After a day of not enough water I'm back

Nov 25, 2016

The day before thanksgiving I had very little water, no where near the amount I should have had. I woke up Thanksgiving day up one pound. Thanksgiving I got back on track and was drinking my water and eating right and I woke up today .... two pounds lighter. I'm officially ten pounds down from my heighest weight. I'm 212 today. Yay me. I'm so happy. And I did excellent yesterday with what I ate. I had ham and green bean cassarole and sugar free jello. I rocked it. Today I go back to two shakes one meal for a week.  I'm so excited to be back on track. I'm so glad ot be losing weight. I'm so glad to have hope again.

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The cravings are back.... evil

Nov 23, 2016

I didn't get enough water today and with that came major hunger and cravings. I need to get some water into my system before I eat anything because I feel like I could just pig out. I have about 400 calories more that I can eat today but I don't want to start eating until I get some water in me or I could be searching for something bad. I don't think we have anything bad here to eat but you all know if there's a will there's a way. So I'm trying to cut my will out of the way lol. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have a plan. I will be eating turkey, ham, and 1/4 cup of green bean casserole without the fried onions on top. No dessert. I planned on making banana nut bread with almond flour so it was high protein low carb but the stores were crazy and I didn't want to venture in there. I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it. This is the hardest day since I started this way of eating. The cravings are sooooo bad. I know it's from lack of water because I'm starving too and I know with my sleeve still in tact that I shouldn't be hungry. SO it's false hunger pains from lack of water. 


I couldn't be happier

Nov 22, 2016

It's almost like I just had the surgery. I lost two more pounds.... SInce yesterday!!! I'm so excited. I'm down one pound since I started this account and gained all that weight. I'm down 8 lbs in less than a week. I'm so stinking excited. Still no cravings and still no trouble sticking to it. I'm hoping that by Christmas I will be down another 8 lbs. Maybe I'll be able to fit into my clothes if I get down the 8 more pounds. :D I've been exercising too. Only doing squats with a kettle bell but today I get to start working out on my punching bag. I'm excited for that. I had my husband hang it last night in our basement. He's excited about having it too. 


Down Six Pounds

Nov 21, 2016

Today is day six of my back on track program. Less than 36 grams of carbs a day and protein of higher than 75 grams a day. In just six days I've lost six pounds. It's good to be back on track. I'm not having any cravings or discomfort. I am just doing me and feeling proud of myself once again. First time in years I've been Proud of my weight loss and my tracking. I'm down to 216 from 222. I have to admit that feels pretty good. Wednesday will be my last day doing two shakes a day and one protein packed meal then back to eating three meals a day or 1200 calories of protein first and low carb veggies next. I found that I love raw broccoli with hummus. Yum. I'm also addicted to cheese. Thanksgiving I may still do two shakes and one meal just so I don't fall into old habbits when I'm at my In-Laws house. There will be plenty of temptation there but also plenty of healthy options. His mom is on atkins so she will have plenty of protein in the house. :D We are making ham so I will most likely just eat ham and cheese. With the left overs I'm making ham and cabbage. Usually I make it with potatoes too but not this year. I'm ready and willing to keep this going. I can do it I know I can. It feels amazing to have lost six pounds so quickly. I'm scared to change my weights on and on here because I'm scared it's a trick of the scale or something Lol. I know I'm being ridiculous but I don't want to jinx my loss.  

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Talked to a Dietician

Nov 20, 2016

She told me to substitute two meals a day with protein suplement and have one meal of a cup half of protein and half low carb veggies or fruit. She said to do it for a week then stick to low carb diet after the week. I have been doing it for three days and have lost 4 lbs. :D It's working, something is finally working. I may not need a second surgery after all. We will see. But I will be cutting it a day short because of Thanksgiving. But I'm prepared for THanksgiving eating. We have turkey and ham Everything else can basically bite me Haha. I don't need anything besides my protein. For the non protein portion of my meal I've been eating raw veggies with hummus. SO good. I do not feel cheated and I do not have any cravings so far. It's going to be difficult to be at my in-laws house for the holiday and not eat all the junk she cooks but I'm doing good and very proud of myself. Today I'm eating Cheese and Lobster tail for dinner and having my two shakes for breakfast and dinner. I get hungry the most in the afternoon so I am eating my meal late after noon then doing a shake at night. 

