
on 1/13/13 9:45 am - Columbus, OH

Hello World,

I'm getting surgery pretty soon, date hasn't been set yet but i'm finishing up insurance paper work this week. I have a couple of questions, and this may be just the fat girl in me talking. But what about desserts? I mean....I don't want to not be able to eat a reese cup or a piece of pound cake for the rest of my life. What gives?  I love to bake. Also is dumping experienced as often with the sleeve as it is the by-pass. Help Please. This is giving me serious anxiety. Who wants to go the rest of their life without having a hershey kiss. That's ridiculous.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/13/13 10:08 am, edited 1/13/13 10:09 am - OH

There is no dumping with any WLS except RNY because part of what contributes to it is the lack of a pyloric valve to control how quickly food gets into the intestines.  The sleeve and DS  keep the pyloric valve in place.  Also, the other component that causes dumping is that the sugar that gets into the lower portion of the intestine has not been processed by the first part of the intestine (which is what the lower portion of the intestine expects) because (with the RNY) that portion has been bypassed.  Since the sleeve doesn't have a bypass, it doesn't have THAT component of the cause of dumping, either.

Only 30% of RNYers dump, so chances are you won't be one of hem, but there is no way to know beforehand.  Some people who are very sensitive to sugar would NOT be able to eat a Reese Cup without getting sick.  I can.  I don't eat sweets as a "dessert" because I am always full from my dinner, but I do have some kind of a daily (100 calorie) treat and it is usually something sweet (a small amount of Strawberry Haagen Dazs, a fun size candy bar, up to a dozen M&Ms, two dark Hershey kisses.  Some people, though, find that they have to avoid sweets not because they make them physically sick, but because they then have trouble with wanting MORE sweets, so it is easier to stay on track if they don't eat any at all.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Citizen Kim
on 1/13/13 10:09 am - Castle Rock, CO

I had 4 Hershey's kisses tonight, but I have to say it wasn't something that entered my head when I was contemplating WLS ... 

Counselling is a wonderful thing ...

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 1/13/13 10:29 am - Australia
RNY on 10/19/12

I love Reece's but I love my health more....

my husband found sugar free mini cups at an import lolly store here the other day, I can have one without issue, personally I wouldn't have bought these for myself this early out but he did mean well I guess.

i see a psychiatrist almost weekly to deal with my food issues-I couldn't recommend it any more highly, I personally think everyone having wls would benefit from counselling!

Band placed April '08 four years of hell-Band removed may '12~Non VSG July 26 '12. All went to hell~RNY on the 19th october '12~Leak & infection 26th october '12 ~infection 24th November '12, 2 weeks hospital~infection 25th dec '12 4 days ~30/5/13 hernia repair 4 days~hw120/sw/115/gw/58kg


on 1/13/13 10:32 am - Parkton, MD

Everything Lora said is accurate...

I like sweets too - didn't think I did but I find I do.  I don't do well with sugar - I will get nauseous if I eat too many sugars.  But sometimes I still want them.  I limit myself to 1/4 of a cookie or 1-2 bites of a cake or other sweet so I don't get nauseated.  I can tolerate one piece of candy (a small one).  I do find that I don't want a sweet at a meal - because I am full.  But I do include one in the evening.  I think you will find that after surgery your focus won't be so intense on food.  I for example, didn't think I could LIVE with mexican food.  Of course they said it would be too fatty or you can't eat beef or tomatoes would irritate your stomach, etc. etc.  For dinner tonight I had one beef taco AND was satisfied with that.  Prior to surgery I would have had 12 (not kidding). Surgery has given me an 'off' button, if you will. 

Best of luck with your surgery.

HW 357 SW 341   
on 1/13/13 2:42 pm - CA

I can't process sugars well since surgery, but have new kinds of desserts:  1/2 ripe banana with a cup of skim milk, a 1/2 protein bar with coffee, 1/3 cup cottage cheese with fruit purée mixed with a little trivia.  I love each of these!

on 1/13/13 7:25 pm - OH

About 30% of RNY patients dump.  Sleeve patients do not dump, or at least, no more often than non-WLS folks, which is almost never.  Some very unusual medical conditions can cause dumping in people that have not had RNY.

I don't think you would have to go the rest of your life without a Hershey's kiss, even if you did dump.  How many grams of sugar is in one kiss?  I can eat at least 15 grams of sugar before I dump, sometimes a little more.  Also, you could get sugar free chocolate, if one regukar Hershey's kiss did cause you to dump.

How much sugar people can tolerate really varies.  I might not be able to eat a whole piece of cake, unless it was sugar free.  But I can eat a whole cookie.

While most RNY folks do not dump, if being able to eat a piece of cake is really important to you and the thought that you might not tolerate that much sugar is giving you serious anxiety, you might want to reconsider having RNY, or you might want to work with a therapist to address the cause of your anxiety before having surgery.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 1/13/13 11:45 pm - Canada

I am 15 months out and can eat a moderate amount of sugar.  I don't dump at all.  A blessing and a curse!


  I'm 5 ft 7.5 inches tall... 
 "The best way to predict your future is to create it."                   
~ Unknown       

MyLady Heidi
on 1/13/13 11:51 pm

The dumping or threat of, keeps me weighing a normal weight otherwise I would probably be MO again.  I eat chocolate and desserts in moderation, but they are calories and they all count, if you want to eat wasteful calories you have to give up something else to keep yourself in check.  You decide what you want to weigh and how much you are willing to sacrifice.  But if you eat too much desserts, chocolate or whatever you will find yourself fat again, wondering why you bothered with wls in the first place.  Sorry.  Its the truth.

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