I'm ready!

Feb 04, 2008

Feb 4th, 08 - It's two weeks until my scheduled c-section.    I'm hoping Miss Hannah Marie will decide to make an appearance before then though.    My cervix is 50% effaced, but no dilation to speak of.    
I gained 6 pounds last week!    I'm retaining a lot of fluid in my legs and also dehydrated.   My blood pressure was good, so the swelling isn't anything other than an aggravation. I've gained about 25 pounds total.  I'm ready to meet my baby girl!
Here's my most recent belly shot:

37weeks002.jpg picture by amyrebekah

33 days to go!

Jan 15, 2008

January 16, 2008 -  Only 33 more days til I meet my little girl!   If not sooner.   I've been having some contractions and lots pressure.    I was worried so I got checked out yesterday.    I'm not dilated, but the babys head is super low and pressing against my cervix.   That explains the pressure!
My scales this morning say I'm up 16.5 pounds.    I'm happy with that.   I'm hoping to keep my gain between 25-30 pounds, but who knows I may gain 20 pounds in the last month alone.     The ultrasound showed the baby is weighing 5 pounds and 7 ounces.    I'd say she will be at least 8 pounds at birth. 
Here is a picture I got from the ultrasound yesterday.   Also a picture of me taken over the weekend.
34weekultrasoundcrop.jpg picture by amyrebekah

Jan1208002.jpg picture by amyrebekah

Less that 8 weeks to go!

Dec 25, 2007

Dec 26th, 2007 -  I have the date for my c-section.  Feb 18th!   I think that is only 52 days away.    Christmas was wonderful.   I can't imagine how fun it will be next year with a little one.  
We had the 3d/4d ultrasound.   It was awesome.  We got to see her yawning and even licking her hand!    So far the pregnancy is going great.    I've gained around 15 pounds.   My blood pressure is good.    I've been having some braxton hicks contractions....which freak me out a little.     I don't want to go into labor.   If I have to go though another surgery then I don't want to feel any contractions lol!   I see the doctor every two weeks now.
I'm debating on whether to get my band completely unfilled right before my c-section.   I have just the right amount of restriction right now for pregnancy.
I'm just afraid that if I have any swelling from surgery that I may get tight.
I'm going to try to breast feed, so I need to be able to eat nutrionally.
Here are some pics of the 4D ultrasound and also of Christmas.
This is the one of her yawning:
IMAGE_29.jpg picture by amyrebekah
Here is her profile with her hand and foot both:
IMAGE_49.jpg picture by amyrebekah
Here's our yearly Christmas pic taken at my Mom and Dad's:
Christmasday2007016.jpg picture by amyrebekah

November 29th, 2007

Nov 28, 2007

Its the holiday season already!   Time is flying!
I had my 27 week appointment yesterday.  My blood pressure was great 119/79.   I had gained 4 pounds in the past 4 weeks.   The baby is growing right on track and I PASSED my glucose test!  
I have an ultrasound next week.  I just love seeing my baby girl.   I am also paying to have one of the 3d/4d utlrasounds done next weekend.    I'm hoping that will help us decide on a name if we get a good look at her little face.  We've got in narrowed down to Sarah Marie or Rachel Marie.
I'm leaning more towards Sarah....at least today I am lol.
I'll post some more ultrasound pics when I get them.

Let the weight gain begin!

Nov 10, 2007

November 10, 2007  -  I knew eventually I would start gaining weight.    It still isn't easy to watch the number go up!   I try to write my weight down each week in a notebook.  The last time I wrote it down before I was pregnant I weighed 220 (just got back from vacation and up a couple of pounds).   Today my weight is 225.   In reality I know that only gaining 5 pounds @ 26 weeks pregnant is a very low weight gain.  I have never gained weight before without gaining everything I've ever lost back.   The one big difference is that I have a band to help me now.   By my doctors office I have gained 13 pounds.  I have lost down to 212 by the time I went for my 8 week appointment.  When I went a couple of weeks ago I weighed in at 225.   I had gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks.    I told my doc (I just love her) that I was freaked out about gaining that much in 3 weeks.  She told me that if I hadn't gained that much she would have been giving me a lecture.  She talked about how important it was for the baby to get enough fatty acids and other reasons why I needed to gain weight.    I have since slacked of on the nightly strawberry milkshakes.   I still crave them, but I will have some fat free milk with strawberry syrup mixed in.    I have my glucose test after thanksgiving.   I'm really worried about that.   I love sweets so much that I will have such a hard time giving them up.  I know for the health of my baby girl I can do it though.
We have narrowed our list of names down to about 10.    Hopefully we will have it narrowed down to one by the time she is born.
I should have the nursery finished this weekend.   My baby shower is next weekend, so things are coming right along.   My whole family is so excited to have something to look forward to after the holiday season.
Here a picture of me at 23 weeks pregnant.
Amy23weeks.jpg picture by amyrebekah

It's a girl!

