How do I get my balance back?

on 8/22/12 6:18 am - OH

It has been 4 1/2 months since my RNY.  I have lost 65 pounds!! 

My problem is before surgery my balance wasn't that great but since losing weight it is even worse!  If I shut my eyes while standing, I will fall over.  Sometimes while I am walking I will get off balance and start walking crooked.  I don't believe it is a ear problem because I have no ringing or pain.  My question is if anyone else has experienced this problem?  Can some type of exercise help to get better?  Please let me know your thoughts and ideas.     debbie

Larry Wassmann
on 8/22/12 6:23 am - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12
 Same here, I walk like I am drunk. 3 months out still not stable. 

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Kim S.
on 8/22/12 6:24 am - Helena, AL
You need to report this to your doctor.  You DO NOT have to have pain or ringing with ear infections or problems related to the inner ear.  Also, you could have vertigo.

Once you've ruled out a medical reason, you could be adjusting your center of gravity due to the lighter you.  Practice good posture and yoga really helps with balance.  Also, a good strong core is great for overall balance in the body.
Dave Chambers
on 8/22/12 6:28 am - Mira Loma, CA
Have you had your labs checked recently? Usually one or more sets of labs are done in the first few months.  But, it really sounds like something other than vitamin deficiencies.  If I were you, I'd get checked by my doc. I lost my balance last week, broke a front tooth on the bathroom sink, and it cost me $1145 at the dentist.  But my issue was in the middle of the night while half asleep, not during waking hours that you speak of.  I would suspect an ear infection whether you have pain or ringing or not.  I don't think exercise would help, unless you have weak muscles from not walking much--like being confined to a wheelchair from obesity, etc.  It could be a variety of reasons, but it likely warrants a visit to the doctor to help diagnosis.  DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
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on 8/22/12 6:59 am - Epping, NH
RNY on 08/14/12
 It sounds a lot like when I had vertigo.  I had no pain in my ears or anything but my balance was wayyyyyyy off.  You should check with your doc, what would it hurt?


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on 8/22/12 7:06 am
My balance is a little off too. I have been thinking that it is a rapid loss of weight distribution. I also have a slight depth perception issue and can't balance well in the dark. I haven't talked to my doctor about it. I'm interested to see what others have experienced.
Turtle Lynn
on 8/22/12 7:26 am - New Castle, DE
RNY on 05/29/12 with
You definitely need to get checked out. . .no symptoms (other than balance issues) doesn't mean there isn't something going on.  

I have a friend with Meniere's disease (sp?) and she has no symptoms other than being off-balance and hers is so bad that when it hits, it takes her down to the ground.  She is on medication to prevent these episodes.  

Usually balance problems are related to inner ear issues.  There could certainly be something else entirely going on but you need to see a doctor to determine what it is.  

Hope you feel better!

  HW 287, GW 150,  CW 168   ** Band to RNY 05/29/12 **

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on 8/22/12 7:35 am - FL
been there done that..and dont want to go back again...well before surgery my balance was way off...we got the WII fit game and i took the tests at the start and the machine even said my center of balance was i started playing their balance games...worked quite well....the soccor ball game i liked the are on the board, these kids keep kicking items at have to dodge everything BUT the soccor must hit them....they are black and think easy right...NOT..they are also kicking black and white panda bears at you, and shoes, and boots and books among other things...i kept a chair handy just in case....
now up to surgery.....balance had gotten some what better playing the WII games...but then not totally where it should daughter got me a maganet bracelet from our chiropriactor....when i first put it on..i did not like the way it made me feel...just weird...thats all i can say...then a day or so later, i tried it again.. and it was ok...but i felt stronger and more centered... is the best way i can describe it...i have it it on every day since then..even in swimming and showers....then one day i took it off...and boy howdy within a couple of hours..i felt way off balance back on the magnets went on....
i have been taking line dance classes and i get very dizzy if we do a lot of turns and such..but then i have always had a problem with motion a lady in the class mentioned ear crystals..i searched online with them..and boy they seemed to describe me to a i went to my chiro and he tested me and yeppers they affect your balance and such.. alot of people with vertigo actually have a problem with these ear crystals...and they are correctiable... i am 16 months post op..lost 105-110 pounds, depends on what color undies i wear haha...i cant get past that 5 pound swing..but im good with balance has gotten alot better due to the WII game, the magnet bracelet and getting my ear crystals back in wack...and if and when you do the ear will get a bit queasy..that was not fun...but it has made a difference....walking on the treadmill has helped..but when i get off the treadmill i feel a bit off balance...i still am guarded when i go up and down stairs and curbs..but it is alot better..i also broke my left leg in 4 spots, both bones twice each, each break set themselves so i did not have to have surgery to se them.. but i was no weight bearing for a long time and in different casts and zimmer boots...that was not fun...but that has made a difference in my balance and navigating stairs and such...
good luck, but yes talk to you dr about it..research everything you can...there are alot of balance exercises out the, just keep a chair handy and close..i went to thearpy and they gave me a bunch of balance exercises to stand on one leg with your eyes closed...and do the other leg...that one i never mastored...playing ball me catching while i was on one leg, the one i broke....that works those fine muscles and nerves..they had me stand on a looked like a ball cut in half..rounded on top and flat on one side...on the flat side there was a step thingy...the rounded part was on the floor and i had to balance myself on that....that was quite comical in the beginning...
now when i play the WII fit and i have taken the tests, my center of balance is almost dead center and i can hold it there...but i am far from where i could be..but much better then where i was...and yes, working on your core is the best..
good luck
on 8/22/12 7:43 am - OH
Thanks to everyone for your responses!!  I got a lot of good ideas from all of you.  I have a doctor's appointment on Friday and I will surely talk to her about this balancing problem.    debbie
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