Update on Eden and I

on 4/30/11 1:11 am - plymouth, MN
 Thank you!
on 4/29/11 2:44 pm - Fridley, MN
Candess, I'm so happy to see you here.  My midwives and OBs have always said that if you feel something is off, tell them.  I know you've had plenty of trips to L&D and the docs' office, but give them a call if you don't feel right. 

Glad she is reactive on the NSTs and the BPPs are OK too.  I am praying for you and sweet Eden like crazy.  If I remember correctly, a 35 weeker stands the same chance of survival as a 40 weeker, so I'm really pleased you made it this far. If you end up in the NICU, try to relax and just enjoy her without worrying too much - it's amazing how caring most NICU docs and nurses are.  Angels on earth. 

You are already a fantastic mother and I'm so happy you'll be holding your sweet one soon. 
on 4/30/11 1:12 am - plymouth, MN
 Thank you so very much! I really appreciate all the prayers and support! 
on 4/29/11 2:59 pm - Australia
you and eden are in my thoughts. blessed be to you both.....im praying that all goes beautifully for you both :)
tanya xx
Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers 
on 4/30/11 1:12 am - plymouth, MN
 Thank so much Tanya!
on 4/30/11 8:55 am - Ottawa, Canada

Keeping you and Eden in my thoughts and prayers for sure.  It is so great that you are so in touch with Eden and her habits.  It certainly indicates what a great mother you already are!  It is also great to read that the medical professionals you have surrounded yourself with are listening to you are responding to your needs.

I have never heard for that buzzer thing before, that is so cool.  I didn't realize all that they could do to check on the heart-health of a fetus.  I am glad that you posted this experience so completely because it really does give us all information that we need.

Hopefully you feel as supported by us as you go through the next few days!  Again, keep us posted and know that we are sending you and Eden good vibes.


Baby Boy Julian Frederick
Born August 11, 2011

on 4/30/11 10:39 am - houston, TX

yall are in my prayers. hazel made it to 38 weeks and had iugr as well. she came out kicking and screaming. i was told her placenta was stuck to her head b/c of the lack of fluid. she may be small but shes a fighter and that sounds like what your daughter is. i hope she makes it to 37 weeks

SW 280/ SW 266/ PPW 175/ CW 185

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