thursday workouts

on 5/18/11 11:37 pm - Cumming, GA
back from vacation, man i was tired this morning, but felt good to hit it again.

60 min weights - chest/tri
60 min spin class - mixed ride (endurance and some intervals)

first sprint tri of the season on sunday... should be a nice little tune up for the season.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

Kim S.
on 5/18/11 11:49 pm - Helena, AL
P90X arms and shoulders and Ab Ripper X tonight when I get home
(deactivated member)
on 5/19/11 12:05 am
4.5 miles on the treadmill, 5.8 mph.  Might have to mix up the MPHs...not sure I can hang in there that long at that pace. 
on 5/19/11 12:41 am - Cumming, GA
i call it chunking or blocking.  i typically will do low level intervals in longish sets, it really helps in a couple of areas like breaking up the monontony and avoiding risk of repetitive movement injuriues.  for a tempo run that is 45 minutes or an hour i usually will do 15 min sets where i will run at a base base for the first 10 min, and then up the tempo for 5.  i can then plan on how long the run will be by the number of sets i will do.  (i.e., 4 sets for the hour run etc.)  for speed work, i use HIIT (high intensity interval training) which i have maybe 4 or 5 different interval sets that i can choose from.  a common HIIT workout that i do is 5 min warmup at base pace, then intervals of 1 min on 1 min recover or 2 min on 2 min recover for 20 min then 5 min cooldown.  another popular one are called 4X4's, after a warmup do 4 sets of 4 min fast with 4 min recover.
Where are we going??  And why am I in this handbasket??

right now.  somewhere.  somebody is working harder than you.

(deactivated member)
on 5/19/11 12:53 am
That sounds good--the 15 min sets--I like the idea of breaking up the monotony.  I don't hit my "zen" as I call it until mile 3 so anything to make the first 2 miles go faster is good for me.  I will probably do a shorter run on Friday to work on speed and will incorporate the HIIT. 

Such a wealth of knowledge you are! 
Jillian O.
on 5/19/11 2:39 am - Fort Riley, KS
60 minutes on the bike trainer

1600 meter swim, it was all I could mange, now my shoulder hurts too, arg!

Good luck on Sunday Bill!

Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran, Army Wife, 3x Ironman Finisher

javier rosario
on 5/19/11 2:51 am - NJ
waiting to get off work in a few hours .. to hit the mat tonight   got some built up stress from work i need to let out on the heavy bag and stationary kicking bag..
on 5/19/11 3:22 am - Lebanon, OH
A 45 minute struggle in the weight room - chest
Being off my thyroid meds for 2 weeks is catching up with me. 2 weeks still to go though. Can't wait for this to be over !
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
on 5/19/11 4:05 am - KS
I am only three weeks post op so my workouts are like baby steps LOL, but my Dr. did say everything as tolerated except for Abs and no more than 15 lbs.  So Monday started the gym,

Monday--treadmill for a mile (panting and slow, but I did a mile!)
Tuesday--introduction to weights.  Husband took me around gym to familiarize me with machines.  Made decision to concentrate on arms/chest first (I am going to fight the hanging arm flab to the bitter end!)
Wednesday--treadmill for 1.35 faster too! (YAY!)
Today--7 arm/chest machines, max weight 15 lbs per dr. orders, 3 reps of 10 on each.  Then 5 lbs. dumbells for 5 reps of 6 movements...I think I am going to hurt tomorrow!

Its not much, but every day is a little better than the last!
on 5/19/11 4:08 am - Lebanon, OH
Only compare your workouts to YOUR workouts ...... your doing awesome , keep it up !
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
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