Mar 14, 2007

When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord
shall lift up a standard against him.
                                     Isaiah 59:19
 When the enemy storms in our lives, the Spirit of God is not idle. God
is always on top of every situation. Even if we do not see it, His
response is immediate. God is raising the standard and the enemy is not able tobear up against it. God hears the cries of His children and responds true to His word, character and in His great mercy. There is none of us who deserve the mercy we continually receive, we can't earn it. It is a priceless treasure purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. He cleans us, revives us, refreshes us completely satisfying our souls with the sweet rain of heaven. In the midst of the darkness His love is reflected through each of our lives reminding the world just how great His love is for us all.
Lord, rain down on our hearts refreshing our souls saturating them
with Your sweet Spirit. We thank You for new mercy each and every morning. You truly turn our mourning into new mornings. You sweepaway our fears and anxieties and quench our thirst with Your living water. To You we will sing praises forever, our Savior, our Redeemer, Healer of our souls. Make our lives living testimonies of Your goodness, mercy, and love. You areour hope, and the hope for the world, Amen,Amen,Amen!!!!!!


Wait upon Him and the Weight upon You Becomes Lighter....

Mar 12, 2007

 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
                          Isaiah 40:27–31 
                          Isaiah 40:30–31
As men, and especially as fathers, many of us feel that we are about to break as we forge our way into the new millennium. We are under pressure and stress in every arena. If you are at a breaking point, I can tell you why (but you may not like it): somewhere along the way, you parted from God’s ordained order.
I know it does not sound fair, but the fact is that God made man to be a foundation (and He did not ask for our opinion or approval). That means He created
you to shoulder whatever burden He has ordained in your life.

Examine your life to see if anything you are or are not doing fails to match God’s plan as revealed in His Word. Return once again to that pure,
holy word He first gave you for you life. Examine the Scriptures and do whatever it takes to step back in line with God. As soon as you do, His strength will flood through your life and you will easily carry what used to knock you to your knees. As the Scriptures say, “Those who wait on the Lord / Shall renew their strength.”
Father, I am waiting on You, no matter how heavily life weighs on my soul and my shoulders. I find all my strength in You and in no other. In Jesus’ name, I will renew my strength and mount up with wings like an eagle.AMEN!!! AMEN!!!!


Mar 12, 2007

Hello All,
I sent this song to a good friend of mine and I prayed that It would be a blessing to her, and as I went through some my sent msgs I remembered how prowerful the words are to this song. I have been really going through and I really had to ask God for His help with giving it all to Him. I don't know WHY WHY I just can't do it. Lately I've been feeling like a failure in my LIFE!!! I don't want to fail with my weight loss(as I have so many times), my marriage,and my walk with God. I hear God telling me "MY CHILD THE BATTLE IS NOT YOUR ITS MINE" YOU ARE TOUCHING PEOPLE THROUGH YOUR TEST(MORE THAN I KNOW) SO MY CHILD THE STROM IS ALMOST OVER,KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND EYES ON ME!!! So,my friends please pray for me as ofcourse I will pray for you...

I couldn't seem to fall asleep
There was so much on my mind
Searching for that peace
But the peace I could not find
So then I kneeled down to pray
Praying help me please
But then he said you don’t have to cry
Cause I’ll supply all your needs

As soon as I stop worrying,
Worrying how the story ends
I let go and I let God
Let God have His way

That’s when things start happening
When I stopped looking at back then
I let go and I let God
Let God Have his way

There’s so much going on
Sometimes I can’t find my way
And often times I struggle
Struggle from day to day
I have to realize that it’s not my battle
Not my battle to fight
I have to know if I put it in your hands
Everything will be alright

As soon as I stop worrying,
Worrying how the story ends
I let go and I let God
Let God have His way

That’s when things start happening
When I stopped looking at back then
I let go and I let God Have his way
Let God Have his way

Let go, let God
Let go, and let God
let go, let God
Oh let go and let God
Let go, and let God
My brother let go and let God
My sister you can’t handle it,
Let God
Oh let go and Let God

