For People who do not like to exercise.....

on 9/29/12 11:05 pm - NJ
 like me!   This summer I bought a bike.  When I started I thought it would be easy but I was wrong.  
Some of my concerns:
I am going to fall and break something
I am going to crush the bike under my fat self.  
People will see me and laugh.
I will invest money in a bike and like other things in the past it will collect dust and I will end up throwing it out practically unused.  
I dont want to buy it, try it, and have it hurt me.  
I don't want to fail at something again.  

After much research this is what a friend of mine and I  did.  (she weighes aprox 340lb and I was at about 290)
I went to a bike shop not near my house.  Maybe a few towns down the line.  I was brutally honest with the bike guy.  The conversation started like this:

"Hi, I would really like to buy a bike, but I don't have alot of money and I weigh 300lbs, Can you help me?"

IMy thinking was that I would never have to see this guy again if he started pointing and laughing at me.  Much to my surprise he didn't.  He howed both of us 2 differnt kinds of bikes.  Explained why the cute bikes we liked in the first place may not work right now.  Showed us models in our price range.  Explained he could not guarentee we would blow spokes out...HOWEVER did tell us that he could fit the bikes for wider tires if needed.  He told us to invest in bigger seats (mine was 40$) and told us it would be normal to hurt the first 3 or 4 times riding.  But if we took care of the seats to just keep bringing them back within a week and he would switch them out with another for a full credit until we found one we liked.  

So for less than 250$ I ended up with a great bike thatI love and don't even feel like I'm exercising.  

I also found out it was possible to get a decent bike for not alot of money.  

on 9/30/12 8:41 am - FL
Glad you found a bike! I LOVE mine
on 10/4/12 10:29 am - IL
 Biking is a great way to start exercising, Great cardio, Good luck
Sue M.
on 10/1/12 6:19 am - Nantucket, MA
 This is a great bike story!

You did the absolute right thing by going to the shop and telling them everything you wanted/needed from the bike.

Good job!
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
Kim S.
on 10/2/12 6:32 am - Helena, AL
A+ for doing it the right way!  You'll never go wrong when you go to the experts. 

You put on your big girl panties and pushed through, committed to exercise and found something you like!

The main key to sticking to exercise is finding things you love to do!

on 10/4/12 11:05 pm - alabama, AL

Losing Weight Fast - The Safe Way!

Our fluctuating and erratic lifestyles have lead many of us to become overweight. Lack of time to plan our meals or exercise all inadvertently lead to piling up of those extra pounds that are the hardest to shed off.

The age of the Internet has provided us with a means to search and pick a weight loss plan that suits our lifestyle best. The first step on your journey to weight loss should be to sift through the numerous weight loss options online and earmark a few. Once the chosen few have been selected the next logical step should be to consult a physician. A medical practitioner would be the right authority to critically analyze the various weight loss options. He/she would also be briefing you about the pros and cons of each diet that would help you to weigh your decisions in a new light.

This careful analysis will also help you in the long run, you would be assured that the plan that you are opting for would not only be medically safe but would also amount to losing weight safely and permanently.

The path to weight loss should be a gradual and steady one and keep in mind the following guidelines.

Include More Proteins in Your Diet

While most of us are always trying to be super human trying to fit in as many chores in a days time, our diet is the most neglected. Eating without caring for the right proportions of nutrients can negate our physical wellness.

While all nutrients- carbohydrates, fats, proteins and minerals are critical for our health, proteins play a major role in helping us cut down fats. The reason being: proteins help us build muscles and muscles are fat burners.

Good sources of proteins are tuna fish, sprouts, lean meats. You can have one protein rich meal each day and alternate it with other foods so that you don't feel bored and your body also gets plenty of other nutrients as well.

Lift Weights to Lose Weight

No one wants you to become a professional weight lifter and off course you are not supposed to look huge with enormous biceps. You just have to lift weights that tone up your muscles and put them in fat burning mode. Lack of physical activity over a period of time can make the muscles lose their full potential. Start with lifting a 3-5 pound weight, a full water bottle would

be the perfect to start with. Hold the bottle and lift up your arm at elbow so that the bottle or weight comes up to your shoulders. Repeat the exercises 5 to 10 times. Gradually as your body gets accustomed to these exercises you can have sets of 3. Simple exercises like curls are very effective to get rid of those saggy arms.

Losing weight is a result of a proper diet and a proper exercise regimen. Overlook one and your plan is bound to suffer, while just paying a little attention to both and you will reap the benefits for a lifetime.

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