and supportive and explain whats going on or we act like know-it-alls and turn the person off and make them afraid to ask anything.  Thats not supportive or helpful to anyone.
Heidi, I do have to give you credit for hanging in, and on. You very obviously do know the difference between serious WLS vets and nonsense posters like AnneGG and Mini-me/Something Else, OldMedic, etc.

I truly wish you could find happiness in health rather than size---my RNY SIL now wears a size 4 but is enormously UN-healthy ten years after her RNY. I'm a 14, but more healthy and happy than I've been since I reached puberty. My other SIL is a non-op,  and is now 'fatter' than she's ever been before---she's 5'10" and weighs about 150---skinney ***** (*grin*)

No, we're not all crreated the same---and I'm damned glad of it. The world would be a damned sad and boring place if we were. (*grin*)

Heidi, see my sig. I really would enjoy seeing you OvertHere.

Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 1/9/12 3:11 pm
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