Feeling abandoned

on 12/1/11 11:49 pm - CA
Hello :) I'm almost 2 months post op RNY. Since 11/10 i've been having different problems. I found out I'm lactose intolerant that's why I had severe diarrhea for 8 days. 11/25 I started feeling nausea's, dry heaving, throwing up I had a CT scan on Monday and it came out fine. My Dr. thinks I had food poisioning or a virus. He put me back on a liquid diet. I've been on it this past week and probably going to be on it for another 2 weeks. I know I'm not my Dr's only patient but when I email him I'm starting to feel abandoned by him. I can tell by his emails he is getting frustrated with me. I'm frustrated to. I never thought i was going to have these set backs. Then when I talked to the nutritionist she told me I'm losing weight to fast. Well that's what happens when your not eating much. Thank you for listening and letting me vent a little. If anyone has had any problems like this will please share with me. Thank you so much!
Stephanie M.
on 12/1/11 11:54 pm - Los Angeles, CA
 I'm no nutritionist, but my nutritionist has never told me to slow down my weight loss. I'm sorry you are having trouble getting ahold of your surgeon. It is very hard, though. My surgeon didn't even give me a number or his e-mail address. I work solely with the nutritionist. You will find that for a lot of the questions you have, you can get help on here for. For the more serious things, you should go to your surgeon, or maybe you can set up an appointment with your primary care doctor to get help as well. Good luck to you!
on 12/1/11 11:58 pm - CA
 Thank you Stephanie. I'm not having a hard time getting ahold of him I just think he don't want to talk to me anymore. Like he's frustrated with me for asking so many questions. I want to make sure I do things the right way. So if that means being on a liquid diet for another 2 weeks I guess thats what I have to do. 
Stephanie M.
on 12/2/11 12:29 am - Los Angeles, CA
 Honestly, I would send your nutritionist a few more emails, because hopefully she can give you some insight. Every plan is different, but if you are feeling any better, I would ask her about going back to your eating plan, because 3 weeks on the liquid diet is a long time!
on 12/2/11 1:18 am - Rochester, NY
Does your surgeons office have a mid level provider? i know that after my surgery I will only see the surgeon if there is a serious problem, otherwise I will see the PA's.

Follow my vegan transition at www.bariatricvegan.com
HW:288    CW:146.4   GW: 140    RNY: 12/22/11  


Kim S.
on 12/2/11 1:22 am - Helena, AL
Most surgeons are excellent at exactly that-surgery.  Most are not after-care experts, and I'll bet many don't want to be.  Rely on your nutritionist and nurses to help with your questions, and of course us here.

on 12/2/11 1:47 am - TX
I hope you feel better soon!
on 12/2/11 3:01 am

I'm pretty sure there should be some kind of nurse that your surgeon's office has that you can direct your questions to. Maybe she might take a little more time with you. So sorry you are having a hard time. Just try to stay positive and hopefully all of these bad times will pass. I know it's easy for me to say cause I'm not going through this, but I do wish you the best. I have not meet my nutritionist yet so losing the weight is coming off very slow. I'm sure I'm not doing everything quit right but as long as I'm going down I hope to be ok.

I read alot of post off of this website and questions you think your to embarrased to ask someone else will ask. So just keep asking and hopefully one of us will have the right answer for you.

Wish you the best in your journey and have a safe and happy holidays.

on 12/2/11 3:14 am - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
First I hope you feel better soon.

Second, if my surgeon didn't seem to want to take care of me i'd go see a different doctor. Maybe a gastro doc, maybe your pcp?

I don't like my surgeon at all as a person. He was a great surgeon tho. Him and I have actually argued in his office twice. When I call I never get him, I have to deal with his staff. Who are awesome!!!

Feel better soon!!!

Met my first goal, met my second goal, met my surgeons goal. Now I have a new goal!
on 12/2/11 6:26 am - CA
 Thank you so much ladies. You guys have made me feel so much better. He emailed me back today with some nice things. A friend talked to me today who had the surgery 6 years ago. She told me all this will pass and it will get better. I just have to give my pouch time to relax its irritated and when I keep trying to add new food my pouch is like nope I need more time. I am feeling better knowing I have people on here that understand what I'm going through. 
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