humidity with airpressure

Denise H.
on 6/18/05 12:18 am - Parma, OH
Hi everyone: I was wondering did anyones Dr. order humidity with their air flow. I am having such a hard time with the humidity. When I go to sleep at nite with the mask on I feel really confident that I will leave the mask on all nite but son of a gun when I wake up it is off again. I am so frustrated with this. I think everyday that tonite will be different I will leave it on and not bother it. LOL that is a real laugh. Right now I am on the nutritionalist five month once a month visit, Iam recording everything I eat and have not got to the walking 20 minutes in the pool yet. But if all goes well I will have my surgery in Jan 2006. Iam 48 yrs old now so hopefully I will be nifty at fifty. But for now it is the battle with this mask. PS- I don't think the humidity is as important as the airflow. Can anyone give me any hints on how to tolerate my elephant mask... that is what it looks like to me. Thanks Denise Heisler
on 7/3/05 9:22 am - MidMO, MO
you dont have to use the humidity if you dont like it. it is a personal preference thing really. the dr orders it because the cpap dries you out and leaves your sunus membranes dry/cracked suseptible to infection. Some people only use the humidifier in the winter when the air is more dry. if water condenses in the mask turn the heat down [if you have a heated humidifier] if the heat of the water is warmer than the room temp it may condense in the mask.
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