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Ok I did some shopping and I'm ready to go at it again

Nov 17, 2016

Breakfast: 6 oz unsweetened almond milk 

               1 Scoop Pure Protein Powder

               2 tbs sugar free creamer (hazelnut)

Lunch: 6 oz unsweetened almond milk

           1 Scoop Pure Protein Powder

           7 cubes of cheddar cheese

           1/4 banana

           1/4 cup raw almonds 

Dinner: 4 oz Steak

Snack: 1/4 cup raw almonds

This comes up to 1,118 calories, 95 grams protein, and 35 grams of carbs

This is almost Identical to what I ate yesterday as well. All of the junk food is out of my house ( carb ridden foods ) and I am working on drinking more water by waking up and drinking two cups of water before I do anything else and drinking water between my two cups of coffee. I'm not sure if I'm going to need the surgery once I get into the swing of doing things this way again but I'm going to continue to go through the process. I still have three months and 21lbs to lose before I can have surgery any way so I'm hoping my new eating plan will be well engrained in me by then. Either way I should be prepared for surgery. I bought a medicine ball and two kettlebells one for me one for my husband yesterday and they should be here within a week. We are going to start exercising together. I'm also adding the squat challenge. Starts with 25 squats first day and goes up by 5 every day except on the fourth day you take a break then jump 10 on the following day. You are supposed to do it for 30 days. Oh i can feel my legs trying to give out already LOL. I did my squats for today already. Yay Me!! I have a water bottle that I'm keeping with me to get me on track. It's filled with icewater. Well partially filled, I've been drinking it. :D I had to add weight to my weigh in because since I got here I have gained some weight. I'm up to 220 that's only 9 lbs down from where I started for my first surgery. I know I still have restriction so I'm not sure if this eating plan will bring the weight off or if I will need the second surgery. I guess we will see. 

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Recommended Protein?

Nov 14, 2016

I'm looking for a protein powder that mixes well with hot drinks. Any suggestions? I have pure protein which is wonderful with milk or almond milk but when I try mixing it with hot drinks it clumps terrible. I need something I can mix with my coffee that way I can drink my coffee without the carbs and still get my protein. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Appointment with my PCP

Nov 12, 2016

My family doctor is going to put me on a diet until I can have the surgery. I'm hoping that will get me where I need to be. I see my PCP on Wednesday. This is probably one of only a handful of times I've gone to see him that I look forward to it.

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How do I drop the coffee intake

Nov 05, 2016

I am addicted to coffee and cigarettes. I'm struggling I mean really struggling with cuttting out both for the surgery. Doc says I have to be off cigarettes for a month and the coffee has to be caffeine free with no creamer. I use sooooo much creamer it's unbelievable. Just in what I add to my coffee in the morning I use about 250 calories.  I can keep my carbs down in everything except the stupid coffee. How am I going to quit these two things? I have three months before I'm eligible for surgery so two months before i have to be caffeine and nicotine free. How did you guys do it?


Well I'm doing good with calories and eating healthy

Nov 03, 2016

I have been eating protein first BUT I'm having trouble keeping carbs down below 25. Those little buggers hide in everything. I've lost 4 lbs since the last weigh in here and 8 lbs since my highest weight. I had gained 13 lbs since my original weigh in due to medication usage but I've gotten 8 of those 13 lbs off. YAY ME. SO I have 5 more pounds to lose to be where I started and I have 10 more pounds I have to lose to have the surgery. On the plus side I have to do liquid diet for two weeks before surgery so that will take off a lot of weight.

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