What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

on 8/24/16 5:24 am, edited 8/24/16 6:25 am
RNY on 07/17/14

We've reached the midway point of our AMAW/AMAW-C Challenge!  How's everyone doing?  I gotta say, when I'm prepping my menu for the day, it looks like so.  much.  food.  LOL  I didn't even eat my snack yesterday because I was stuffed from my meat-centric breakfast.  Also?  I haven't weighed myself since Friday so I can't confirm any actual weight loss, but I FEEL so much less bloated than usual.  And judging by how my pants fit this morning, I AM less bloated.  LOL  I  AMAW/AMAW-C. 

Funny story.  I bought this top at Walmart last week; a cute little lacy emerald green cap sleeve thing.  I'm wearing it for the first time today and when I went into the bathroom here at work I realized that the side panels are just lace.  Like you can see my bra (thankfully the same color) and my skin.  LMAO  Good thing I keep a sweater here. 

QOTD!  Are you a cat person or a dog person?  I love my Bagel dog, but I am a cat person all the way.  If Matt wasn't "allergic", I would have a bunch.  Growing up we always had cats and I miss having one (or three) in the house. 

Time since surgery:  2+ years

B:  2 deviled egg halves and a gyro chicken sausage

S:  3.2 oz. deli chicken breast and string cheese

L:  Buffalo chicken salad, pork rinds and another string cheese

D:  shrimp ****tail, baby!

TOTALS:  Cals:  886  Protein:  126  (can I get a what-what!)  Carbs:  22  Fat:  35

I am AV and I approve this menu. 






on 8/24/16 5:36 am - Brighton, IL

Good morning everyone. It's a cool gloomy day here in Illinois but Lily and I got our 3 plus miles in early and only got sprinkled on at the end. QOTD I love both dogs and cats and have some of both but must say I prefer dogs because of their loyalty and how happy they always are to see you. Cats kind of just coexist and pay attention to you when they want. Post op almost 48 months (Monday) and weight at 117 this morning. Here's the food for today B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 1 c ham and beans at senior meal D fish from fish taco and 1/2 c tomatoes S mission one chocolate brownie protein bar.  Now AMAW for me as I can't afford to lose any weight but I am definitely cheering you all on. I know you can all plan and make some smart choices.  Til tomorrow!




on 8/24/16 5:38 am - Brighton, IL

Oh AV I saw those tops at Walmart and almost got the same color until I held it up and realized it was partly see through. They were really cute though!



on 8/24/16 5:46 am
RNY on 07/17/14

HA!  I didn't even try it on, I just threw it in my cart.  I won't be doing that again.  LOL





on 8/24/16 7:02 am
RNY on 08/21/12

I've been asked to stop wearing see-through tops. I was causing too many accidents.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 8/24/16 5:39 am, edited 8/23/16 10:39 pm
VSG on 11/19/14

Good morning AV and Menu crew. As I mentioned yesterday, I gained 10+ pounds on vacation. I am happy to report that I am down 3 pounds! A testament to the program and shows how horrible I was eating on vacation. I am rocking the AMAW so far.

QOTD - I love both, kids are allergic so we had to get a hypoallergenic breed, we have a Standard Poodle named Bethany.

Time since surgery - 21+ months

B - Can of Tuna with Balsamic ( Thanks for the idea Daisy)

S - Turkey

L - Kielbasa

S - Turkey

D - left over pot roast

880 Calories, carbs - 6, Protein - 81

Exercise - 90 Minutes at the gym - 45 cardio and 45 weights.

Stay healthy my friends. Mike

** edited to add photo

Insert Fitness
on 8/24/16 5:39 am

Hi! I'm still in pre-op, so it's opti shake, opti shake opti shake!

i haven't figured what this food challenge abbreviation stands for, but I see a lot of meat and pork rinds in people's menus haha 

the story about your shirt made me laugh. Halfway through Sunday, my husband asked if I knew I was wearing my yoga pants inside out... 

I have an 11 year old basset who is....interesting...., but am definitely a cat person. Hubby stops breathing when they are around though....

on 8/24/16 5:53 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

AMAW - All Meat All Week

The C allows you Critters

on 8/24/16 5:54 am - Brighton, IL

AMAW stands for all meat all week. AMAW-C is all meat all week with critter products added. It allows people to have things made by animals like eggs,yogurt and cheeses. Hope that helps!



on 8/24/16 5:43 am
VSG on 11/19/14

Love the seal picture, you should go to CNN.com and check out a story about a seal that jumped onto a Tour Boat to get away from a POD of Killer Whales. Neat story.

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