Memorial Day Monday-Am I the First?

Kristi N.
on 5/30/11 12:47 am - NC
Thank your nephew for his service for me. I wish him well and can't wait for you to post of his safe return. Godspeed

HW 244lbs SW 232lbs CW 148lbs GW 125-130lbs                     
Monica B.
on 5/30/11 1:22 am - Emery, SD
Posted on the other thread too...Greedy to share I am, Hugs all

Woke up at 6:30 to hubby having a leg cramp and him jumping up. I felt lousy totally lousy. Stayed up for about an hour and back to the bed, not the couch but the bed. While sleeping I experienced a really bad dizzy spell. Now I know why I am lousy, left side all stuffed up..I can breath thru the nose but sinus swollen. Face looks like black fly bit me. So frozen face cloth will be on me soon.
Sober 209 days and so proud of me.
Nothing planned. Campground still busy. Yoda walks with me have been horrid...he gets really upset if he see other dogs. We think he is "protecting" me. Hasn't been this bad before, but we haven't had this many people or new dogs here in about 4 weeks. We will see how things go at dog park later today.
Wrote a poem on FB, very raw and telling. It just flowed out. This is the second PTSD statement I have written in a few weeks and shared. Bubbling up light bad indigestion.
Hubby working hard on staying civil and nice without his pain meds. I am not OCDing tooooo much.
Cribbage games have been incredible. During one game we both got cards that totaled 24 points. Are we smarter players, better players, are lucky. These games are fun for us and we take them seriously.
Hope you all are safe and enjoy this Memorial Day. Tomorrow I get back to  my daily calls to While House and Congress....troubling news about military members losing houses while deployed because of RED tape, I thought the RED scare was all over with the Cold War. Wrong.
Glad you are in my life sistah and George, hugs Monica

Kristi N.
on 5/30/11 2:25 am - NC
I love reading your posts. You are such an inspiration. I have never had a problem with sobriety, but addiction to food can be comparable. I just started to say that the difference is an addiction to food doesn't have harmful side effects like alcohol, but that would be wrong. If it didn't, we wouldn't all be here on this forum. Food addictions don't affect anybody but ourselves - wrong again! It affects our family, our friends, our co-workers, even strangers who see us and gawk. We can quit cold turkey, umm nope! Again, that's why we're all here. We can control it without anybody's, again. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!

Monica-you are a beautiful person, strong and beyond couragious! I am proud to be on this journey with you.

HW 244lbs SW 232lbs CW 148lbs GW 125-130lbs                     
Monica B.
on 5/30/11 2:48 am - Emery, SD
Thanks for your kind words. I never had a problem with alcohol (other than hubby's bad addiction), hated the stuff. But after WLS, after my major life style change with new RV life...I made the transfer addiction to alcohol and embraced it to the edges of life. Thankfully returning here to OFF and coming clean on what I DID TO ME VIA TRANSFER ADDICTION has helped me crawl out of the bottom of my life to a level plain. I have fallen back in the whole at imes, but these past 209 days have been ARE wonderful. No desire to take a sip or go to the bottle. My days before we left MA were spent trying to get to the bottle without hubby or others seeing me do it...HA HA.
Grateful each day, each second something in me clicked to change.

on 5/30/11 3:36 am, edited 5/30/11 6:05 am - Cibolo, TX

When I think of your "story", I think of it as warning to all of us to never get complaisant.  I don't drink much at all.  My daddy drank and I always hated it.  My husband drinks more now than he ever has in all our married life, and again, I hate it.  I tell myself, "That will never be me!", but then I look at you and I realize we are all just one small step away from--what'd'ya call it?--transfer addiction. 

I think life is meant to be a struggle.  We're not supposed to ever have all our ducks in a row.  Otherwise, what is the point?  We have to grow and stretch and meet challenges every day.  That's not to say that life can't be good.  It can!  But it's not always easy.  I think that's by design, rather than by accident.

Anyway, I always admire your willingness to share your life and your struggles with us, warts and all.  I'm proud to know you!


on 5/30/11 2:16 am - Somewhere in, NY
Hi Kristi and All

Thought I'd pop in and say "hi". 

I stopped at the coffee shop today and saw a group of bikers.  All vets, all about my age.  They were on a road trip, celebrating the day.

Good for them.  The weather is great, and it's a beautiful day to celebrate by being on the road.



Monica B.
on 5/30/11 2:53 am - Emery, SD

Did you flirt, get phone numbers, invite them home for some gardening and fun??? Oh I can be bad with thoughts of men in leather, on bikes and vets to boot!!! How can a good Catholic girl be such a mental hussy? Only been WITH one man in my life in body, but been with a FEW in my mind. I am bad!
No reference to Jimmy Carter and his lusting in his mind, since I feel the man had no mind at all.

Nancy H.
on 5/30/11 3:22 am - Traverse City, MI
Monica, I am with Kristi, I love reading your posts. I can almost see what you are talking about the way you describe things. Thanks, Nan
on 5/30/11 3:39 am - Cibolo, TX
ROFL!  I lust in my mind all the time!  I don't believe in suppressing thoughts.  Suppressing actions, yes; thoughts, no!


on 5/30/11 4:22 am - Somewhere in, NY

I saw a likely prospect, started chatting with him, noticed he seemed to be "on his own".  Just about to steam ahead into full flirt mode when he mentioned he's been married for 50 years.  And he sounded happy.

I thanked him for being a vet, got my coffee, and departed like the lady I am (not...).

As Red would say, "Poop!"



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