Last Night I had my FIRST cry!?!

Allison S.
on 4/11/13 10:17 pm - FORT WORTH, TX

First, I had my 1 month anniversary on April 8, 2013 and I am so surprised and excited to say that I lost 40lbs in my first 30 days and that was with a week and a half of a stall.  

I did, however, had my first "reality" cry.  While I have never experience the "foamies" as commonly described, I have had my fair share of vomiting in the past 2 weeks and am slowly finding out that I can no longer hamburger meat, ham, milk and much more.  I even learned my vomiting lesson in the car....with my kids when I thought I could stomach a bite of my son's chicken nugget from McDonalds.  A word to the wise....never EVER eat a McDonalds chicken nugget. 

The reality is....I am really feeling sorry for myself.  I cannot eat ANYTHING I used to and I feel that I am stuck in this new hell I cannot get out of.  Why must so much irritate my pouch?  Will it get any better?  or will I pretty much be stuck to chicken or fish for the rest of my life?



   Highest Weight: 265 / Goal Weight:130 / Height: 5'5" / Age: 34



on 4/11/13 11:09 pm
RNY on 03/27/13

Do not feel bad!! Just think of the good things you will be able to have. I was doing the same thing. Thinking about what I will miss out on. Then I started looking up recipes for gastric bypass patients. They sounded so good!!!! I focused so much on what I can't eat at this moment in time that I couldn't see the healthy things I can enjoy just the same. Yesterday I was trying to eat a piece of ham that goes in sandwiches and got sick. And just remember what we may not be able to tolerate now, maybe something we can tolerate later down the road!! Just focus on the 40 pds that you have already lost!! That is a grand accomplishment in itself!!! angry



on 4/11/13 11:09 pm - TX
RNY on 01/24/13
If my experience is anything to go by it will get better with a little time. I was told by the dr. to drink celebrate ENS protein drink twice a day for vitamins and protein. Talk about throwing up. It made me sick for most of the day if I drank one in the morning. Well now 3 months out I drink them and actually like them. It just took a period of adjustment to tolerate them. I don't know what you will or will not ultimately be able to eat but I feel pretty certain that this time next year you will be really surprised at what you are eating. Although chicken mcnuggets are really not a good choice in my opinion. Just wait a couple of weeks and go back and retry ham or chicken or milk. Milk used to make me nauseous a month ago too. Now I drink 2 glasses per day for good protein. Some things just take time to digest I guess. It is a brand new baby tummy and like a baby it is getting used to digestion. Be patient with it.



Calla Lily
on 4/11/13 11:19 pm
RNY on 01/23/12

When I was 1 month out, I was still eating mush! By 3 months out I was able to tolerate more foods, but still nothing "normal" then finally around 6 months I could have even more solid type foods... I can remember reading posts on here from people eating the most delicious sounding healthy meals... and I had a cry myself, because I only seemed to handle SOUP and soft bland mushed food for so long.... There was nothing wrong with my pouch it just took me longer then average to move through the stages. BUT, with each passing month, I could slow but surely add more to my menu! So it does get better. You are still very early out, but you will see that each month gets better and better.... even for me now at 14 and a half months out, I still have good and bad pouch days, one day I can eat quinoa with chicken, and the next it upsets my pouch! But over all, it gets better with each passing month :)

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


on 4/11/13 11:51 pm

I agree with what everyone is saying what doesn't work 1 day for your pouch might work the next day. My nurse who had RNY 5 months ago told me she can eat a mcnugget if she takes off all the "skin". Did you do that? Maybe next time you try it you might try that. I actually can't stand McNuggets I think the chicken is fake LOL. But I can't wait until I can try a Chic Fil A tender!

It is all trial and error here in the beginning. I am on my pureed stage and I am going to be learning about my pouch as you are and I am sure one day you will be able to eat everything in moderation again. Just give it sometime. When you get really down think of all the amazing things you will be able to do with your family, the clothes you can wear, and the extra time you probably gave yourself here on earth with them by kicking obesity!

Good Luck and Hugs

Did the happy dance onto the Loser's Bench March 18, 2013!

Visit my blog at

Allison S.
on 4/12/13 12:06 am - FORT WORTH, TX

Actually, it was a busy day.  I had stopped and grabbed my 6yr old (with him in the vehicle) a happy meal.  Well I, for reasons still unknown, grabbed one and took an extremely small bite.  That was all she wrote.  We were about 10 minutes from home and within 1 minute I had to dump my full cup of ice water out to vomit in while driving (yes I know TMI).  It was absolutely horrible.  I must have thrown up 5 times before I made it home.  It is those moments that you completely forget you had RNY and boy did I learn my lesson.  Unfortunately, the same thing happened last night when I tried a small bit of a soft taco from taco bell.  It sent me into the bathroom within minutes.  It really just broke me down because I am totally affraid to eat anywhere but at home because of this.



   Highest Weight: 265 / Goal Weight:130 / Height: 5'5" / Age: 34



on 4/12/13 12:16 am
Hey There,

I completely understand the meltdown. I had many..... I had some complications so I didn't start feeling normal for an entire year. For some the process is quite a lot easier, but for me it was a long drawn out incredibly hard process and it still continues although now its getting better. Hang in there. Give yourself time to heal. Cry if you need to, sometimes it really helps. Sent you a message with my phone number call if you want to chat!

HW: 324.7  SW:      CW:        GW:165    
Allison S.
on 4/12/13 12:29 am - FORT WORTH, TX

Thanks Teresa!!!!


   Highest Weight: 265 / Goal Weight:130 / Height: 5'5" / Age: 34



on 4/12/13 2:10 am - WA
RNY on 05/21/12

Oh that's awful!!! I'm sorry you are having a rough time.  Try to remember you are just a month out. Your body is adjusting to SO many changes and it's common that you might not be able to eat certain things now that you will 8 months from now or a year from now.  I couldn't handle hamburger meat for about 8 months or so..I didn't get sick but It just didn't sit well with me.  I still have issues with it and don't eat it that often. 

Trust that things will get better just take it slow and chew!! 

I'm 10 months out and I've actually had a chicken nugget from McDonalds and one from Wendy's and didn't have an issue with either.  Of course i don't eat something lie that often as it's bad for us but what you can handle down the road does change.

I was still on soft foods a month strange the different diets Dr. put everyone on.

Anyways good luck and feel better!! We've all cried over our frustration!


on 4/12/13 3:10 am - West Chester, PA

your pouch is still new. i threw up a lot in the beginning. now it's a rarity (like if it's once every few months its a lot, and i was prone to throwing up pre-op). it definitely gets easier. i can eat everything now without physical problems 99% of the time, and when i do have a problem it's usually my own fault, like eating too fast

                                                                       <3 jen <3


                                    <3 starting weight: 252 <3 goal weight: 135 <3 current weight: 151 <3

                                      RNY: 9/27/10 <3 Extended Tummy Tuck w/hip & thigh lipo: 6/6/13

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