Let go and Let God
Let go and Let God
Let go and Let God
He’s the only one with the answers just let God
Let go and Let God
He can handle it all, yes He can
Let go and Let God
With tears in your eyes just let God
Let go and Let God
He feels your pain
Let go and Let God
And he know your heart
Let go and Let God
He knows your issues
Let go and Let God
He knows your struggles
Let go and Let God
So let go and Let God


Soon as
As soon as I stop worrying, soon as I stopped worrying
Worrying how the story ends Then and only then can I ,
I let go and I let God I can let go
Let God have His way I can let God, Let him have his way
That’s when, that’s when
That’s when things start happening everything will turn around yes it will
When I stopped looking at back then when I stopped looking at way back then, I can
I let go and I let God I can let go I can let God
Let God Have his way Oh, Soon as

As soon as I stop worrying, Oh~
Oh yeah~ That’s when things start happening
My body was healed and my worries were cast aside as soon as
Soon as I stopped worrying
When I threw up both of my hands and I gave it over to him
That’s when things
That’s when things start happening
When I let go and I let God

RUN BACK........

Mar 08, 2007

For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we
die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the
                                          Romans 14:8
We can get lost in the busyness of our lives. Our priorities easily
become distorted and we begin to linger through each day without true purpose. Darkness settles in while we are not looking. We need to step back towards the light, towards our first love, the first moment when we met Christ. As a matter of fact we need to run back to the light and to the greatest love we have ever known. Jesus wants to be the most important thing in our life. We are His and without Him life is filled with confusion, guilt and doubt. He brings hope, joy, and peace to our souls.Prayer.....................
Open the door of my heart and fill it with the light of Your love.
Allow hope, and peace to settle inside my soul, and Your light to shine
through my life. I am Yours, Amen!!!!!


Mar 08, 2007

GIVING UP ON EVERYTHING!!!!! I just feel broke down!!!!! I"m JUST TIRED!!!!! I know we go through things but It doesn't seem like the STORMS will ever END!!! One dag on thing after another, I just don't know what else to do. I know with all of me that God is good and if I cont. to have Faith in Him ALL things are POSSIBLE but I'm not sure If I can hold on!!!. My faith is being tested...I feel like have to be strong ALL the time but I CAN'T....
To all that reads my profile I'm Sorry so so Sorry to be negative but I'm HUMAN,Please pray that I make it through this.
God Bless,


Mar 07, 2007

They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I
will meditate on your wonderful works, and I will proclaim your great
deeds.They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will
proclaim your great deeds.
                                          Psalm 145: 5-6
 When we come to know Christ, it is evident to others before we even
speak a word. It is more than an experience it is a life change. The way we think and live becomes different not simply because someone has told us that we should, but because our hearts have changed. It is important to share our experience with others. We may feel intimidated about sharing all that Christ has changed within our lives because we are ashamed of our past. Our experiences may be just the hope that another needs in order to see that there is life beyond their present situation.  By sharing God's wonderful work within our own lives, we are proclaiming hope for others.
Lord, I thank You for the wonderful transformation You have made and
are continuing to make in my life. Help me to be equipped and willing to share each experience with others that they may have hope and an assurance that You are willing and able to transform their lives as well. Let the light of Your love, and truth shine in my life today and everyday. Amen!!!!!

           When Satan comes knocking at your door just simply say
                                   "Jesus will you get that for me? "