Oct 03, 2007

Oct 3rd, 2007 -  We are having a baby girl!   I'm so excited.
Everything looked great.   I see the doctor Monday and will update more then.
Here is a 16 week belly bump shot.
16weekspregnant.jpg picture by amyrebekah

I made it out of the first trimester!!!!

Aug 24, 2007

August 24th, 2007 -   YES!   I made it out of the first trimester.   I know things sometimes still go wrong past this point, but I do feel alot less anxious now.
We've had 3 ultrasounds already.  The last one at 12 weeks.  My doc done it in 3D.  It was so awesome to see our baby.   I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or girl.  I have a feeling it will be a boy, but honestly I will be thrilled with either one.  I just want to find out now!!!!   We can find out between 18-20 weeks.  Hopefully my doc will do the ultrasound at 20 weeks.  That will be the Sept 24th.   
I'm hoping the morning sickness is over.  It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still isn't much fun.   I haven't gained any weight.
In May before I got pregnant I had recorded my weight as 220.   I am weighing around 212 now.   I'm sure I will start gaining soon.   I'm trying really hard not to have the I'm eating for 2 attitude.  It only takes an extra 300 calories a day while your pregnant.  I'm sure I ate at least 500 too much a day before I got pregnant.  
We haven't picked out names yet.   I think when we do we may keep it a surprise!  I just don't want family and friends saying they hate the name and telling us stories of why.
I really don't think I have it in me to keep it a secret though!
Most people are just now telling they are pregnant.  I would have exploded by now!
Here are some pictures of our bean!
This is around 8 weeks
scan2.jpg picture by amyrebekah
This one was taken at 12 weeks.
us1.jpg picture by amyrebekah

Happy 4th of July

Jul 03, 2007

July 3rd, 07 -   Things are going great!   I had my first ultrasound last week.  It was to early too see the baby, but the yolk sac was there like it should be.   I have another one next week.   I can't wait to see the baby's heartbeat. 
I did get put on progesterone for the rest of the first trimester.  Hopefully that will keep my levels where they need to be.   I've been feeling pretty good.
I've had a little morning sickness, but nothing terrible.   I am just more tired than I've ever been.   It is all worth it though!
I had my 10 year high school reunion.   Not many people showed up, but it was good to see the ones that were there.
Here's a pic.  I just love this dress! July4thweekend07005.jpg picture by amyrebekah

I'm gonna be a Mommy!!!!

Jun 18, 2007

June 18th, 2007 -  I just found out yesterday on Fathers day that I am pregnant!  I am so excited.  Hubby is so thrilled.  I gave him the pregnancy test in a Fathers day card.  I thought he was going to jump thru the roof!
I think I am just a couple of weeks.  I had blood work drawn today and should get the results tomorrow.     It only took us three months of trying!

My first unfill

Jun 08, 2007

June 8th -2007    I had my first unfil yesterday.   I wasn't too tight everyday, but I was afraid of damaging my beloved band on the days I was too tight.
I had .2ccs taken out and feel much better already.    I gained half a pound!!!!
I had the soft calorie sydrome.  It was much easier to eat things like mashed potatoes instead of protein.   Its a wonder I didn't gain more than that!
I still haven't figured out how to solve my phobia of exercise.   I went to a support group last night and the topic was exercise is not a dirty word.
It was infomative....and hopefully motivating enough to inspire me to work out.   This is our 3rd cyle trying to get pregnant.   I should know in a couple of weeks if the third time was a charm.   If I don't get pregnant this month I am going to take a 5 week break so I can get injections in my knees.  It is called supartz and is made from chickens!   I am really to try anything (except surgery that they are pushing for)!
My 10 year high school reunion is in a few weeks.  I dread it and I am looking forward to it at the same time.   I hope all the skinny cheerleaders are fat now lol!
Here is pic of us at a Cinncinnati reds game.
Cincinnati035.jpg picture by amyrebekah

About Me
Jacksboro, TN
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2005
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