My surgery was on March 1

on 3/12/11 9:36 pm
This is the first I'm writhing about it. My experience was not a very good one in the hospital.  The pain was so terrible, but the pain medicine was worst! I could NOT function on it at all!  I had to have the dosage put down to the bear minimum.  Day two I passed a hugh amount of blood, and they found that  I had a tear inside my pouch, but it had stopped.  I was given two units of blood, and then had a reaction to that. ( I broke out in a hugh amount of itchy blisters all over my back, and some on the rest of my body, like little pimples everywhere). It was so uncomfortable.  

Some of the nursing staff was down right MEAN, I had to go to the bathroom so bad the second day due to the bleeding, rang my bell and they took 15 minutes to get to me. Because I had to pee so bad I could not keep it in and wet the hole way to the bathroom.  The nurse was mad at me!  I was so embarrased and cried the whole time I had to have help getting cleaned up.  I found certain nurses on each shift and demanded that they were the only ones aloud in my room from that point on. I was so happy to go home!

The bed that the hospital had me in was to high for me to get into, but I had to struggle every time getting in.  I did tell my doctor about this and he said he will be sure that the bed is not used any more for biaratiric patients.  

I have already said, why did I ever have this done! But I know why, and hopefully today will be a better day.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 3/12/11 10:00 pm - OH
Wow... sounds like your doctor, the hospital, and the nurses were ALL sub-par!  (Your surgoen should completely check the integrity of your pouch before he closes you up!)

I will tell you, though -- and anyone else who has never been in a hospital before or needed help getting to the bathroom while they were there -- it is NOT uncommon (especially these days when hospitals are hiring fewer nurses) for it to take 10-15 minutes to get someone freed up to help you to the bathroom.... so push the call button as soon as you know you need to go and if you wait too long (or urgently need to go when you eake up from a nap), tell them it's urgent.  Otherwise, the reality is that giving medication, doing wound care, assisting doctors, etc. all get higher priority than helping someone to the bathroom.

Hopefully the worst is behind you.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 3/13/11 1:23 am - NC
Lora I only semi agree with u. Its not a priority to get someone to the RR, not until that same patient has fallen and busted their head on the bedside table because they passed out from a dangerously low (requiring transfusion) H/H. Every patient is important. Unfortunately hospitals are running on skeleton crews and forces us to make ladies waititng to pee pee a bottom of the list thing to do. I am sorry that she had to go thru that. Luckily my mother will be with me in the hospital when I have my surgery. Best Regards.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 3/13/11 3:27 am - OH
I think maybe you misread my post.  I did not say that every pateint is not important or that it is RIGHT that bathroom assists get pushed to the bottom of the priority list... just that the fact is thatm in these days of understaffed hospitals, they DO.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

(deactivated member)
on 3/12/11 10:23 pm - TX
I am SO sorry you had such a terrible experience. On top of everything else you have to go through with the surgery its so unfair you had to deal with this too.

My surgery was also March 1.

I was at a bariatric hospital. We have several doctors groups in towns that specialize in bariatrics and they are all affiliated with it, so I was among about 44 other people who had the same surgery, same day, and everyone in my wing was an RNY patient. Even so, I had a hard time with the nurses and my pain meds, and I had to unattach myself from the IV (wall)) and the compression socks to go pee because they just wouldn't come fast enough.

I hope you are at home and doing better.
on 3/12/11 10:38 pm
I am home an doing much better, after coming off the pain medicine though I am having some side effects such as night sweats!  Terrible!  I know this is the best thing that I could ever do for myself, but I am feeling a little down today.

I have so much to look forward oldest daughter 30, is having her first baby in June, and I am flying out in April for her shower.  I will be starting a new position at the end of April at my work place which will triple my income, I have the best boyfriend ever, but why am I so glum today!  This is not me I hate this feeling.

I was up last night at 4a.m. vomiting, I am wondering if it were the yogert I had before bed.  What are you consuming now.

It is great finding someone to talk to who has had the surgery on the same day.

I will keep in touch.
(deactivated member)
on 3/13/11 12:38 am - TX
I had several days where I felt very down and out and sad and wondered if I had done my body a disservice. Also was berating myself for not just working harder and getting the weight off myself.

I am feeling better everyday so I am sure you will too. I have had alot of pain; but I do find that getting up and getting out and doing things I normally do helps me not be depressed. I took my daughter to the mall yesterday to get a haircut and that was actually nice and I was dreading it.

I haven't thrown up yet but I've find that chocolate doesn't agree with me - as in the fat free sugar free chocolate pudding; and even the chocolate protein shakes. I put it on the shelf for now and plan on trying it later on.

I am using a guideline from my doc that any food I eat has less than 10 grams carbs, 5 grams sugar, and 3 grams fat. It seems to be working. The one thing I ate that had 15 carbs (fat free sugar free pudding) upset my stomach. I am eating greek yogurt, fiber one yogurt, scrambled eggs, strained mild salsa, fat free refried beans, fat free cheese, low fat string cheese, fat free cottage cheese. I mix the cottage cheese and the plain yogurt with fat free, sugar free, seed free blackberry jam and a little splenda if I want something sweet. I add salt, pepper, and strained salsa if I want spicy. Sounds weird but its good.

Better days will come! Have hope. Every day gets better.
on 3/12/11 10:31 pm
So sorry you had such a bad experience! It is hard enough going through the surgery and to have such a bad recovery. Thank goodness they are all not like that. I had the most WONDERFUL nurses , they were so understanding. I had it at a hospital where the whole floor was just for WLS. I am telling this for other people who are thinking about WLS and read the post, all is not nightmares! The worst should be over for you and you are on your way to a new you!! Glad you made should be great from now are in charge now! ~shell
on 3/12/11 10:41 pm
Not all the nurses were like that, just so everyone knows, I wrote this post so if you are having a hard time in the hospital please don't hesitate to speak up if you have to. Once I spoke up things for me were much better.  But, things can go wrong, and it is important that you know the risks too.  I am doing much better now, have a few bumps, but all in all I am doing wonderful.

on 3/12/11 10:48 pm
I am glad you stood up for yourself. You sound like a very blessed woman .Things are going your way for sure. Maybe just a bit down from the surgery. I had 3 months of "what have I done." was depressing and hard but when I made it past that everything else has been good.~shell
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