Yuck, food, yuck! Do I eat or not?

on 2/27/15 12:45 am
RNY on 12/29/14

2 mos out, and I have felt this coming on the past week--not really wanting to eat.  Food starting to seem yucky. And this morning it is like a giant wall I have run into.  I should eat breakfast.  I do not want to.  I get out an egg. It grosses me out.  I tell myself to cook and eat it anyway.  The thought of eating that egg makes me disgusted. I open the fridge.  Stare into it.  Everything looks yucky. Open the freezer.  Stare into it.  All kinds of things I can eat, on plan, little 1/3 cup meals all frozen in their ziplock bags.  Yuck.  I write this post on OH as yet another delay, circling around the idea of eating, but refusing to actually do it.  Like, I dare you to make me.

Now, I think that if I opened the cupboard and saw the cookies my family made last night, or the chips my husband bought, those might look a little less yucky to me.  But I have enough self control right now to not eat them.  Later, though, I suspect it will be harder to not want them.  I do not eat those things, but they are harder to not eat when I am hungrier, or more fatigued, or whatever happens later in the day.

So, two questions:

1. Is this a normal stage?  This "food, yuck, don't eat it" stage?

2. Do I listen to my body and not eat until I am hungry? I mean, am I not supposed to be learning to honor the real hunger cues?  or, do I eat because I am supposed to, and as a guard against cravings later in the day? 

on 2/27/15 1:08 am, edited 2/27/15 1:13 am - Canada
RNY on 10/22/13

I went through that too post op. I think it's normal and I still get it from time to time. My theory is....if you don't want to eat don't force yourself. Just make sure you take your vitamins and maybe drink a couple of protein shakes just to make sure you are keeping up your protein. It will pass. If you find it DOESN'T pass after a couple of days or even weeks...well then it might be an issue, but usually mine would pass after about 4 days - week. Then I would be eating again for weeks...then not want to again. It's normal =)

When the "phase" passes...you will want to eat again. When you find you are wanting to eat, it's best to schedual your meals snacks rather than waiting for hunger. You won't get "hungry" like you used to so that won't be helpful. However if mentally your are just not feeling the whole eating thing right now....just don't. It's ok short term to just skip it because you feel Blah, in my opinion, like I said as long as you are getting your vitamins and protein =)

Opti October 1. PATTS October 8th and RNY Surgery October 22, 2013

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

on 2/27/15 11:38 am
RNY on 12/29/14

Thanks for that reassurance. 

on 2/27/15 1:09 am - Brighton, IL

I went through that very same thing for quite a while and still do not get hungry like I used to before surgery. I would make myself eat on plan because if not I would grab those no no snacks later because I was hungry. Still even now at 30 months I have days where food just doesn't even sound good. I guess that's better than living for food all the time like I did pretty surgery!



on 2/27/15 11:39 am
RNY on 12/29/14

Yes--better than living for food! 

on 2/27/15 1:58 am

Yeah, this too shall pass.  And probably come back and pass again.

Early out nothing sounded good.  I think maybe it was a mini tantrum, like if I can't have what I want I won't eat anything.

I got in the habit of just figuring what the best meals should be, like breakfast I would always have Greek yogurt.  Still do, in fact.  Just easy and no brainer.

Then lunch would be my version of the ricotta bake.  Then it would be chili for a while.  Then it would be cheese.  I pretty much got on a theme and ate it daily until something else started sounded good.  I didn't really think about it.  Having things planned out like that really helped me not obsess about it.

My dinner then and now is just some kind of protein, steak, chicken, pork chop, and some kind of veggie.  The only decision I had to make was which one.

Knowing what I was going to eat day to day really helped with shopping, too.


WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 2/27/15 11:40 am
RNY on 12/29/14

I do that too--having things that are just there, and I follow that theme.  Maybe I need to mix things up a little more--find more things that "sound good."

on 2/27/15 3:52 am

This happened to me too.

My surgeons plan said to try to eat something from his list of foods anyway. Even if it was just a few bites.

I am 14 month post op and I still get a variation of this.  Mainly I will be eating along happily and all of a sudden a switch is thrown and I literally hear "THE VOICE" in my head say "Enough!"

And I look down at what I thought was yummy and just dont care for anymore of it.


I wonder if that is what it like for the naturally thin people?

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 2/27/15 10:12 am
RNY on 12/29/14

I have wondered that, too.   Like, is this what it feels like for my son the air fern?  Who just does not want to eat, and everything sounds yucky to him but chocolate milk?

on 2/27/15 4:54 am - Brighton, IL

That's a good point Skinny! Maybe that is how it is for naturally thin people. I have many days where I don't eat all of my measured food and it often sounds better than it actuallyebds up tasting!



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