It's not much but it's a start

Sep 27, 2016

Well I do not exercise, I have many issues and pain that make it difficult but I started the squat challenge. It starts off with 25 squats then add 5 squats a day taking a break on day five then repeat. I'm only on day two but I'm hoping I can do it. It's not much but it's something. I want to start walking but emotionally I just can't face the world. I'm bipolar and suffering terribly over the past year or two. My meds don't have me straightened out and I'm having a difficult time leaving the house. I would really like to make reaching my 10,000 steps a day a goal but that requires me to leave the house. That's why I started with the squats. That's something I can do indoors. It kills my knees and i'm not sure how long I will last with the squat challenge but I"m completely sedentary and need to do something. 


My Birthday

Sep 26, 2016

Today is my 41st birthday. I just got home from vacation and today I'm quitting smoking and committing to my new eating habbits. I'm also going to start cutting down on my coffee intake. I'm making a shake for breakfast and lunch and then having a salad from subway for dinner :D I don't eat meat so it will just be a veggie salad. I'll be sure to use a vinegrete for the dressing. I had such a good time on vacation. I walked every day. I was sore and tired each day but i had fun.  We came home two days early because we couldn't handle the beds but it was an amazing trip.

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Vacation here I come

Sep 19, 2016

I leave for my camping trip today (this afternoon) I think I have everything packed. I'm so excited, camping, hiking, and siteseeing. WHAT FUN. I'm taking my bullet and protein. It's already packed and in the car. I just have to bring the almond milk. Side note... IT IS SOOOOO GOOD WITH THE ALMOND MILK. I hope you all have a wonderful week. Talk to you soon.

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Vacation in a week and a half

Sep 10, 2016

I'm going camping in a cabin for a week on the 19th and I'm planning on taking my bullet ( which I love ) So that I can make protein powdered shakes with almond milk. I look forward to all the ways that I can exercise out in the woods. I look forward to long walks in the woods with my husband and our youngest but biggest dog. I have a doctors appointment with the surgeon on Monday morning. I look forward to that as well. I want to see if I've gained or lost any weight. I want to get on track and start the process to get the surgery. I've only had about half this month as vegetarian. I'm hoping it's made a difference in my waist. I will update my weight on Monday after I get home. I have many appointments this week coming up before we go camping. Several are for the workmans comp case. I'm hoping they find a solution to my pain. I don't want to be in pain the whole time I"m on vacation. It's difficult dealing with it day in and day out and because I have pain in my face and jaw that effects what and how I eat. I do not chew my food as well as I should because chewing hurts and I do not eat rough foods that require a lot of chewing like lettuce or celery or carrots. Hopefully I will get some good news this week. WIsh me luck.

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Off topic

Sep 07, 2016

This has nothing to do with my weight loss journey, but I'm starting a new journey in my life. I'm learning to practice Buddhism. I'm going to a Buddhist center today to meditate with the monks and though it doesn't directly affect my weight loss journey it kind of does because when I go to the center I will be eating just once a day and that has inspired my vegetarian meal plans. It's just once a week that I'm eating just one meal a day and the vegetarian stuff I can do the rest of the time without any bad side effects as long as I take my vitamins. I'm also quitting smoking both for the surgery and religious reasons. That starts today as well. I've smoked my last cigarette and am using an app called cesation nation. I love it. it tells you how much time you've saved, how much money you've saved, how many cigarettes you've not smoked, and how much time you've added to your life. It's an awesome app. It is nice to have to look at when I'm struggling with cigarettes. It puts things in perspective. So I have many changes on the horizone. I wish there was a forum for Buddhists. This is a major part of my life that I would like to share on here. And it does effect my weight loss. Idk I'm thinking out loud. 

