Cancun is Awesome!!!

Apr 23, 2007

April 23 2007 -   I miss Cancun already.  I loved that place.  The ocean is so beautiful.  You can be in chest deep water and still see your toes!
We stayed at an all inclusive resort.   I knew I had gained about 10 pounds.   I weighed this morning and I am only up 3 pounds from what I weighed the day I left.  Plus I am on my period.   Obviously we didn't make a baby our first month of trying, but it sure was fun!
I thought my last fill was going to be too tight because of the throat tightening I was having.   I stayed on soft foods for an extra week and it calmed things down.  So far so good. 
I actually like this picture of me....and that doesn't happen often.

Cancun035.jpg picture by amyrebekah
Snorkeling was awesome!

tomandamysnorkeling.jpg picture by amyrebekah
Having a bad hair day on the beach!
Cancun045.jpg picture by amyrebekah

Fill #6

Mar 29, 2007

March 29th - I got my 6th fill yesterday.   I think most people have that many fill the first year of being banding.
Now that I have a surgeon that can find my port, I am getting my fills more often.  This is my third fill since Dec.   I love the fact that I only pay 150 instead of 600.  That helps me be able to afford to maintain my band like it needs to be.   I weighed 214.5 on the docs scales.   I started out at 270 on another docs scales.  I am assuming they are both accurate.   So that puts me at a grand total of 55.5 pounds.
I feel like I should be at goal right now given how long I have had my band.   Then I realize that I have spent most of the time without proper restriction.   Not to mention the fact that I have not excersised like I should.    I have hopped back on the exercise wagon though!  I have worked out everyday this week!   I really like the way I feel during exercise, its almost like a high.   I just don't understand why I struggle so much to get started.    I really want to to get as fit as I can before getting pregnant.   I plan on continuing to exercise while pregnant too.
Only 16 more days til Cancun!  Ready or not here we come!!!!!!

Another surgery

Mar 05, 2007

March 5th 2007 - I was hoping to make it a whole year without having surgery.   I barely made it 3 months.    I had surgery on my BUTT on Valentines day.   Over two years ago I had a peri-rectal abcess (which was as fun as it sounds).   I ended up in the ER to have it drained.
It came back and I had another surgery.  With the second surgery they had to cut me inside and out.  From where they took too much of my rectal lining out it caused some gross side effects.    I was referred to a specialist who kept saying it should heal up on its on.
I went to see him Feb 13th and he told me it wasn't going to heal up and he wouldn't even guarentee that surgery would fix it 100%.
I decided to go ahead and have surgery...give it one last shot.
I hate dreading surgery almost worse than the surgery itself so I took the first available date, which was the very next day.
I was in the hospital for 2 nights and had a pretty rough recovery.
I ended up with sticthes like I had given birth and of course stitches inside my butt too.   Lets just say bowel movements have not been my friend!    It has been almost 3 weeks since surgery and each day I am feeling better.   I hope this solves all the problems I was having, because I don't think I can go through this again.
For some good news........Me and Tom are going to start trying to make a baby in April.   I had my IUD taken out 3 weeks ago and my OB-GYN wants me to wait for 2 months.   So we will be able to try while we are in Mexico on vacation.    I am scared to death, but so excited too!

Another fill

Feb 10, 2007

Feb 11, 2007 -   I got another fill Thursday.   The doc didn't tell me how much he put in, but I don't care as long as I have better restriction.
From what I can tell so far I have really good restriction.   Hope it stays that way and its not just swelling from the fill.   Well I didn't make it to V-day without eating sweets.   I did make it a few days into Feb.    I also didn't make my challenge of no peanut butter.   I just love it too much to give up.  I am still proud of myself for making it 31 days without sweets.
I really want to get as much weight off as I can in the next couple of months.  Me and hubby are going to start trying for a baby in April.
I want to be as healthy as I can before we try.   I'm already taking my prenatal vitamins.   I read somewhere that the longer you take the vitamins the less morning sickness you will have.   I'm not for sure if that is true, but it is worth trying!

I did it!!!

Feb 01, 2007

I am so proud of myself.   I don't think I have ever stuck to anything for 31 days.   I am going to continue on as long as I can without eating sweets.   With the exception of Valentines day.   I will eat a heart shaped reese cup.   I love those things.   I really think I am addicted to peanut butter.   I am going to try to stay away from peanut butter this month (well obviously not on V-day).    Maybe by the end of the year I will be detoxed from all my trouble foods.    I am still struggling with exercise.   I just can't get motivated!   I done really good for the first to weeks in January, but then I starting slacking off.   Maybe I just need to suck it up and get a personal trainer (thats what credit cards are for lol).

23 days without chocolate!!!!