Mar 04, 2007

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to
prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  
                                     Jeremiah 29:11
There comes a point in each life, when we stop to consider what it's
all about.  What is the purpose and meaning to the time we spend here on earth?
Life as we know it has a beginning and end.  We are born, we die and
all  that is in between is our lives.  God is the beginning and the end and the in-between, most certainly has a purpose and a destiny that is
greater than returning to the dust of the Earth.  Our purpose and destiny are found in Jesus Christ.  Knowing Him places all the in-between events of our lives into their proper perspective.  We are not here by accident, but were specifically created by God our Father, for just this time and to accomplish the destiny He has purposed for us.  Each breath we take is a blessing; the joys and the sorrows all have their place in the larger scheme of things.  It is up to us to choose to embrace His promises and live this life to its fullest, all the while anticipating an even greater eternal future.
God, you are the reason we live, breath, cry and laugh.  You have
created us specifically and individually with a destiny and a purpose. 
Fulfill that purpose in our lives, we desire Your perfect will be
accomplished.We thank you for this life You have given, we are blessed both in the joy and the sorrows of this world.  We anticipate our future, and life everlasting in Your presence.We praise Your wonderful and Holy name! Amen,Amen,Amen,Amen!


Feb 26, 2007

Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be
whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.
                                        Psalm 51:7-9
We all make choices, and unfortunately some of our choices are not
so wise. There is no need for us to try to hide or make excuses, or even half heartily ask God to forgive us. We need to take responsibility for our sin, not only confessing but being truly sorry, our hearts broken with the weight of our sin. Any of us can commit immorality. None of us are immune to it. We must keep our guard up. Our past spiritual victories do not guarantee a clear path ahead. While we cannot change the poor choices made in the past, we can make a choice about today. Without abusing the grace of God, we can know that when we do fail and fall into sin we are not left without hope. At the foot of the cross lies our hope, hope of forgiveness and restoration, hope that creates a tomorrow and an ability to bounce back. Wonderful grace!
 You know when I am guilty of sin Lord, You know my heart, I thank You for Your grace and Your forgiveness, I cannot hide from You, nor will I
try. Restore my heart and give me the strength from Your Spirit to walk in Your truth. I know that You hear and answer my prayers, wash me clean, cover me with Your righteousness and fill my heart once again with peace and joy. THANK YOU JESUS,AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!!!


Feb 23, 2007

For You, Lord, have made me glad through Your work; I will triumph in
the works of Your hands. 
                                              Psalm 92:4
Our prayers are many times petitions, asking God to remove us from
our trouble, or change our circumstance. We feel as though they have
been ignored when we do not see results. We all have problems, some worse than others, but it is how we choose to deal with them that will make all the difference. Its easy to serve God and sing His praises, when our lives are full and His blessings are overshadowing all else. But it is in the midst of trouble, that our lips many times remain silent. We make a choice to praise Him in all things knowing, not just saying, that He is working all things for our good. When our lips are dry and chapped from the harsh desert air, we still praise Him as much as when the sweet rain refreshes our souls. We make a choice to continue to serve and to grow in good times or bad. Gods hands are molding us all uniquely, forming us for His purpose. Each hurdle we jump brings us a little closer to the finish. No,our prayers are never ignored and we can be joyful and praise Him in all things, all the time.
Place your song in our heart today, and fill us with joy overflowing,
we trust that you are working things together perfectly for our good. We
are not fair weather servants; we will serve you always and sing your
praises when facing good times or bad. Thank you for your faithfulness. We love you with all our hearts. Amen!Amen!

           When Satan comes knocking at your door just simply say
                                    "Jesus will you get that for me? "

Feb 22.2007

Feb 22, 2007

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of
witnesses,let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.                 
                                        Hebrews 12: 1-2
 God has called each of us to serve Him. There is most certainly a plan and a purpose for each life. There are many who lack the desire to discover their purpose. They remain content to stand idle, never entering the race but simply enduring each day, seeking only to fulfill temporal desires and gratification of the flesh. We cannot possibly win the race if we never enter the contest. God has begun a good work in us. He finishes what He has started. Our responsibility lies in denying ourselves (an unpopular concept) and submitting ourselves to the work He is doing.
Help me Lord to deny the desires of my flesh and to seek a greater
reward that will never disappear. Help me to run straight to the goal with purpose in every step, and to remain focused on the prize, Amen.

About Me
Suitland, MD
Aug 03, 2006
Member Since

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I wrote this almost a year ago today.........