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I see the doctor in a week or two

Sep 06, 2016

I go back to the surgeons on the 16th. I guess that will be my second weigh in. I hope I've lost some weight. I'm still on my vegetarian diet and doing well with it. I'm not vegan so  I still eat eggs and cheese though I choose to drink almond milk rather than cows milk. I've been getting about 50 grams of protein a day in and my water intake is getting better. I've cut my coffee to one or two cups a day and I drink water the rest of the time. I'm trying desperately to lose weight but I don't know if I've lost anything or not. My scale is broken. My mom's scale said I've lost 4 lbs but I won't know for sure until I get weighed at the doctors office. I'm going camping on the 19th in a cabin until my birthday the 26th. I look forward to it. I need a break from life for awhile. I've been fighting a workmans comp case for the past five months and it has me drained. I hope it's settled soon and to my favor. I'm scared because I was really hurt and still having some major problems. I'm scared they are just going to drop it. I know that has nothing to do with my surgery but it does have plenty to do with my weight. I'm eating emotionally and I hurt my knee so I can't exercise. 

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Potatoes, onions, green peppers, cheddar cheese, and an egg

Sep 03, 2016

That is my lunch for the day. It's an easy meal and It lasts me a meal and snack. I put a little sour cream on it and YUM. the veggies are cooked in olive oil. I found happily to my surprise that my home scale is broken from my husband using it and I haven't gained the 6 lbs I thought I gained. I'm actually down two pounds since becoming vegetarian. I'm so relieved. I can't wait to go see the surgeon again to get weighed from them. I trust their scale. they are meant to withstand large weights adn not get messed up. My scale is only good for up to 300 lbs and my husband is closer to 400. THat throws the scale way off. I can't wait till my husband gets his surgery. His could be within a month or two ... We should find out next appointment. It's the 16th I believe. It's strange looking forward to the doctors to get weighed. I'm actually excited about the process to get me closer to the surgery. I can't wait to have it done. I will be one happy chopped up patient Lol. 



Sep 01, 2016

Well I discovered my protein doesn't mix well with hot items like coffee. I just went out and bought almond milk I'm going to see how it tastes with that. I'm still doing my vegetarian meals. I made vegetarian chili yesterday with squash and zucchini it was so good. I have enough to last me a few days. My family liked it too. Or should I say LOVED it too. So far my vegetarian meals have been a hit with the family who has not chosen to go vegetarian with me. I have two weeks that I've made new meals each day and they have only not liked one meal which happened to be the one meal I didn't like either :D I must be doing something right. I've been using allrecipes to get my meal plans. I still have not checked out the meal plans that have been suggested to me. I will get to it don't worry Lol. I'm bummed that my protein doesnt' mix with my coffee. I really hope it tastes good with the almond milk. I've found that silk has chocolate walnut milk. It's rather good and low calories. It's only 90 calories a cup. :D


Pure Protein

Aug 27, 2016

I got my protein I ordered off of amazon today. I'm going to start using it tomorrow. If nothing else I will start getting the protein I need before surgery. Now if I could just get my iron in too. I'm anemic and low on iron. Going to have to fix that before surgery that's for sure. I'm on iron pills but I still bruise pretty easily. I hope I like this protein powder but I guess it's not really an issue since my taste will change after surgery any way. I figure I got weighed at the surgeons office last month if I continue to weigh in at the surgeons then I will be good to go by January. If I cant' do that I will not be ready till February. Hoping that by valentines day I have my surgery. I'm ready for it now but now is the time I have to prove myself I suppose. The part we all hate. 

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Here I am

Aug 27, 2016

Well I'm having an emotional couple of days. I'm bipolar and it's not been real steady for a long time and the last couple days have been hard. I'm trying to stay positive and stay on top of my dietary needs. It's hard because I'm an emotional eater, but I've been doing good. I have to figure out a way to get off the coffee. I drink so much and I use sugar and creamer in it. A LOT of it. I have cut my sugar down to almost none per cup I traded it for sweetner but the creamer I still use a lot of. I'm averaging a couple hundred calories a day on just my coffee. I also have not been doing so well not smoking. I have to quit and I'm having such a difficult time doing it. Every time I try my depression gets bad and then I start smoking again. How am I going to quit so I can have surgery. The doc said I have to be off cigarettes for 4-8 weeks before he will do the surgery. I need some time to get off the cigarettes. I could try the patch again but I usually just end up taking the patch off and smoking. Ugh. 

