Spare Machine

on 4/30/05 11:37 pm - North Wilmington, DE
I have a spare CPAP that I cannot use and was wondering what to do with the machine. Its over 8 years old but still runs. I was switched to Bipap after a year with CPAP. The DME did not want CPAP back....Is there a place I can take it to so it is recycled?
Jennifer B.
on 5/20/05 7:45 pm - Susanville, CA
Debbie- If you haven't gotten rid of the machine and you would like to, I need one. I was recently diagnosed with Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome and had a CPAP for about 2 weeks. My insurance company decided they weren't going to pay for it and the company took it away because I couldn't afford to pay for it on my own. My quality of life is detiorating. I have three children and it is a struggle just to get up with them in the morning let alone make them breakfast, play with them or enjoy any physical activity with them. If you are interested I would be so appreciative. Jennifer Boyles CA
on 5/24/05 10:00 am - Indianapolis (but at college in Evansville), IN
That is so horrible that the insuarance company would do such a thing!!!! They should be soooo ashamed of themselves! I know that there are websites where you can find recycled ones pretty cheap but if you really can't afford one, talk to your PCP or take legal help against the insurance company. And check in your local area to see if they are programs that can help individuals like yourself....I wish I could do more and help but I am such a POOR college student.....Ii hope all works out and take care of yourself and kids.....god bless you Finda
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