Jan 23, 2007

January 23, 07 - I have made it 23 days without chocolate, cookies, or candy!   I am so proud of myself.   My challenge was to make it 31 days.  I believe I am going to try to make it until Valentines day without eating anything sweet.     I am trying not to get discouraged about not losing more weight.   I started out at 221.5.   Saturday I weighed in at 219.   I really thought I would lose more by cutting out sweets.   I guess I have still been eating too much.   I do great at breakfast and lunch.  My band just opens up so much during the evening I can't seem to get full.   I need to schedule another fill.   I just don't want to have to drink my first two meals of the day.   I was doing great with the exercise, but I have slacked off this week.  I wish I could afford a personal trainer.
It would probably help if I would go to the gym that I have a membership at.     That will be my next challenge, to learn how to love exercise.

Happy New Year

Jan 01, 2007

January 1, 2007 - Time for a fresh start!    I just realized that I lost 14 pounds during the whole year.   I guess I just don't have my head screwed on right.    Don't get me wrong I am so thankful to have this band.   Otherwise I would have gained weight.    I just have not made losing weight a priority at all.   

I truly believe a lot of my problem comes with the shift that I work.   I haven't been able to get into any routine.   I am going to try harder to figure out a eating and exercise plan that will work my schedule.

I have joined a challenge on the lap-band message board (actually I have joined two).  The first one I joined was Alyssa's Valentines day challenge.    I said I wanted to be under 200 pounds by then.   On my home scales this morning I weighed 221.5.   My weight has been varying alot.   Two days ago I weighed 218.   I am sure it is water weight.   I normally don't weigh myself that often, but I needed to get my weight for the beginning of the year.     I will have a hard time getting under 200 in 6 weeks, but I am going to give it my best.

The second challenge came from Jason.   This challenge is not to have any sugar for 30 days.
So far so good lol.   Yes I know it is only the first day!   I went over to my parents house and didn't eat anything sweet. 
My dad had made TEN pounds of fudge.    Have I mentioned I love his fudge.    He even put the whole container under my nose when he offered me a piece.
I am so proud of myself.    It really helped that I had just been working out and was still sweaty and hot.   
When I said no, Dad said Oh, come on and eat it, you can go work it off later.    My parents really mean well.   Neither of them have been obese so they really don't understand how hard it is.  They both need to lose about 20 pounds each.  My mom was not happy at all about the fudge.  She said she put half in the freezer.   I would rather her put all of it in the garbage, but it isn't my house!
My husband is very supportive so at least I don't have to worry about him coming home with my favorite goodies.
My ten year high school reunion is this summer.  
I was fat all during school.   I really want to knock some socks off and make them eat their hearts out.   Is it mean that I want all the cheerleaders to be fat?
Here is a picture from Christmas.
christmascrop1.jpg picture by amyrebekah

December 9th, 2006

Dec 09, 2006

December 9th, 2006 -   I had my first appointment with the new surgeon.    I also got a fill.    When he got into my port the first try  I wanted to jump off the table and give him a big bear hug!   I'm not bruised or sore!   That is how a fill should be!    He did say my port was at an angle.    Luckily he didn't have any trouble.   He had me raise my head like I was doing a crunch.   He said that makes it easier to access.   He couldn't give me much of a fill.   I had right at 2cc.   He said I was pretty much wide open with that, but when he gave me much more it shut my band completley.   So I ended up with a .1cc fill.
I really don't care how much saline I have, I just want some restriction.
I am still doing liquids.   I can start having soft food tomorrow.   This should get my weight loss jump started again.   On his scales I weighed 216.5.   That is up 3 pounds from my lowest.   I don't like gaining, but I am not too stressed.   It could just be the difference in scales.   Either way, that number will go down!

November 24, 2006

Nov 25, 2006

November 24, 2006 - I have an appointment Dec 7th with my new band surgeon.   I switched from Dr. Boyce to Dr. Colquit.    My advice to anyone thinking about getting banded is to make sure your surgeon has a good aftercare program for the band.   My  "old" surgeon does mainly gastric bypass.  The Dr. I am switching to has done about  5 times as many bands as Dr. Boyce and his fills are cheaper too.

I go back to work Monday.  I'm not looking forward to it.   Wonder if there any other organ that I don't need.   If so I may have it taken out too! lol 
I am up about 3 or 4 pounds, but I'm not too stressed about it 
I did have surgery.   I have been out of my normal routine for three weeks, plus Thanksgiving dinner(s).  

I should be able to get a fill at my first appointment with the new surgeon.   I am excited.    I am ready to be able to work the band the way it should be worked!
Heres a pamyandeli.jpg picture by amyrebekahicture of me and my nephew Eli.  Isn't he the cutest thing ever!

November 13th, 2006

Nov 13, 2006

November 13th, 2006 -  It's been six days since I had my gallbladder surgery.   I feel great.   I've not had many surgeries and I thought I would hurt like I did when I got banded.   Lap-band surgery was a lot harder than gallbladder for me.   What got me with the band was how sore I was at my port.   My stomach muscle was just not happy with me for weeks!     So far I've not had any "dumping" from my missing gallbladder.   Hopefully it will stay that way.

About Me
Jacksboro, TN
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2005
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